Blowing Up The Stage (2)

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Experimental No. 3 High School received a lot of donations from entrepreneurs over the past two years, including funds from the Qin Corporation. With no lack of funds, many of the school facilities were renewed quickly and things like innovation and repairs were always done in a timely manner.

The stage in the auditorium couldn’t be compared to a professional one, but it was also equipped with two large LCD screens, one on the left and one on the right, and a new electric curtain, making it look like a small concert venue. There were also the teachers from the Youth League Committee who volunteered to learn some skills and were able to lend a hand with some very simple lighting techniques.

Li Si and the other boy bowed and walked off stage. The big burgundy curtain hung heavily on the floor, tightly hiding the performers from behind it.

Amidst the clamor of shocked discussion, the curtain slowly rose, showing the dark stage.

Four faint shadows stood in the middle of the stage, standing side by side and entirely motionless.

The uproar below slowly stopped and everyone stared fixedly at the stage in curiosity and shock. Fuck, what was this?

Suddenly, two beams of light came down from the sky, shining straight down on the two people on the far side of the stage. In the beams of light, two tall girls with cold expressions slowly raised their heads.

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The teacher in charge of the camera was not a professional, so he hurried to veer the camera toward them fumblingly. At last, the two girls’ faces appeared on the large LCD screen, putting on full display the finest details and their moving beauties.

They were dressed in a short, black, low-cut top, revealing a faintly-seen, strong, thin waist, and a short black skirt that reached just above the knee, with black lace stockings from the same set underneath, not daring to wear high heels but paired their outfit with flat dance shoes.

Both had identical long, curled, lovely, wavy hair.

The one on the left, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, was fit, with a thin waist, but her shoulders were so broad that she didn’t look like a girl at all. Her face was sprinkled with powder, with false eyelashes so dark and dense that they looked like little fans.

The one on the right was beautiful but aloof, with a pair of calm and dark phoenix eyes and flaming red lips, her features like spring mountains.

“Pfff– Cough, cough!” Two girls in front of Gong Sinian held their milk teas and spurted them out simultaneously, choking from the world-shaking view before them.

“Fu Songhua? Is that Fu Songhua? A King Kong Barbie doll, hahaha!”

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“Ahhh, Qin Yuan is too beautiful!! Our Boss is capable!”

Amidst a wave of earth-shattering screams, two other light beams fell again, shining on the two people in the middle.

They wore identical white dresses, with white socks and shoes and long, straight black hair, with slender, straight thighs and slender waists.

The one on the left looked fresh and pure, with a delicate pink cherry lip shaped like a soft water chestnut and amber eyes shining with a faint shyness.

The girl on the right was taller, with a delicate, porcelain-white face, beautiful eyebrows flying upwards, and a pair of peach blossom eyes emphasized by the makeup, looking like a spring flower, attractive and alluring.

It was just that there was no expression and the eyes that looked at the audience seemed to carry a bit of a murderous aura under the camera’s lens.

“Ahhh, Fang Li!”

“Ruan-ge is amazing! Hahaha!”

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The entire school’s students almost went crazy and everyone stood up. The people in the several middle rows even left their seats and squeezed to the front.

The music suddenly exploded, with upbeat electronic dance music blaring from several large stereos simultaneously, and some sweet female voices began to sing a cute song.

The four people onstage stepped to the beat, twisted their bodies in unison, and began to dance the night away with abandon.

There was no coyness and no inhibition. Whether it was Qin Yuan, Fu Songhua, or Ruan Qingmu, all of them were incredibly serious.

Fu Songhua danced stiffly, Qin Yuan danced vigorously, and Ruan Qingmu danced nimbly.

All three were originally good at sports, with excellent physical coordination and memory. After practicing day and night for twenty days, they could remember all the movements perfectly and uniformly.

The only one who looked out of place was Fang Li.

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On the big screen, his face was impossible to hide, and the fear and panic that suddenly appeared in his eyes were obvious.

The auditorium with thousands of people was dark and overwhelming, and below was an endless stream of screaming and buzzing. It was just like the usual noise that he usually heard, trying to swallow him up and the music in his ears was much louder than in the regular rehearsals. His movements were slightly disorganized from the start, not even keeping time with the other few people.

There was a slight commotion below. “What’s going on? Fang Li’s dance is so bad.”

“He probably can’t dance and only makes up the number because he looks good in women’s clothes, right?”

“Aiya. Anyway, it’s fine for me. It’s good to look at the face!”

The more anxious Fang Li became, the more disorganized he became. He almost fell on the stage when his feet faltered. The dazzling lights shone on him and the students below all shrieked in unison.

“Fang Li, hold on!” An extremely soft voice suddenly sounded beside Fang Li’s ear as Ruan Qingmu twisted his twist and twirled, crossing paths with him. “It’s not a big deal. We’re all here!”

Fang Li’s heart thumped wildly. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the same worried look on Fu Songhua’s face, which looked a bit abrupt and comical with so much makeup on, but it made his eyes well up with tears instantly.

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