Separation (1)

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The south railway station bustled with travelers near Lunar New Year. Uncle Yan followed behind Qin Yuan as the two got on the train.

The train set off quietly and sped off into the distance. Qin Yuan sat silently in his seat, watching the landscape change from the city to the suburbs and the wilderness.

His nominal home was in a more prosperous city at the end of the rail track.

A father he hadn’t seen in three months and a polite but distant stepmother.

And a lovely little sister along with a few-month-old baby.

He retreated his gaze from the window and casually took a picture. The winter sky in the distance far away was blue while the fields nearby were yellow and withered.

There was a lot of activity in the QQ group and on WeChat.

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It was the first day of winter break and no one was in a hurry to catch up on homework, so they were all chatting together. Some were recommending dramas they had just started watching, some were arguing passionately about who should be in the center position on the latest talent show while others were sobbing about getting their asses kicked by their parents over their school report cards.

He didn’t bother to look at any of it and clicked on the avatar of the pink peach blossom branch, sending the photo. “I’m on the train. The scenery is beautiful, but I’m bored.”

Soon, a reply came from that side and the tone seemed slightly proud. “When you return, I’ll tell you something about my dad. I just knew it. He’s very awesome.”

“Say it now. I want to hear it.”

“I can’t. It’s a long story! When you return, I’ll take my time to tell you at your house.”

Qin Yuan looked at those strings of words, his gaze gradually turning softer. “I want to return now. What should I do?”

Ruan Qingmu stared at his phone in frustration.

Ahhh. They had obviously just separated this morning, but why did he suddenly want to see this person again?

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He wanted to ask him about the physics problem he had just failed to do and about the happy things that had happened at home, even wanted to talk to him about the old stories he had just heard, telling him about his dad, who had died before he got the chance to meet him.


Mu Wanli pushed the door open and placed a small plate of chopped apples. “Right, where is your pitiful motherless friend? His father should have returned home on this big holiday, right?”

Ruan Qingmu used a toothpick to pick a piece of apple and bite into it. “Don’t mention it. His stepmother gave birth to a second child in another city, so his dad told him to come to see his little sister. I’m scared that his stepmother will bully him!”

Mu Wanli let out a long sigh. “This child’s life is so bitter, just like you. Or else, why don’t you ask him to come to our house and share a meal with us if he doesn’t have any place to eat after returning?”

Ruan Qingmu was stunned. “Ah? There’s no need, right?”

Qin Yuan had a place to eat ah. He had at least four dishes and one soup for every meal, and he could not finish them all, all right?

Besides, it would be inconvenient for him to come to his home. He had wanted to go to Qin Yuan’s place and thought about going to the gym at Qin Yuan’s house to practice boxing.

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Mu Wanli angrily said, “This kid, why are you so insensible? Didn’t you say you relied on him to help you with your grades? I haven’t thanked him yet. What’s wrong with coming for a meal? It’s even a motherless child!”

As the mother and son chatted, the WeChat in Ruan Qingmu’s hand flashed again.

“I’ve arrived.” The person on the other side sent a new photo of a crowded train platform. “My dad is waiting for me at the exit. I will contact you later in a little while.”

Ruan Qingmu finally felt slightly happier. “Okay. Go quickly!”

His trash father was at least not utterly heartless and still knew to pick up his long-time no seen son, right?

Ruan Qingmu reluctantly turned off his phone. After remorsefully thinking, he suddenly said, “Mom, please make potstickers for him when he comes. After eating the ones I brought last time, he has become greedy.”

Mu Wanli smilingly said, “Tell him to come. I’ll make a whole pan for him!”

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Qin Yuan had just gotten to the underground car park when his dad’s car was already parked at the agreed exit.

The sleek, cross-country Mercedes AMG, which he hadn’t seen in the family garage before, seemed to be his dad’s new ride in Y City.

The materials were high-end, the rear bumper was incredibly thick, and it looked way safer than your average luxury car.

It seemed like the family car had been this since that incident when he was a kid. Qin Yuan didn’t want to think about it, but he involuntarily couldn’t help but think about it.

Qin Zhufeng sat on the back row and eagerly helped his son open the car door. “Here, here. It’s cold outside, right?”

Qin Yuan got in the car. “I’m not cold. The train and rail station are heated and it’s just down the car park after the gate.”

Qin Zhufeng was only in his forties and looked remarkably like Qin Yuan, with an extraordinarily handsome and mature face that especially looked elegant when featured in a financial magazine.

He looked at Qin Yuan as he sat down, hurriedly helped him pull off the safety belt, and personally fastened it for his son. He also took out a jar from an insulated box in the car next to him, eagerly opened the lid, and handed it to Qin Yuan.

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