Pursuing Boyfriend (1)

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At midnight in the middle of the street, it was New Year’s Eve and taxis were scarce.

The taxi driver looked at the handsome, calm boy in the back seat and was slightly curious. “Little brother, are you alone? Still hurrying to catch the train even at this late hour?”

Qin Yuan sat upright in the back seat and nodded his head. “Mm, I’m returning home.”

The driver laughed and joked casually, “I think you’re not hurrying to return home but to meet your girlfriend.”

Qin Yuan looked up at him and smiled slightly. “Why?”

“Tch! There’s no reason to hurry back and meet parents desperately in this world. Only young men in love will be this crazy.”

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He looked at the flash of shyness on Qin Yuan’s face in the rearview mirror and burst out laughing. “There’s no need to feel embarrassed. When I was young, I could also run below her place early in the morning to catch a glance of the girl I liked.”

Qin Yuan released a soft “mm” and said softly, “What did you go there for?”

“I helped her get breakfast, rode her on my bike, and took her to school. If she woke up early, I could take her around the lakeside. It’s really gorgeous.”

Qin Yuan’s clear eyes had a hint of longing. “Mm. I will also try it next time.”

“Try it then. It will be effective! I only bought breakfast for the girl I liked for three days and she readily accepted me after that!”  The driver bragged proudly. “But, you have to avoid her family carefully. I almost got bitten by the dog her dad released on me once.”

“Then, do you still help her to buy breakfast now?”

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The driver laughed heartily. “It was a thing I had while in school, a puppy love. How could it become something more? My wife now is the woman I met on a blind date during my twenties.”

Qin Yuan sat silently for a long time before whispering, “I won’t. If I help him to buy breakfast, I will buy it for him for a lifetime.”

The driver-brother shook his head emotionally. “Young people will think like that. At that time, I also felt I could die for her.”

Qin Yuan lowered his eyes. “I also can.”

It was New Year’s Eve, so the driver-brother didn’t continue the talk. Enough. When a child was in love, they thought they could spend their lives together with their significant other forever even if the sky was falling and the ground was collapsing.

Qin Yuan’s phone was set to mute, but it had flashed ever since he had gotten inside the car. He looked down, pressed the off button again to reject the call, and sent a text message. “Dad, I will take care of myself. Don’t worry about me.”

After replying, he turned the phone off entirely and placed it in his pocket.

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The driver-brother looked at him again. “Why didn’t you buy a ticket earlier? You’ll be spending the New Year’s midnight countdown on the road.”

Qin Yuan looked out of the window at the falling snowflakes. “No problem. I will sleep on the train for a while and arrive tomorrow morning.”

No train tickets were available for the return trip at the right time and the earliest would be seven o’clock tomorrow morning. Only one regular slow train departed in an hour, taking several hours on the road and it would be three in the morning by the time he reached his destination.

Nonetheless, he wanted to go, brave the snow and the wind, and return overnight.

When the taxi arrived at the station, the driver-brother helped him lift his luggage out of the trunk, chattering enthusiastically, “Have a pleasant journey. Coax your girlfriend well. You’re so handsome. She will definitely accept you!”

Qin Yuan took the luggage and waved at him. “Thank you. Big brother should return home early too.”

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The driver-brother poked his head out with a smile. “Okay. I just wanted to return after sending you. Isn’t this because I wanted to make more money, so I could come back home and give my daughter more New Year’s money?”

When he was ready to drive, his taxi application suddenly dinged. “Thank you for your hard work. Your client has tipped you with 666 yuan for the Spring Festival’s red packet.”

The driver-brother looked at the page in disbelief: ??? Such a large sum of money?!

The lobby of the train station was not crowded at midnight and most people returning for the Chinese New Year had already arrived home by this time, gathering around with their families to eat New Year’s Eve dinner and watching the same old ceremonial show for the Lunar New Year. For various reasons, only a handful of travelers were still making their way through the snow and wind.

When Qin Yuan finished securing his train ticket, he sat on a chair near the entrance and put down his suitcase to wait for the train.

The lobby was not crowded. He was young, handsome, and calm, and because he had come out in a hurry, he only wore a warm coat without a scarf or gloves. His bare neck was exposed under the collar, making his appearance particularly fragile and eye-catching.

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