I Also Want to Join (2)

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In the girls’ dorm, Tang Tiantian carefully applied a skincare cream to her face. When she unintentionally glanced at her phone, she suddenly cried, “Ah!”

Niu Xiaoqing, who had been in a good relationship with her since junior year and lived in the same dorm room as her, bafflingly asked her, “What happened?”

Tang Tiantian still had a lump of cream on her small face, but she didn’t have the time to smear it, hurryingly extending the phone to her face. “The sports representative and Fang Li have registered for the New Year’s Eve party show!”

Niu Xiaoqing was about to climb the ladder and almost twisted her foot on the small wooden ladder. “What?!”

Another two girls also gradually poked their heads from the bed in shock. “Wah! What show did they register with?”

Tang Tiantian held her phone and excitedly read the message in the class QQ group. “@Class monitor: Fang Li and I will register for the show. A duet dance. The name is still undecided for the time being.”

Not to mention the surprise of these girls, the entire class 9 instantly exploded. It was almost time for lights out and everyone was sneakily browsing their phones for the last few seconds, so this message from Ruan Qingmu was like a deep water torpedo, instantly causing an explosion in the class group.

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“Ahhh? Fuck, is there anything in this world our Ruan-ge can’t do? Society Ruan-ge, can you add singing to the dance?”

“What kind of dance, ah?! Street dance?”

“Braving death to say something. I want to see Ruan-ge do pole dancing…”

“Together with Fang Li? So amazing. I want to see…”

In the dorm’s staircase, Ruan Qingmu waved at Fang Li and followed him upstairs before turning around and secretly slipping into 106’s door.

Qin Yuan stood at his desk. From the moment he looked back, his gaze carried an enormous oddity.

Ruan Qingmu rubbed his nose. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

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Qin Yuan pointed his finger at the phone on the desk using his chin. “Why don’t you explain this?”

Ruan Qingmu walked over and looked at the bustling grade group chat. “Ah, it’s already spreading to here?”

Qin Yuan’s face was indifferent. “Yes, ah. Someone in your class saw it in the big group chat just now. Word is spreading fast and I found out.”

Ruan Qingmu moved a chair and sat beside him, looking at him while propping his cheek. “Tch.”

Qin Yuan waited for a moment before growing impatient. “Aren’t you going to explain? If not, I’m going to sleep then.”

Ruan Qingmu hurriedly pulled him aside, his eyes carrying a smile. “I just decided it, really.”

Qin Yuan quietly looked at him.

“I went to the dance room just now and Fang Li was there alone.” Ruan Qingmu shook his head. “I talked with him for a while but still couldn’t talk any sense into him.”

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Qin Yuan poured a cup of warm water from a small thermos on the desk, silently handing it to Ruan Qingmu.

Ruan Qingmu casually accepted it and took a sip. “I just don’t understand. Weren’t many junior-year boys’ leaders wearing maid skirts during the sports competition? Everyone obviously considered it funny, but why did they reject it so much when it was Fang Li doing it?”

Qin Yuan said calmly, “The more open and relaxed it is, the less everyone takes it as something serious. With Fang Li being secretive like this, the more other people will think that he’s being weird.”

Ruan Qingmu nodded his head. “I’ve wondered if that was the reason. So, I went on a whim and persuaded him to dance at the New Year’s Eve party, wearing beautiful skirts and dancing openly. What’s the big deal?”

Qin Yuan pondered for a moment. “Mm. That should be okay.”

Ruan Qingmu sighed. “But he didn’t dare. After thinking things through, I felt it wouldn’t be good to let him go up onstage and face several thousand people below alone.”

Qin Yuan looked at him, voice indifferent. “So, will you go onstage with him? Also wearing a skirt?”

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This point wasn’t mentioned in the group. He had no idea if it was said out loud now, would it cause a sensation in the whole school?

Ruan Qingmu awkwardly scratched his head. “That’s right, ah. I suddenly had a brain spasm just now and made this decision.”

He said firmly, “Isn’t it just wearing a skirt? I’ll also wear it just this once. If someone says Fang Li is a pervert or something, it’s justifiable for me to hit people. Scolding him means scolding me!”

Qin Yuan indifferently let out an “oh.” There was doubt in his phoenix eyes. “But how many things can you do that I don’t know of? Can you also dance?”

Ruan Qingmu’s delicate forehead finally creased into a line. “I really don’t know how to dance. I plan to learn how to in these next incoming weeks. I will go up the stage and casually paddle around at that time*, serving as a backup dancer for Fang Li. You know it. He dances so well and beautifully!”

*T/N: Paddle (Internet buzzword): refers to the behavior of no effort or contribution in any group activity.

Qin Yuan silently gazed at him. Ruan Qingmu became less confident under his gaze and asked in a whisper, “Why? Do you disapprove of it?”

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