Running To You (3)

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Only after a long time did he whisper, “Dad, if the sisters work hard, will it be fair for them for you to talk like this?”

“I have to accomplish what I promised your mother!” Qin Zhufeng bitterly clenched his fist. “She and I laid the foundation for this family business with joy and sorrow. I have to give them all to her son and won’t give anything to other people.”

Qin Yuan raised his head abruptly and looked at his father blankly. “Dad, I have wanted to ask you something. If I was a girl, would you still choose me at that time?”

Qin Zhufeng looked at him in shock and suddenly stood up furiously, shocked beyond belief. “W-What nonsense are you talking about? Do you think I valued males more and wanted to save a son? That’s why I chose to give up on your mom?”

“Isn’t that so?” Qin Yuan clenched his teeth firmly. The words hidden in his heart for years finally spilt out with agitation. “Because a son was precious, so Mom should die. Because you could take another wife, so might as well give up on her…”

Qin Zhufeng’s eyes suddenly appeared extremely angry, suddenly raised his hand and slapped him hard across the face. “Shut your mouth!”

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The slap was crisp and clear like a thunderclap in the quiet room. Qin Yuan did not move, neither dodging nor getting furious, but looking coldly at Qin Zhufeng. “You have never hit me after so many years. Why are you getting so angry now?”

“Because you’re a disgrace!” Qin Zhufeng shook with anger. “You wasted many years studying but couldn’t even understand the basic principle! I could still take it as a joke if you said it when you were seven or eight, but you’re eighteen now!”

Qin Yuan lowered his eyes and his cold and arrogant face was expressionless. The room became suffocatingly quiet.

Qin Zhufeng looked at the slight redness on half of his face and suddenly sat down in pain, his voice trembling. “I never thought you would think like this in your heart… I can only tell you it’s your mom’s choice, not mine. But if I’m on the scene, I will certainly change my life with my child.”

He rubbed his face with unbearable pain. “Wait until you become a parent, and you will understand… In this world, any parent will be willing to die at any time for their children.”

Suddenly, a few timid knocks sounded at the door. Wei Qinglian stood there, cautiously looking at the tense father and son. “Let’s go downstairs to eat. If there’s any matter, let it pass by after tonight. It’s the New Year.”

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Qin Yuan turned and went downstairs, sitting silently at the table. Shortly afterward, Qin Zhufeng and Wei Qinglian also came down.

The family ate their New Year’s Eve dinner at the luxurious and sumptuous table, but no one had any appetite.

After dinner, the 100-inch TV screen in the living room began to play the Spring Festival Gala. Qin Yuan sat on the edge of the sofa and silently watched the TV for a while before suddenly asking Wei Qinglian, “Aunty Wei, is this house under your name?”

This was an abrupt and unwarranted question and Wei Qinglian looked at Qin Zhufeng awkwardly before answering in a whisper, “Yes, ah. This is the only one under my name…”

Qin Yuan nodded, his face as calm as a frozen winter lake. “I’m sorry. I’ve thought about it. Requesting you to place an ex-wife’s tablet in the house under your name, by all means, is something that will make anyone feel bad. From today onward, you don’t need to do it anymore.”

Wei Qinglian was slightly relieved to have the hidden secret in her heart directly revealed by him, but she was also a little flustered. “N-No. Xiao-Yuan, you don’t need to overthink. It was merely an accident…”

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Qin Yuan stood up and nodded politely to her. “No problem. I understand your unhappiness.”

Xiao-Siquan looked at him fearfully and reached out to tug at his sleeve. “Gege… What happened to you? Don’t be angry, all right?”

Qin Yuan bent down, gently patted her shoulder, and said gently, “Gege won’t come here anymore in the future. If you miss gege, you can call me, okay?”

Without looking at the two adults on the sofa anymore, he turned around and went upstairs, quickly packing his bags, putting on his warm jacket, and going downstairs.

“Dad, I’m sorry for what I said earlier.” He stood at the entrance, and his voice couldn’t have been calmer. “I’m not acting in a fit of anger. I just want to return to the old residence and burn incense for my mom.”

Qin Zhufeng jumped to his feet, his lips trembling slightly. “Come back. I-I shouldn’t have hit you just now…”

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Qin Yuan smiled and opened the door of the house without hesitation.

The harsh wind blew in and the wide brim of the door couldn’t stop the tiny flakes of snow that drifted in so suddenly, adorning his pure black cashmere coat with dots of snow and white.

His tall figure stood in the doorway, shaking his head at Qin Zhufeng, who had caught up with him. “I have a friend who will take me in. You don’t need to worry about me.”

When he said this, his eyes were sparkling and his face was not only devoid of the frustrated anger of having left home on New Year’s Eve. Instead, there was a bright sense of relief and anticipation.

He and that friend had met in the middle of summer and worried about each other throughout the whole winter. Now, all he wanted to do was trudge through the snow and go toward the city where his friend was.

He couldn’t wait for one night longer, let alone for the warm spring flowers to bloom.

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