Blowing Up The Stage (3)

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He took a deep breath and closed his eyes briefly under the bright light.

When he opened them again, there was no more fear and no more cowering in his eyes and his movements were suddenly in rhythm.

Every movement was passionate and unrestrained and every smile was sweet and vibrant.

And every time his gaze met his friends’, it was open and honest, without any cowering and dodging.

Turning over a new leaf like a newborn…

On the big LCD screen, there was a panoramic view at one moment and a close-up of one of the dancers at another.

The teacher of the Youth League Committee below was busy as he was in charge of the camera and the synchronizing of the transmission to the big screen. Being an amateur in the first place, he simply didn’t know who to point the camera at as he listened to the screams from behind.

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With every camera change, the screams from below carried a wave of sound up to the auditorium’s roof.

In the first row, the headmaster and the Dean of the Teaching Department sat in the very middle. Next to them, the class teachers of each class sat in rows, each with colorful expressions on their faces.

The students nowadays were bold and dared to play openly. As teachers, they had also frequently seen the students playing brazenly, but what the hell were the students onstage doing?

The Dean of the Teaching Department looked at the stage in stunned silence and suddenly lamented, “Old Jian, ah. Frankly speaking, I’m not surprised to see your class’ Ruan Qingmu performing like this in front of all of these people.”

Old Jian also watched them with an indescribable expression. “You can’t say it like that… I’m also surprised!”

Although Ruan Qingmu did crazy things all day long, sometimes he scared people and put them on edge and sometimes made people feel pleased. However, he could imagine he hit people and made trouble but would never expect him to go up onstage like this in girls’ clothes!

Fang Li was even more of a surprise. Recently, he had been worrying about Fang Li’s matter until his hair nearly turned all white. He had privately met this child a few times, but it appeared Fang Li still had a lot on his mind and didn’t improve.

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Unexpectedly, he dared to go up the stage tonight and even danced unrestrainedly.

Ah… Such pretty children! Ignoring everything else,  the four boys all looked good. But when they wore such weird clothes, their class Fang Li still looked the prettiest, like a female doll.

The teacher from Class 1, Teacher Huai’s expression was also very weird and slightly uncomfortable.

Old Jian looked at her, feeling slightly awkward for her. “Haha. Teacher Huai, don’t mind it. It’s enough if they’re happy. The kids these days have many ways to play.”

Teacher Huai angrily muttered, “I’m not worried about Qin Yuan. Anyway, no matter how your class Ruan Qingmu leads him, he won’t be led astray. I’m more worried about our class’ sports representative!”

Old Jian asked in confusion, “What’s wrong with him?”

Teacher Huai let out a long sigh, not saying anything.

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Qin Yuan really didn’t need to be worried and he was still doing well on every big and small exam, but Fu Songhua’s recent two small exams had seen a decline. She really itched to grab this child’s ear and asked him what was going on with him.

Not even talking about his declining grades, he was even dancing onstage in girls’ clothes in front of everyone.

On the big LCD, it switched to a close-up of Fu Songhua and the screams below were interspersed with more laughter, foot-stamping and whistling, and the atmosphere was even more heated than when the other dancers were displayed.

Damn. No matter how cold and attractive was Boss Qin, beautiful as a spring flower was Ruan Qingmu, and lovely was Little Fang Li, they weren’t as funny as Fu Songhua!

With such a big stature, his movements on the stage were accurate but stiff, twisting his hip and butt, kicking and stomping his long legs, swirling lovely like a giant wave. It was pretty hilarious!

That was Fu Songhua, the fierce man who flew all over the basketball court, the handsome guy who had girls secretly taking pictures through the glass window at every basketball game!

A girl in front of Gong Sinian covered her face and looked like she wanted to cry and laugh simultaneously. “55555. I’m going to stop being his fan. How can I still vote for him as the school grass in the future…”

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The girl beside her howled with laughter. “I’ve told you since earlier. You should hurry up and vote like me. Look at my favorite top students Qin and Ruan Ruan onstage like this. You’ll never stop being their fans no matter what happens.”

Her friend rolled her eyes at her. “Pah! I don’t want to! I want to fantasize about dating the school grass. Who wants to fantasize about them being gay?!”

“It’s not a fantasy. I’m telling you. I think it’s a real thing. Look at their gazes looking at each other.”

The two girls whispered happily and Gong Sinian listened without batting an eye. When he looked up at the big screen, the several boys’ singing and dancing performances almost ended, and Qin Yuan and Ruan Qingmu jumped into the camera’s focus.

Just as they crossed paths, the camera suddenly focused on them unintentionally.

Both of them had probably danced quite hard and their faces had been cold and expressionless. But in this short moment, when they looked at each other and their eyes met, a brief smile flashed in both their eyes, gentle and vague.

The screams from below suddenly rang out again. Gong Sinian looked at the fleeting close-up and his heart was suddenly moved.

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