Stunning (1)

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Qin Yuan looked at the two people and faintly smiled.

He looked at Fang Li and briefly said, “You can decide it. Then, we will implement your decision.”

Fang Li stood there and reached out to rub his eyes.

When he raised his head again, his eyes were red, but his voice didn’t shake anymore. “Okay. I-I will pick up the dance first before teaching you guys.”

“What do you mean by picking up the dance?” the students humbly asked.

Fang Li said in a low voice, “I’ll learn the whole dance sequence based on watching the video a few times. Without a teacher to break down the moves for you, you can pause the video to learn or repeat it over and over again.”

Fu Songhua scratched his head. “Then, how long will it take you to pick it up? There’s less than a month for us to prepare.”

Fang Li hesitatingly pondered. “Mm… Wait for me. I-I may need to watch it a few times before I learn all the moves.”

He played the video alone and repeated it thrice, nervous until slightly sweating. “I-I’ll give it a try now.”

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The phone was put aside and the external audio speaker emitted soft electronic dance music. The moment the music started. Fang Li stood there and his whole aura changed completely.

Although the movements were not as big as in the video, all the moves were almost precisely the same.

He was passionate, soft, delicate, and lovely, raising and kicking his legs, twisting his waist and swinging his hips.

Fu Songhua dumbly looked at his every movement, not blinking. Ruan Qingmu and Qin Yuan silently looked at him, not saying anything.

Fang Li stepped in perfectly when the music stopped and finished the dance.

Turning his head to look at the dumbfounded boys, his face reddened and he lowered his shoulders in embarrassment.

“Is it very weird? How about I-I try to change some moves…”

Ruan Qingmu was about to say something when Qin Yuan secretly pulled his hand from the side, softly caressing his palm.

Sure enough, Fu Songhua had already shouted in shock, “No, no, you were amazing! Have you seen this dance before or practiced it in advance?”

Fang Li’s face turned redder and he quickly looked at him, softly saying, “No… this is the first time I saw it.”

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“Ah!” Fu Songhua opened his mouth. “How did you do this? It’s impossible!”

Qin Yuan smiled slightly, carrying a soft gentleness. “Everyone has different skills. Fang Li is really amazing in this aspect.”

Ruan Qingmu clenched his teeth. “Fang Li, let’s dance together. You’re in charge of teaching us.”

Qin Yuan added with a slight smile. “Mm. We will learn it as much as possible.”

Fu Songhua was highly excited. “Not as much as possible. We will master it even if we die!”

Ruan Qingmu pondered and added reluctantly, “Fang Li, it’s just that, can you improve some of the moves?”

Fang Li eagerly looked at him. “What?”

Ruan Qingmu looked at Qin Yuan and Fu Songhua and for the first time on a rare occasion, the few people moved closer to the phone.

“Here, can you erase this butt-wiggling?”

“Let’s get rid of this pouting and resting chin on the one hand too…”

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“Actually, let’s also forget about this. It looks slightly like throwing flirtatious glances. It’s beautiful when a girl does it, but it must be very disgusting if you do it.”

Fang Li listened to their endless complaints and suddenly burst out in laughter.

He usually was so scared and timid that he could never bring himself to speak loudly, but when he suddenly laughed, there was a vague shyness glowing with vigor.

“Can we not change it?” His cheeks were red, a faint light flashing in his eyes. “Let’s dance it like this.”


High school work was already hard and boring. The only official events reserved for them were the spring trip, the autumn sports day, and the New Year’s Eve party, so the students took advantage of these days to let loose and have fun.

This year, like all the previous years, the New Year’s Eve party was held in the auditorium on the ground floor of the cultural and sports building, which had been decorated with colorful flowers by volunteers early on, filling the place with joy.

As soon as dinner was over, many eager students already rushed to the auditorium to grab seats.

According to the rules of Experimental No. 3, except for the first row reserved for the school leaders and teachers, only a rough division of the area was arranged according to grade levels from the second row onward. The juniors in the first dozen rows and the area at the back split precisely to the left and right, the sophomores and seniors’ area respectively.

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The specific classes were not designated, so whoever came early could grab a good seat. The party started at 7.30 p.m., and the whole auditorium was almost packed before 7 p.m., with people chatting, sneaking in snacks and taking photos with their phones.

At the back of the stage, senior year’ Li Si, dressed in an elegant white evening gown that outlined her pretty teenage curves. She had worn her delicate and bright stage makeup early on and was nervously working on her speech for the last time with the boy in charge of hosting.

“Is this really the final act?” The boy tugged at his necktie in shock.

Li Si also smiled in amazement. “It should be correct. It was announced just now, saying they don’t want everyone to know in advance.”

The boy only felt it was hard to breathe. “I-Isn’t this the theme song of the recent hit girl group’s talent show?”

Li Si hesitated for a while. “Maybe they’re only using this song and mixing it with boy’s street dance. Won’t it have special collision sparks?”

The boy scratched his head. “That’s right. What senior sister said makes a lot of sense.”

“Quick, quick, it’s beginning soon. The two hosts, prepare to make your entrance!” The president of the literature student council rushed in and nervously said to them, “The lights and microphones are in place!”

After finishing, she turned around and ran to the backstage area. “The first act is junior year Class 3’s choir. Please prepare in advance!”

The student council activity room door was locked tightly on the third floor of the cultural and sports building.

Besides the four big boys, there were two girls inside.

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