The Same Group of People (1)

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Qin Yuan stared at him fixedly and his expression seemed slightly complicated at that time.

“I have a fever.” He released Ruan Qingmu’s hand, feeling somewhat helpless. “It’ll be fine after a few minutes. Don’t worry about it.”

Ruan Qingmu looked at him with worry, slightly hesitating. “What kind of disease is this? A fever that only lasts a few minutes?”

Suddenly, Qin Yuan’s WeChat on his phone rang softly, sounding especially clear.

The two returned to their senses instantly and turned to look at the lit screen.

When Qin Yuan glanced at it, he was stunned and hurriedly opened his phone.

School Dr. Gong: “Are you studying right now? I have something to ask you.”

After the two of them finished attending roll call in their night self-study, they secretly snuck out of their classes separately and went here.

Just now, some students had already noticed the newest situation in the forum and immediately told them about it. In a blink of an eye, a message came from Dr. Gong. Was he going to talk about this matter with him?

Qin Yuan hurriedly replied to him, “Dr. Gong, hello. I’m free right now. Whatever you want to say, just say it.”

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Gong Sinian quickly sent a picture to him. “Do you know this person? I thought he looked like a student from our school. I think I remember him, but I’m not too sure.”

Qin Yuan only glanced at it and immediately replied in surprise, “I know him. This is Fang Li from Class 9. Did something happen?”

Gong Sinian answered evasively and asked instead, “How’s this kid doing in school?”

Qin Yuan hesitated. “His grades are mediocre.”

Ruan Qingmu stared at the message on the screen and anxiously looked at Qin Yuan, gesturing a downward signal.

Qin Yuan understood his meaning and carefully added, “But, his grades seemed to have seen quite a decline recently. Dr. Gong, what happened?”

After a while, a question came from over the line. “Does this child have any friends?”

Qin Yuan and Ruan Qingmu met each other’s gazes, solemnly replying, “He has. Ruan Qingmu and I are his friends. Dr. Gong, you can trust us if you have something to say.”

Gong Sinian didn’t say anything and finally replied vaguely after a while, “Fine. I will look for you guys if there’s any need for it. It’s nothing. You can go back to studying.”

Ruan Qingmu stared at the darkening screen, feeling slightly impatient. “Why is this doctor being so vague like this? Making people anxious to death. What does he have to do with Fang Li? What’s wrong with this picture?”

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Qin Yuan frowned. “He must have his own reasons.”

Ruan Qingmu was anxious. “That won’t do. I’ll ask Fang Li where he went off to.”

Qin Yuan reached out to stop him and calmly looked at that picture, a light suddenly flashing in his eyes.

He stretched his hand and clicked to zoom in on the fuzzy neon sign board in the background.

After two or three sharpening plus increasing the contrast, the letters on that picture revealed themselves.

“Rainbow Capital Bar.”

He swiftly searched it up online for a while before opening Baidu Maps. Then, he raised his head and looked at Ruan Qingmu.

Ruan Qingmu looked at him, full of hope. “Have you found his location? Where’s Fang Li now?”

“From the picture’s angle, it was taken opposite this bar. The one opposite it is called ‘Heterochromatic Bar.’”

Ruan Qingmu asked confusedly, “What’s wrong with The Heterochromatic Bar?”

Qin Yuan pursed his lips before softly saying after a long time, “I’ve done a search on it. It’s a… gay bar.”

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Ruan Qingmu was dumbfounded upon hearing it.

A gay bar?

There was a sudden flash of lightning outside and the rain began to fall, hitting the branches of the giant acacia tree outside the window with a gentle “rustling” sound.

The activity room was extremely quiet and the fluorescent light in the room shone on Qin Yuan’s face opposite him, both calm and indifferent at the same time.

Ruan Qingmu’s heart thumped madly. Amidst the silence, he lightly gulped once, an ambiguous sound coming from his throat.

“Ah. I-Is that it?” His gaze drifted and was frenetic like a startled rabbit in the bush. “Fang Li, he… but no matter what, he’s our good friend, right?!”

Qin Yuan gave him a heavy look. “Yes, ah.”

Ruan Qingmu seemed to let out a big sigh as he thought, “It’s good then. It looks like Qin Yuan doesn’t mind!”

After thinking things over, he couldn’t help becoming impatient. “But, what does Dr. Gong mean by sending me this picture?! This is nighttime self-study time. Where is Fang Li?!”

Qin Yuan frowned. “Was he not in the classroom tonight?”

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Ruan Qingmu’s complexion became ugly.

Of course, he knew that Fang Li had frequently been absent from night self-study. Old Jian also looked for him to talk about this matter several times, but Fang Li would always listen silently. He would then turn around and disappear, and nobody could do anything about it.

He had thought Fang Li only secretly went to the dance room to relieve his stress and felt it wasn’t his place to tell him what to do. But he would have never imagined that he had grown enough balls to run out of campus secretly now!

Furthermore, he even went to that kind of place.

Once he thought of that word, his heart would shake. He didn’t know why it was like that and didn’t dare to delve too much into it.

Qin Yuan looked at his restless appearance and suddenly said, “What’s going on with you?”

Ruan Qingmu gaped and was speechless. “Ah? It’s nothing!”

Qin Yuan quietly looked at him and seemed to let out a soft sigh so low that it was inaudible.

He stood up. “Let’s go and return to the dorm. It’s going to be lights out soon.”

The two people packed their school bags and walked out of the door. The rain outside became heavier and they didn’t bring an umbrella, so they dashed outside together, rushing into the rain.

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