Separation (2)

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“Fill your stomach a little first. We will have a big meal after returning home.” He eagerly said, “Aunt Wei made this shredded abalone and chicken porridge. Knowing that you were coming, she told the servant to simmer it since early morning. When I brought it here, it had just come out of the pot.”

Qin Yuan took the spoon and slowly scooped a spoonful into his mouth. Looking at his father’s expectant eyes, he nodded. “Mm. I’ve troubled aunty. It’s very delicious.”

The ingredients were excellent and the slow simmering on low heat made the porridge taste very good.

Qin Zhufeng sighed and patted him on the shoulder in relief. “It’s good if it’s delicious. Eat more! You always study so hard and need to keep up with your nutrition.”

Qin Yuan had already sent him his latest final school report card, which was as impressive as ever. As a father, he was hardly ever worried about him.

——Both in his studies and life.

But he seemed to not worry enough, unlike any other father and son.

Old Yan escorted Qin Yuan out of the train and sat in a car behind that came to pick him up. The driver drove silently in the front and the carriage of the father and son became quiet.

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Qin Zhufeng looked at his son’s quiet and calm face and was eager to find something to say. “You get along well with your friends in school this semester, right? I saw that you’ve changed your WeChat profile picture and you’ve also posted many Moments.”

Qin Yuan slowly ate his porridge and his ordinarily cold eyes slightly softened. “Mm. I made a new friend.”

Qin Zhufeng looked at his son’s noticeably brighter eyes and had some vague suspicions in his mind, cautiously probing, “Is it a female student? I saw that picture of the New Year’s Day stage. Which one is her?”

Qin Yuan choked and the spoon in his hand froze.

There were many photos of that day in the school forum, whether blurry or clear, close-up or distant. He saved them all, then selected the one with the gun pose in the final position and posted it in his Moments on the first day of the New Year.

He wanted to leave something behind to preserve the moment of that night forever.

Usually, he rarely posted updates about his life, mostly music posts and he also didn’t have the habit of blocking his parents. When he posted so much, he forgot to block his dad.

After thinking about it, he replied thoughtfully, “Not female students. The few people onstage are boys.”

Qin Zhufeng’s mouth opened wide and then quickly nodded his head repeatedly. “Oh, understood… understood. We also have young male staff playing around like this during the company’s annual party.”

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It was usual for high school students of this age to be crazy and fool around.

Qin Yuan nodded his head. “The one on the far right is me.”

Qin Zhufeng: “…”

It was a long time before he burst out laughing in shock and embarrassment. “Is that so? Hahaha. It really didn’t occur to me.”

He silently took out his phone and found his son’s Moments again, looking at it carefully before it finally dawned on him. “Ohh, this is you. The tall one beside you is also a boy.”

He looked carefully at Ruan Qingmu’s pretty but murderous eyes. “Oh right, this is also a boy. But this–”

He took a closer look at Fang Li. “Is this really not a girl?”

Qin Yuan lowered his eyes indifferently. “A boy.”

So, couldn’t his father recognize his own son?

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He was clearly the one with the lightest makeup out of all the people.

Ruan Qingmu had also told him that he had shown their stage photo to his mother and his mother had screamed in unbelievable shock before he could say anything. “What’s wrong with you?!”


The vehicle drove into a suburban mansion area and went to the front of a detached villa. Behind them, Uncle Yan’s car also arrived and the servants helped carried in the luggage and gifts to the new house.

As soon as they entered, a pretty and gentle woman welcomed them and greeted them politely, “Xiao-Yuan is finally here? You must be tired from your journey. Enter quickly and have a seat.”

She helped Qin Zhufeng remove his coat and straightened his collar with her hands, smiling gently. “Xin Xin just opened her eyes and immediately cried when she didn’t see you. She couldn’t be coaxed just now no matter what.”

Qin Zhufeng smilingly said, “She’s still so young. How can she recognize people? She’s probably hungry.”

Wei Qinglian intimately rolled her eyes at him. “You clearly spoil her and shake her cradle daily. That’s why the child is so clingy to you.”

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Qin Yuan silently stood at the side. Suddenly, a young girl in her teens came down the stairs noisily, with delicate features and wearing a pretty western-style dress. When she saw Qin Yuan, she ran over happily and shyly.

“Yuan gege, you’re here?”

This was the first half-sister of Qin Yuan, called Qin Siquan. She was 7 to 8 years younger than him and currently in primary school.

Qin Yuan smiled gently at her. “Xiao-Quan has grown taller.”

Although they were not from the same mother, he had watched this younger sister being born and growing up, and the little girl adored him. Even though the relationship between the two siblings was not connected by blood and bone, they were still considered close.

The little girl bashfully nodded. “Mm. I’ve grown taller. Gege, look!”

She stood on tiptoes and compared to the height ruler near the door. “Has gege grown taller too?”

Qin Yuan smiled. “I’ve also grown a bit taller.”

He turned around and took a small gift box from Uncle Yan’s hand, handing it to his little sister. “These are the toys I bought for you. See if you like them?”

The outside of the package was partially transparent, so one could directly see the top half of the exquisite doll inside. The little girl blinked and hugged it happily. “Thank you, gege!”

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