Stunning (2)

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The people inside the room were Class 1’s literature representative, Liu Lianyi, and Class 9’s little class monitor, Tang Tiantian.

The two girls stood with two boys sitting in front of them. Liu Lianyi was applying foundation for Qin Yuan while Tang Tiantian was helping Ruan Qingmu draw eyeliner with a thoroughly red face.

On the other side, Fang Li nervously applied eye shadow to Fu Songhua while embarrassedly expressing thanks again. “Thank you so much. I won’t be able to do it by myself. I’m in charge of myself and Fu Songhua and will need at least a few minutes. I will entrust both of them to you guys.”

Liu Lianyi’s delicate palm rested on Qin Yuan’s chin, her face slightly shy and embarrassed. “No problem. No problem. It’s an obvious must for us to help…”

Tang Tiantian nervously held the eyeliner pencil and said softly with a tremble, “I’m not too skilled. Sports representative, you must not move by all means. This eyeliner pencil isn’t so easy to use. Once you move, it will be ruined…”

She would usually put on light makeup during the public holiday or parties and it felt different doing makeup for others. She was so nervous!

Ruan Qingmu’s neck was tense and he couldn’t bear it anymore. “Class monitor, just a casual one. It’s only a formality!”

His eyelids felt so itchy. He must be allergic to the makeup product, wasn’t he?!

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Qin Yuan stretched his face taut and sat on the side, saying to Liu Lianyi simultaneously, “It’ll be fine to draw only a little bit.”

At the side, Fang Li smiled faintly. “Mm. Both of you have good skin. It’s enough to put on a little foundation casually. Later, use fake eyelashes to emphasize the look and a little bit of bright lipstick.”

He nimbly took the eye shadow brush and quickly brushed it over the top of Fu Songhua’s eyelids. “Unlike him, I have to spend so much more time on him.”

Fu Songhua’s face turned red, and he retorted loudly. “What do you mean you have to spend so much more time on me?!”

Fang Li glanced at him and summoned his courage to complain in a soft voice, “Your pores are bigger than others and your eyebrows are thick. You still have the nerve to mention it.”

He was already a pretty man with a pair of amber eyes that were clear and gentle. When he glanced at him unintentionally like this, it looked like anger and resentment.

Fu Songhua was close to him and kept on smelling a faint fragrance. He couldn’t tell if it was Fang Li’s body smell or the scent of those nearby lipsticks. When he met Fang Li’s angry gaze, he was suddenly in a trance for a while.

As Fang Li helped him draw makeup, his gaze fell on his handsome face and suddenly panicked in his heart.

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He lowered his eyesight and covered it up by looking for different eye shadow colors, his movement becoming slower and his gaze becoming more dodging.

Although Fu Songhua’s neck was obedient and didn’t move, his eyeballs kept moving unblinkingly, his gaze burning.

Liu Lianyi accidentally looked at him from the side and suddenly approached him, asking weirdly, “Sports representative, why is your face eating the foundation?! Didn’t I give you a layer? Why did it become redder and redder?”

Qin Yuan sat beside Fu Songhua and slightly glanced sideways when he heard it, faintly looking at him. “Give him several more layers.”

Fu Songhua shouted, “What do you mean several more layers?!”

Ruan Qingmu poked his head from a distance and curled his lips in disdain. “He’s really wasting foundation. His face is big and dark.”

Fu Songhua almost jumped up. “Pah! My skin color is called a healthy wheat color—a true man. Unlike yours, which is smaller and whiter than a woman’s!”

As he said this, he suddenly saw Fang Li’s face at the side and hurriedly panicked: Hey, why did I say that just now?

“Fang Li, don’t overthink. I’m… I’m talking about Ruan Qingmu, not you…”

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It was still okay if he didn’t explain. With him remedying things like this, Fang Li’s face became even more indifferent. He lowered his eyes and reached out to hold Fu Songhua’s face.

“Don’t move. If you continue to move, I’ll draw you to become Heishan’s Old Demon*.” He changed to another small brush and tried it on the back of his hand before brushing it on Fu Songhua’s lower eyelids.

*T/N: 黑山老妖: Heishan’s Old Demon, a character from the movie “A Chinese Ghost Story.”

Fu Songhua embarrassedly let him do as he pleased, only feeling that Fang Li’s fingers were soft and gentle. It felt incomparably comfortable when he pressed it on his face, making him gradually turn quiet.

Fang Li looked at his face and he felt angry and ashamed in his heart. What was wrong with this person?! His face was extremely red and it wouldn’t fade away. Did he really have to apply another layer of foundation?

Ruan Qingmu glanced at him from the side and added a knowing blow. “Is this foundation enough to use? I’m afraid your sports representative needs to use the whole box by himself.”

Qin Yuan indifferently replied. “No problem. We’ve bought a whole set of makeup just now.”

He entrusted Secretary Gao to buy it and his wife excitedly went straight to a big shopping mall. She did not only buy a whole set of makeup but also especially bought a set of 18 shades of popular lipsticks. She also bought a bottle of makeup remover, facial cleansing water, and a famous skincare gift set in passing. When Secretary Gao carried them over, it turned out to be a big bag of makeup that was really helpful right now.

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They wouldn’t use all the makeup products, so they directly sent them to the two girls as a thank-you gift without even opening them. The remaining cosmetics would be handed over to Fang Li, which would be fine.

Fu Songhua was angry and ignored both of them, only asking Fang Li for advice with a bitter face. “Why are you applying it on the lower eyelids?”

Fang Li whispered, “There’s a little shadow here. I need to cover it up first.”

After a while, Fu Songhua’s question was heard again. “Why are you applying a second layer?”

“After the shadow has been covered, we can get an attractive result, deepening the shadow a little.”

Fu Songhua couldn’t bear it anymore and blurted out, “Covering up the shadow, then drawing another shadow! Isn’t this crazy?”

Liu Lianyi and Tang Tiantian smiled with joy. “This shade is different from that shade, fellow straight guy.”

Ruan Qingmu tilted his head and said to Qin Yuan, “Let’s not talk about different shades of eyeshadow. I feel he will have a shadow left in his heart in the future.”

Qin Yuan glanced sideways at him slightly, a hint of a smile appearing on his lips.

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