Let’s Be In A Relationship (2)

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Mu Wanli was slightly embarrassed and increased her tapping on the door. “Mu Mu! Mu Mu!”

It was still silent. She felt a bit strange and pushed hard, opening the door.

??? Xiao-Zhuang was snoring on the small bed inside and on Ruan Qingmu’s bed outside, the quilt was splayed out and empty.

Mu Wanli was stunned on the spot and then turned her head to look at the bathroom, but the door was wide open. The house was only this small and it was the first day of the year. Where was he?!

The little mute rolled over slightly on the side and opened his eyes in a daze. As soon as he looked up, he saw Qin Yuan standing in the doorway and rubbed his eyes foolishly.

No wonder Mu-gege had shown him a picture of this man when he washed his feet last night. So, he was coming to the house as a guest today.

Qin Yuan took out his cell phone and dialed Ruan Qingmu’s number, which was off with a beep.

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Mu Wanli fumbled with the phone in her pocket and suddenly exclaimed, “This kid left a message for me!”

The message just consisted of two sentences: “Mom, I’ll go out for a morning run to breathe the New Year’s air! Please don’t wait for me to eat the dumplings!”

Qin Yuan asked with difficulty, “Did he… always go on a morning run at home?”

Mu Wanli was slightly flustered. “How could that be? This kid likes to sleep in!”

Qin Yuan was also somewhat baffled: Yes, ah. After being in the same dormitory at school for so long, Ruan Qingmu could get up only when he dragged him out of bed every day. Whenever he was somewhat up and about, he would remain frozen and ignore people when he first woke up.

Mu Wanli pointed to the bed at Xiao-Zhuang, knowing full well that he couldn’t possibly know, but still gestured and asked, “Where is your Mu-gege? When did he get out of bed?”

The little mute’s eyes were slightly strange as he looked bashfully at Qin Yuan, suddenly reaching out to point at him and gesturing again to talk on the phone.

He only meant to say that yesterday Ruan Qingmu had shown him a picture of Qin Yuan on his cell phone, but Qin Yuan’s heartbeat had suddenly accelerated.

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He walked into the small room, reached out his hand, and gently touched the messy quilt.

It was cold and wasn’t like he had just woken up. The owner had left at some point during the night.

He turned his head. “Aunty Mu, when did he send the message?”

Mu Wanli glanced at it in a daze and said blankly, “Two o’clock at night?”

What was wrong with this kid? Did he have insomnia at night, so he decided to get up and go for a morning run and even left a message on purpose?

Qin Yuan’s heart pounded increasingly fast and a specific absurd idea suddenly jumped into his mind, becoming increasingly uncontrollable.

He said shakily to Mu Wanli, “Aunty, I will also go for a run. Maybe I’ll meet him on the road.”

He sprang to his feet and ran for the door, rushing before turning back to Mu Wanli and bowing again. “If I don’t meet him and he has already returned, tell him to turn on his phone and call me immediately!”

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Mu Wanli chased after him to the door. “Hey, hey, this child! Don’t foolishly run! Just sit in the house and wait! Eat some dumplings to warm yourself!”

Qin Yuan ran with giant strides, not stopping at all, and his clear voice floated in the New Year’s alley. “Aunty, I’m not cold!”

… It was much easier to get a taxi in the early morning as many people were visiting relatives and some were already standing on the roadside with bags of gifts ready to pay their respects. Qin Yuan jumped into a car, “Yuting complex, thank you. Please drive a bit faster!”

Sitting in the car, he looked out of the car window at the street scenes flying by, looking at the city gradually coming to life in the early morning, but his heart was filled with sorrow.

His Ruan Ruan. His clever and sly Ruan Ruan, who couldn’t be fooled at all. His Ruan Ruan, who could see through him even from the clues…

The taxi drove into the complex and parked below his apartment. He ran frantically out of the car and rushed up to the lift in one breath, staring at the numbers that kept jumping and his heart beating fiercely in his chest like it was about to jump out.

“Ding dong!” The lift door opened. He rushed out madly, then stopped dead in his tracks.

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No one was at the door of the house…

He stood there blankly and his whole heart was empty for a moment. What was wrong? Had he guessed wrong? Had Ruan Qingmu not guessed he was back in the first place and had actually gone for a morning run instead?

Amid his panic, a muffled voice came from the silent hallway from above, sounding very tired and nasally. “What time is it? Why are you only here now?”

Qin Yuan snapped his head up and looked to the staircase next to him.

The soft golden sunrise shone through the small corner window of the staircase and a tiny amount of flying dust danced in the light, leaping together on the curled-up youth, reflecting half of his handsome face hidden under the hood of his sweatshirt.

With the dust and the light, it seemed he had been waiting for an unknown time.

For a moment, Qin Yuan closed his eyes rapidly, holding back the momentary heat in his eyes.

He slowly climbed up the steps, landed on one knee, and looked levelly at Ruan Qingmu’s dazed, handsome face. He stretched his hand as if afraid of breaking a porcelain doll and gently touched his cheek.

It was terribly cold.

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