Separation (3)

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But Qin Yuan brought over another package. “This is a collection of selected primary school Olympiads’ questions. It’s also for you.”

The little girl’s face immediately fell. “Gege, I don’t want…”

Wei Qinglian took the exercise book without batting an eye and casually placed it on the side. “Girls don’t need to work so hard.”

Qin Zhufeng smilingly asked his daughter. “Xiao-Quan, why don’t you take your gege to see the new little sister?”

The little girl shyly pulled Qin Yuan’s hand. “Yuan gege, I’ll take you to see Xiao-Xin Xin.”

Qin Yuan let her pull him and went upstairs.

The nursery was in a sunlit room on the first floor. The warm winter sun shone into the all-pink room, decorated like a castle and as beautiful as a dream.

A nanny was watching next to the baby and when she saw the two children enter, she hurried to move aside and said softly, “She has just fallen asleep.”

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Qin Yuan and his sister walked over to the baby’s cradle. Sure enough, a little, fair-skin baby was inside.

Wei Qinglian herself was a beautiful woman. Although this baby was still small, one could already see that she had beautiful features and good skin. She probably just had milk and was sleeping with her eyes sweetly closed. Her thin eyelashes were well-defined and her little face was plump and delicate as the first bud of a blooming flower.

Qin Yuan and the little girl stood by the cradle, watching the tiny baby with bated breath.

“She’s grown bigger. She used to be very tiny.” The little girl excitedly gestured. “She was very ugly when she had just been born. Then, she quickly became pretty.”

Qin Yuan gently said, “Mm. The same as when you were little.”

The little girl let out an excited “ah” with a cute expression. “I shouldn’t be that ugly, right?”

Qin Yuan pondered. “All newborns will be wrinkly. Then, they will quickly become pretty. Just like Xiao-Quan, who has become more good-looking now.”

The little girl bashfully blushed and whispered, “Gege is more good-looking.”

Qin Yuan took out a small velvet jewelry pouch from his pocket and opened it, containing a red, real leather necklace with six tiny, exquisite gold bells tied to it.

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After all, it was the first time they met and it was not good for him to come empty-handed as an older brother. He had spent half a day in the gold shop picking out what to buy. Uncle Yan helped him choose this one, saying that the real leather rope and the pure gold material would not be allergic.

He looked at the sleeping baby, hesitated, and reached out to hand it to Xiao-Quan. “This is for the little sister. Wait for her to wake up before helping her put this on, can you?”

The nanny hurriedly chimed in with a smile on the side. “Aiya, so beautiful. Here, here, let me help her put it on.”

Sure enough, her movements were light. She lifted the baby’s head slightly and easily put the small gold bells on her.

The baby was dressed in a simple cotton one-piece outfit in winter and the pure white dress was dotted with dots of gold bells that sparkled beautifully.

The door to the room was pushed open and Qin Zhufeng and his wife walked in together. Wei Qinglian glanced at the nanny’s movements, then at the dazzling gold color, and walked over quickly.

“What is this?” She looked at the nanny, her voice soft but the tone cold. “How do you do things? The things from outside contain germs. How can you casually put it on a child?”

The nanny lowered her head in fear, not daring to argue.

Qin Yuan was slightly stunned on the side. “I’m sorry… I’m the one being careless.”

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Qin Zhufeng frowned. “Xiao-Yuan especially chose the gift for the little sister. It’s not a big problem to put it outside the clothes. It’s a brand-new thing.”

Wei Qinglian didn’t say anything, her eyes slightly red as she reached out to pick up the baby and silently removed the gold collar. “I didn’t mean anything else. The child-raising manual says these foreign things look new and clean but think about how many people had touched them before leaving the factory.”

She then looked at Qin Yuan regretfully. “Thank you for Xiao-Yuan’s intention. I’ll help her to keep it first. I’ll put it on her when the little sister is slightly older.”

Qin Yuan lowered his eyes and indifferently replied, “Mm, you should.”

The dinner was lavish and abundant, with both Chinese and Western dishes. Qin Zhufeng, who had not seen his son for several months, looked very happy and drank a few more glasses of wine during the dinner, appearing to be in a good mood.

The family finished the meal harmoniously and Qin Yuan sat with everyone on the sofa, watching TV for a while before getting up and returning to his room.

The furniture and bedding were all brand new and meticulously laid out. He wondered if the mistress had been meticulous in her instructions or if the maids had been attentive.

He closed the door to his room, took off his clothes, changed into comfortable house clothes, and sat down on the edge of the bed.

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Half an hour later, he lay on his back on the large bed behind him and stared in a daze at the empty and luxurious bedroom.

Suddenly, he grabbed his phone and opened WeChat.

Several WeChat messages from Ruan Qingmu were already there. “Is the little sister fun? Hurry up and send a picture for me to see.”

“What did you eat for dinner? I’ll let you take a look at the dinner my mom made–”

Below were five or six pictures of home-cooked food, looking temptingly colorful and carefully arranged.

After another half hour, probably after dinner, that person sent another message. “My mom told you to come here for a meal when you have the time to thank you for helping me study. Tch. She thought you’re a pitiful child nobody loved, saying she will make potsticker dumplings for you.”

After another few minutes, a sad message finally came. “I will do the homework first then. Message me back when you see it.”

He looked at them in silence several times repeatedly but didn’t reply. Instead, he returned and found another person’s profile picture, sending a message.

“Dr. Gong, is there a problem with the last psychology test you asked me to do?”

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