Sharing a Dorm with the Enemy from My Previous Life - Chapter 75.3 - Sleepy Translations

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6-7 minutes 26.03.2022

Let’s Do A Girl Group Dance! (3)

When the lights went out, he suddenly covered his head with the quilt and hid inside, silently rolling around the bed.

It’s done. It seemed like something was wrong.

Breath! Calm down! Think of math and physics! Think of the New Year’s Eve party!

Ahhh. It wouldn’t do. He couldn’t think of the New Year’s Eve party. Once he thought of it, he would think of Qin Yuan wearing women’s clothes. Wouldn’t it be weird to wear everything with his tall stature?

But no matter what he wore, it seemed that… hehe, he would be very cool?


On their lunch break, Bai Jing, Huang Ya, and several others sneakily followed Fang Li and Ruan Qingmu to the cultural and sports building.

They watched as the two people entered the dance room before moving closer while tiptoeing.

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Bai Jing walked to the door and pressed his ear to the door, trying hard to listen. The several boys beside him asked anxiously, “Have they begun? What are Ruan-ge and the others dancing to?”

Bai Jing shook his head in disappointment. “It’s extremely quiet. I can’t hear anything.”

The boys hurriedly moved around to the window at the side and saw a thick curtain hung on the window when they raised their eyes, blocking their view.

“I remember there was no curtain here before and the window was open, right?” Huang Ya scratched his head.

The boy beside him stood on tiptoes and tried to peek inside from the crack in the window, muttering, “Yes, ah. There were no curtains before!”

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded from their backs, “It wasn’t there before. I just obtained the Youth League teacher’s permission to purchase it at the store with my money.”

Several people looked back in a daze. “…”

Hehe. Why did they meet these two killer gods?

Qin Yuan’s expression was cold and Fu Songhua’s eyebrows were straight. The two of them looked unhappy as they stood behind them!

Fu Songhua grabbed them harshly and drove them away. “Go away. Go away. Everything is a secret until the show rehearsal!”

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“Ohhh, we’re only passing by!” Bai Jing and the others fled in defeat, running far away before turning to shout at them from a distance, “Go dance team!”

In the tightly covered dance room, Fu Songhua and Qin Yuan kept their mouths tightly shut and Ruan Qingmu was silent. A few people looked at each other and an odd atmosphere began to spread.

Fang Li stood uncomfortably and said in a soft voice, “That… I just sent several short videos to our little group. You guys can look at them. Mm. The difficulty level is slightly different. Which one do you guys think you’re more confident with?”

Ruan Qingmu reluctantly replied, “I think everything is difficult.”

Looking at Fang Li’s blank face, he hurried to add, “Difficulty isn’t a problem. We can certainly learn it, right, Qin Yuan?”

Qin Yuan stood upright there and earnestly nodded. “It should be possible.”

Ever since entering, Fu Songhua didn’t dare to look at Fang Li, but he suddenly spoke this time, “I-I think these ones aren’t good.”

Ruan Qingmu became furious. “Hey, Fu Songhua. Why are you so annoying? If you don’t want to dance, just leave. Nobody begged you to come.”

Fang Li had painstakingly searched for so long to find these few short ones that he felt would be easier to teach. Fu Songhua denied all with only one sentence. Couldn’t he have a bit of basic EQ?

Fu Songhua didn’t quarrel with him like usual. Instead, he took out his phone and passed a short video to their secret four-person group. “We should dance this.”

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A few people opened their phones in confusion and clicked open the video. As the lively and sweet female voice song played, everyone’s expressions were colorful.

Qin Yuan: “  ( ̄△ ̄;)…”

Ruan Qingmu: “o(≧口≦)o…”

Fang Li was even more shocked that he could barely hold his phone: on the screen, seven or eight sweet and aloof young ladies with long legs and thin waists were moving along with the electronic dance music in a youthful rhythm.

Wasn’t this the female group dance from a recent hit talent variety show??

Fu Songhua’s face turned red, looking as if he was throwing caution to the wind. “We’ve agreed to wear women’s clothes and makeup. Won’t it be weird if we do a street dance at that time?”

He gritted his teeth. “If we’re going to do it, we’ll do it to the end!”

Fang Li looked at him in bewilderment and shook his head repeatedly in panic. “No, no… you guys don’t need to do this. I-It’s okay to dance a normal dance…”

Fu Songhua suddenly raised his head to look at him. “What do you mean by normal? I think this is quite normal.”

At the side, Qin Yuan and Ruan Qingmu looked at each other, seeing the same idea light up in each other’s eyes.

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“I can do it,” Qin Yuan said indifferently.

“I also want to dance this.” Ruan Qingmu solemnly nodded his head. “You will be cut if you shrink your neck and you will also be cut if you stretch your neck*. Since we’re going to dance, let’s go all-out.”

*T/N: Idiom: Whether you do it or not, the consequences will be the same, so why not try it?

He looked at Fu Songhua. “Besides, even a King Kong Barbie doll like you dares to dance. What are we afraid of?”

Fang Li looked at him and Qin Yuan before looking at the determined Fu Songhua, the rims of his eyes slowly turning red.

“If I say I don’t want to, wouldn’t it be particularly unreasonable?” he said softly.

Ruan Qingmu grinned and slapped his shoulder hard. “Right. I’ll kill you if you back out.”

Fu Songhua suddenly rushed up to him and grabbed his hand. “Don’t hit Fang Li!”

Ruan Qingmu: “…”

He turned to look at Qin Yuan. “Can you chain this big husky from your class? I want to hit him, but I’m afraid of hurting someone’s feelings!”

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