Heterochromatic Bar (3)

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He stood beside the bar counter, discussing something with the bartender. The male waiter, Xiao-Ai, also approached him. After saying several sentences, the small boy became slightly excited.

The bartender had a slightly helpless look. Soon, he beckoned for Li Yuan in the back, shouting at him.

Li Yuan put down an electric guitar and walked over. After asking the small boy what he wanted, his expression became slightly impatient.

The bar counter was far away, so Gong Sinian couldn’t hear what they were talking about. He could only see the boy’s face become dejected and timid, lowering his head for a while without saying anything.

Gong Sinian stared at him, picked up his phone to zoom in, and quickly snapped a picture of the boy’s side profile. Just as he finished taking a picture, that boy bowed to those several men and pushed the bar’s door open, walking out.

Gong Sinian stood and walked to the bar counter in quick steps, looking at Li Yuan with a frown. “Who is that boy? What did he say?”

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, Li Yuan looked at him with a grin. “Aiya. Are you also jealous of me talking to some idle person?”

Gong Sinian coldly glared at him. “I’m talking about a serious matter. Tell me quickly, don’t just continue to speak nonsense.”

Li Yuan raised his hands in a surrender gesture. “Okay, I’ll say it. I really don’t know that kid. He’s here to look for a job, saying his mom is sick and he doesn’t want to study anymore. He said he can dance, asking if there’s a vacant post here.”

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Gong Sinian’s brows tightened even more. “How did you answer him?”

The bartender at the side interrupted him. “Li-ge asked him what dance he could do. He said he could do folk dance and a little of the popular street dance. Aiya. He made us laugh. People only want to see pole dancing and belly dancing here. Who will come here to watch some folk dance?”

Li Yuan waved his hand. “This is secondary. The main thing is that he isn’t even fucking eighteen years old yet! Of course, I refused him. The kids these days are even more rebellious than me at that time.”

“And how good were you? Didn’t you form your band when you were ten years old? Did you study well?” Gong Sinian criticized him with a scowl.

Li Yuan reached out and put his arm around his shoulders, puffing a mouthful of smoke from his nose arrogantly. “It’s not the same. My nature was born to be in a band. I was only wasting my time studying.”

Gong Sinian didn’t mock him back like usual. After a period of silence, he suddenly said, “Did the kid leave a phone number?”

The bartender replied from the side. “No. Li-ge drove him away immediately. He even lectured him, asking him whether he knew what this place was.”

Gong Sinian was startled. “What did he say?”

This was a proper gay bar and everyone around this circle knew of it. The rainbow sign on the door also implicitly specified the orientation. That kid… had accidentally come in here, right?

The bartender shook his head. “That kid said he knew.”

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Gong Sinian’s heart was slightly in a mess and he fiercely glared at Li Yuan. “Don’t you have a brain? What if he continues to go into another store after this?”

Li Yuan widened his eyes. “Hey, can you be a little reasonable? Should I be fucking responsible for every miserable life entering here? He would certainly think well before entering here. He could still find another store if he can’t work in my place. Why should I care about it?”

“Why don’t you care about it? He’s only seventeen years old!”

Xiao-Ai coldly twitched his mouth at the side. “What’s wrong with being seventeen years old? Lao-Niang has been pole-dancing since he was sixteen years old to make money.”

Gong Sinian turned his head to look at him. “I’m talking about a proper matter with Li Yuan. Don’t interrupt us.”

Xiao-Ai’s face turned red. When he saw that Li Yuan didn’t intend to help him, he stomped his feet and ran away shamefully and angrily.

Gong Sinian turned his head back and looked at Li Yuan. “I’m telling you. Don’t be such an asshole next time. You’re not allowed to drive people away, understand?”

Li Yuan became anxious. “If I care about other people’s lives, won’t you take your scalpel to cut my little yuan?”

The bartender and several waiters on the side burst into laughter. “Fuck. What is a little yuan? Is it really small? Their hearts will be broken to pieces if your sister and brother fans hear this.”

Li Yuan slapped him. “It can be big or small. It will be very big when excited!”

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Gong Sinian ignored their dirty talks and turned around, walking to a corner. After muttering to himself for a good while, he began to look for a WeChat number.

After looking for a while, his finger stopped in the “student” group and pressed on Qin Yuan’s profile picture.


In the student council activity room on the third floor of the sports and cultural building, Ruan Qingmu wanly slumped on the table under the half-lit room and held his phone up in front of his eyes, scrolling it to reply, “Fine. I’ll forgive this Jianghu quack.”

Qin Yuan looked at that post together with him and smiled slightly. “I told you. He’s a good doctor.”

Ruan Qingmu resentfully snorted. “I wouldn’t be accused of cheating if he didn’t randomly look at his phone.”

He was even looking at a pornographic picture!

A small crack was opened in the window to let in the breeze. As the night breeze grew stronger outside, causing the thick curtains to flap slightly, Ruan Qingmu suddenly sneezed.

Qin Yuan silently took off his school uniform jacket and draped it on his body.

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Ruan Qingmu turned his head in shock. “What are you doing?”

Qin Yuan had a thin beige sweater underneath his school uniform. The sleeves were a bit long and enveloped his slender fingers, only revealing a greater part of his bony hands. He indifferently said, “It’s hot.”

Ruan Qingmu looked at his handsome side profile and suddenly stretched his hand, curiously poking him. “You’re lying again. Your face and neck are red.”

Qin Yuan gave him a sideways glance. His white, jade-like face was calm and focused, suddenly reaching out to grab Ruan Qingmu’s restless paw and gently pressing it to his forehead.

“I’m not lying. It’s true,” he softly said, voice hoarse. “If you don’t believe it… you can feel my forehead for yourself.

The temperature dropped quickly on an autumn night. The activity room was empty and felt slightly cold. Ruan Qingmu only felt it was indeed burning hot when he covered Qin Yuan’s wide forehead like this with his cold fingers.

After a long while, Ruan Qingmu suddenly jumped up in surprise. “Y-You… do you have a fever?”


The author has something to say:

Boss Qin: Today is another day, where I have to face the ignorant Ruan Ruan…

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