Pursuing Boyfriend (2)

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A young girl in her twenties looked at him quietly for half a day before suddenly running over and shoving a cup of hot coffee into his hand. “Hello, this is the Spring Festival’s drink!”

Before Qin Yuan could react, she ran away again and returned to the information desk, whispering to another girl. He was unsure what she said, but she continued to look his way and blushed again.

Qin Yuan held the coffee, his cold hands slightly warming up, and he took out his mobile phone.

A dozen missed calls, all from his father, were interspersed with the text message from Wei Qinglian. He didn’t even look at it and deleted them straight away. In the middle of operating it, a video call request from WeChat suddenly popped up.

It was from Ruan Qingmu.

He pondered for a moment, clicked decline, and dialed the number with his backhand. “Hello?”

Ruan Qingmu’s voice was slightly aggrieved. “Why didn’t you accept the video call? I want to look at you.”

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Qin Yuan smiled faintly. “I can’t. My brows are still wrinkled like an old man and my nose is still red. It’s hideous.”

Ruan Qingmu muttered, “Do you like to show off your good looks so much? I’d never disdain you.”

Qin Yuan stretched out his long legs, leaned back on the waiting chair, and asked softly, “Don’t you need to accompany your mom to watch the Spring Festival’s Gala?”

Ruan Qingmu was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. “I accompanied them to watch it for a while. I couldn’t stand to watch that short parody, so I entered my room to look for you. What about you? Have you seen it? Didn’t it make you want to curse out loud?”

Qin Yuan smiled faintly. “I didn’t see it…”

As he was talking, a clear and pleasant female voice rang out in the waiting hall. “Dear travelers, Happy Lunar New Year. Train KD428 is about to arrive at the station. For the passengers waiting for this train, please prepare your things in advance…”

Ruan Qingmu froze over on the other line. “Where are you?”

Qin Yuan lifted his luggage and walked toward the ticket gate with the crowd of people rushing to board the train. “At home. It’s a show on TV.”

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Ruan Qingmu was relieved and thought it over for a moment. “Then, have you told your dad? Can you return in advance?”

Qin Yuan passed the ticket gate and walked toward the train platform. “I’ve told him. I’ll be back soon.”

Ruan Qingmu soundlessly rolled on the bed and punched it hard, holding back his leap of joy. “On the second or the third day of the Lunar New Year?”

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, one had to eat dumplings at home, and family and friends would be coming to pay their respects. After all, Qin Yuan was the eldest son, so it would be too strange for him not to be at home.

Qin Yuan approached the train compartment with his suitcase and slowly searched for his room. “I haven’t bought the ticket yet. I’ll tell you after it’s fixed.”

He couldn’t tell it now. Otherwise, this little fool would not be able to sleep all night, right?

Sure enough, Ruan Qingmu’s spirits rose over there. “Tell me immediately! I will go to fetch you!”

Qin Yuan said softly, “Okay, wait for me.”

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As the two were chatting on the phone, Ruan Qingmu suddenly said, “Today is your lunar birthday. I’ve bought a small cake for you.”

Qin Yuan had a smile on the corners of his mouth. “It’s not like I can eat it.”

Ruan Qingmu fiddled with the strawberry cake on the table and smiled. “Come, open the video. I’ll let you take a look at it.”

“I forgot to recharge my phone. It’s enough for a phone call, but the battery won’t be enough for a video call,” Qin Yuan lied, not daring to let him see the background of the compartment behind him. At that very moment, the conductor passed by the shabby sleeping compartment, pushing a dining car full of snacks. “Melon seeds, plum candies, bread, and small cakes. If any passengers want, they can take a look~~.”

Ruan Qingmu was startled again. “What’s that sound?”

Qin Yuan hurriedly made a “hush” gesture at the conductor and whispered, “It’s still the parody show, ah. Isn’t the Spring Festival’s Gala like this now? They’re all about travelers returning home after working hard at the front line.”

Ruan Qingmu pondered. “You’re right. The homogenization is serious!”

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As they were talking, a loud firecracker sounded from the TV in the living room, accompanying the Spring Festival hosts’ cheerful zero o’clock welcome announcement.

Mu Wanli called outside, “Mu Mu, Mu Mu, come out! It’s midnight!”

Ruan Qingmu answered hastily and said into the phone, “My mom told me to come out and celebrate the New Year. I’ll return in a while!”

Qin Yuan raised his head and looked out at the night scene outside the window, countless trees flying past on either side and the tired traveler next door was already snoring.

He said softly, “My phone is almost out of battery. You don’t need to call me later. Sleep after zero o’clock.”

Ruan Qingmu dilly-dallied toward the door before whispering again, “Happy birthday, Qin-shaoxia.”

Qin Yuan’s heart was sore and soft as he lay down on the bed. “After tonight, I will be eighteen years old*.”

*T/N: This is his Chinese age. According to the traditional Chinese method of numbering, a person’s age at birth is one and increases by one at the beginning of the first lunar calendar each year.

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