I Also Want to Join (3)

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“In those pictures of Fang Li, there’s a Lolita style, ancient tulle skirt and it seems like a set of maid outfits.” Qin Yuan’s expression was incredibly odd. “So, have you discussed with Fang Li which one you will use if you wear women’s clothes?”

Ruan Qingmu was flabbergasted. “W-What? There’s no such thing. I will put a skirt outside my school uniform at that time. Isn’t that enough to make a point?!”

Qin Yuan’s gaze moved from his eyes to his pink lips, then slowly moved down to his slender neck, finally stopping at the point where Ruan Qingmu’s collarbone was exposed, not saying anything.

Ruan Qingmu’s face slowly reddened and he suddenly jumped up fiercely. “What are you looking at?!”

“Nothing. I’m only thinking –” Qin Yuan’s voice was soft as if he was really pondering. “Which one suits you? Fang Li suits the Lolita style, while you… how about the OL*?”

*T/N:  Office lady style

Ruan Qingmu quickly shouted, “Shut up! Shut up! Qin Yuan, shut up!”

Qin Yuan laughed softly. “Okay, I’ll shut up.”

The dorm became quiet, but the mood became even weirder.  Ruan Qingmu’s face was scarlet and he glared fiercely at Qin Yuan, suddenly shouting violently, “You’re not allowed to think. Thinking is also a crime!”

Qin Yuan: “…”

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A smile slowly appeared in his eyes, which grew brighter and bigger, changing his handsome, cold face with an extremely bright look.

Ruan Qingmu only looked at it for several seconds before he couldn’t take it anymore and grabbed him frantically.

“You’re not allowed to speak and not allowed to think!” He fiercely stretched both hands and suddenly grabbed Qin Yuan’s cheeks, rubbing them with strength. “Also, not allowed to smile!”

Ahhh. It was a foul thing for this person to smile at him like that!

Qin Yuan’s handsome face was deformed by his rubbing, but he didn’t struggle. His phoenix eyes were still full of laughter.

Ruan Qingmu stopped his action and dejectedly grabbed his own head. “Don’t laugh anymore.”

The more he thought about it, the more terrified he became. The braveness he had just felt suddenly turned into soap bubbles. “Fang Li will certainly put on especially delicate makeup. What if he also wants to put on that half-an-hour makeup on me? Won’t I look like a scumbag if I want to back out now?”

Qin Yuan looked at him fixedly, expression solemn. “First of all, you can’t back out. Secondly, I hear half an hour isn’t enough for that sort of delicate makeup.”

Ruan Qingmu howled in grief. “Qin Yuan, tell me the truth. Am I being foolish? Will I become the biggest laughing stock in the entire Experimental No. 3’s New Year’s Eve party once I walk on stage?”

As he jumped on the spot, Qin Yuan suddenly embraced him gently.

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This hug was so unexpected and unjustified that Ruan Qingmu suddenly froze up.

Qin Yuan didn’t immediately talk and only gently embraced him. After a while, he softly said, “No, you’re not foolish at all. You’re the nicest in regard to how you treat your friends out of all the people I’ve ever met in my life.”

So nice that it made people envious and jealous, but it would also make him feel very proud of this person.

Ruan Qingmu gradually calmed down.

After a while, he also laughed softly. “Mm. A fool is a fool, then. This is the path I chose. I also have to walk to the end even with mountains of daggers and seas of flames*.”

*T/N: Extreme danger.

Qin Yuan’s voice beside his ear was slightly stuffy. “But, will you learn to dance with him for the next few days? Won’t it be too late when you return if you practice after the night self-study?”

Ruan Qingmu said distressingly, “I don’t know, ah. We haven’t discussed it yet.”

Qin Yuan silently stood and gradually released him.

He looked at Ruan Qingmu for a long time under the bright, quiet light before faintly saying a line, “I can also join.”

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Ruan Qingmu widened his eyes in surprise. “…”

Was he hallucinating?

The coolest top student in the sophomore class, the most proper top student in the school, the one who always wore his school uniform correctly and neatly and whose collar and sleeve buttons were always buttoned up tightly – what utter nonsense was he talking about?

Qin Yuan’s white jade-like face was calm, with no signs of struggle or distress. “Isn’t it to support Fang Li? I can also wear women’s clothes and put on girl’s makeup.”

Ruan Qingmu was dumbfounded.

Then, he stared blankly as Qin Yuan picked up his phone and typed out word by word in the whole grade group chat.


With a few minutes to go before the lights turned off, the sophomore students were in bed, chatting, and the few people from Bai Jing’s dorm room were excitedly surrounding Fang Li. “Are you really going to dance with Ruan-ge?

Fang Li’s face was still a little pale, but his eyes were slightly livelier than they were these days. “Mm. We w-want to give it a try…”

Bai Jing slapped his thigh and nodded enthusiastically. “It will explode and overturn the whole audience at that time! Have you decided what dance? Is it a street dance?”

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Fang Li said softly, “Ruan-ge said that it’s up to me. He will accompany me to dance whatever.”

After thinking, he finally clenched his teeth and added, “W-We want to wear women’s clothes.”

The dorm room became silent for a moment and the boys’ mouths dropped open.

They all knew that Fang Li was particularly tight-lipped about it and the class was careful not to mention it in front of him. B-But this time, he was going to take the initiative to dance in front of a large audience? And with Ruan Qingmu to boot?

After a while, one boy finally asked stammeringly. “Ruan-ge will also wear a dress?”

“Mm… but please keep it a secret first.”

The few boys nodded in a flurry and Bai Jing suddenly howled with laughter from the top bunk, rolling around in his little quilt. “Fang Li, promise me one thing. Make Ruan-ge look a bit prettier! Must have fake eyelashes and long hair. Oh right, also high heels!”

Fang Li finally smiled lightly as he watched their nonchalant looks and said embarrassedly, “High heels definitely won’t do. They will break your legs. I can’t even walk in it…”

Amidst the liveliness, one boy suddenly shrieked madly, his voice changing its tone. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Quick, look at the big group chat!”

“Sophomore year, Class 1 – Qin Yuan: “@Class 9, class monitor – Tang Tiantian, @Class 1, literature representative – Liu Lianyi. The school permits the administrative and teaching classes to collaborate this time, right? For Ruan Qingmu and Fang Li’s show, count me in. It can be considered as a joint show from the two classes.”

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