You Can Wear Mine (1)

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It was unknown what Gong Sinian was doing, but the reply came after a while, “Your mental state has been very good. You’ve been doing well in social interaction and building friendships.”

“But I suddenly feel slightly sad today. I try hard to control it, but it doesn’t seem to work much.”

Gong Sinian contemplated. “It’s normal to have sudden emotional problems in life. You can try to tell someone close to you. You don’t need to bear everything alone and don’t always have to make a self-adjustment.”

Qin Yuan hesitated. “I can’t do it.”

“You’re used to not saying it, so you can’t say it anymore after a long time, right?” Gong Sinian asked.

Qin Yuan was silent for a while before slowly typing a string of words. “It’s not entirely like that. Probably because… I don’t have many people I’m close to, so I can’t bear it.”

Gong Sinian sent a listening emoji. “Can’t bear what?”

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“Can’t bear to let him be sad with me.”

Gong Sinian stared at that “him” word and thoughtfully added, “What makes a relationship close is that it’s not only about sharing happiness but also about carrying each other’s pain. Isn’t that right?”

Qin Yuan quietly looked at it for a while before replying, “Thank you, Dr. Gong. I will give it a try. Oh right, I wish you an early Happy Lunar New Year.”

Gong Sinian replied with a smiling expression. “Happy Lunar New Year to you too.”

… He had just put his phone down when the man behind him wrapped his arms around his strong, lean waist and forced him backward, pressing himself tightly against the hot body behind him.

“Is there anyone like you? Kissing halfway and going to do something else.” Li Yuan’s voice was hoarse and he rubbed his head against his back like a big dog. “Those adolescent brats, do you have to keep caring for them?”

Gong Sinian was tickled and tingled by the hard stubble of his hair on his back and he couldn’t help but grunt softly. “How can I not care? They’re all students. I can see the development of some kids and feel worried for them.”

Li Yuan snorted. “People like us, who didn’t have any of these resources before? The tolerance level nowadays is greater than ours at that time.”

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“Whoever is in need, I will help.” Gong Sinian softly said, “It’s my duty as a doctor.”

Li Yuan didn’t say anything and sadly kissed the back of his neck after a while.

“A-Nian, are you…” He carefully said, “still unable to let go because you couldn’t become a doctor in a big hospital?”

Gong Sinian laughed softly and slightly tilted his head, resting it on Li Yuan’s stomach. “Li Yuan, I quite like a movie called <<A Rogue Doctor>>. You can watch it when you have the time.”

“What is it about?” Li Yuan’s fingers casually rubbed between his hair.

It was dark outside early in the winter and the two had just finished dinner. Since Li Yuan’s band wasn’t scheduled to play tonight, it was rare for them to be together this early in the night.

“It’s an old Hong Kong film from the nineties era.” Gong Sinian slowly said, “It’s about a talented doctor called Liu Wen. He hated the medical system’s corruption and was unwilling to follow the bad example, so he left the big hospital. He opened a small private clinic in the red light district and treated many STD cases for the lou feng*.”

*T/N: Lou feng (Hongkong): women who engage in sex in their own homes or rented flats.

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Li Yuan’s nose seemed a little stuffed, and he muttered above him, “Then… what happened to that Liu Wen later on?”

Gong Sinian lazily said, “There’s no later, ah. The film has finished.”

In the movie, the depressed and handsome protagonist sat under a lamp, cutting herbs with the melodious gramophone music playing in the background, and suddenly burst into tears as he thought about his dead lover.

Whether or not the talented doctor felt any sort of guilt, he didn’t know.

But so what?

Whether it was treating a prostitute in a poor neighborhood, performing delicate brain surgery under the spotlight, or worrying about the mental illnesses of young children in a small school, all of them were treating diseases and saving lives. There was no difference between the superior and the inferior.

Li Yuan sighed softly. “You still have to care about the psychological enlightenment of these little brats after work. Why don’t you care about the person right next to you?”

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He grabbed Gong Sinian’s hand and pressed it at a certain place. “I don’t care. I need enlightenment in this place too.”

Gong Sinian’s fingers were pulled against something hot and his body stiffened.

“A damn enlightenment.” He clenched his teeth and swore in anger. “I’ll block you there if you dare to play hooligan!”

Li Yuan laughed behind his back and suddenly bit him hard on the back. “What will you use to block it? Come. Give me an insight.”

Gong Sinian gasped in shock and felt a faint ache where he had bitten him. “Li Yuan, are you a dog?!”

Li Yuan ignored him and just kept on talking dirty. “Your mouth isn’t big. I’m afraid you won’t be able to block it. It will flow out later…”

Gong Sinian’s body went soft and he pushed forward, cursing, “Shameless. You still have so much after several times a day.”

Li Yuan smiled smugly with an evil look on his handsome face. “Your husband can come seven times a night.”

“Be a little shameless and have some common medical sense.” Gong Sinian laughed in anger. “Seven times a night is an illness that must be treated!”

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