Let’s Be In A Relationship (3)

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“Don’t you know to wait inside?” His voice was hoarse.

Ruan Qingmu looked at him in a daze, seeming to finally sober up, and whispered somewhat accusingly, “I don’t know the password.”

“Why are you hiding here? Can’t you go to the property guard’s office?” he asked softly, wanting to complain but eventually relenting.

Ruan Qingmu yawned. “It’s not cold here.”

Qin Yuan’s gaze landed on his side and his heart trembled with understanding.

There was the central heating pipe leading into the room, mostly wrapped in a flexible tube for aesthetic purposes, but a small section was exposed at the corner, radiating hot air out. If he leaned against it, it would at least give him a place to warm his back.

He reached out quietly and tried to pull Ruan Qingmu up.

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But once Ruan Qingmu got up, he couldn’t resist baring his teeth. “Fuck!”

His feet were numb and when he moved, it was like being stabbed by pins and needles like a limp shrimp in distress.

Qin Yuan silently turned around and squatted in front of him. “Ruan Ruan, come up.”

Ruan Qingmu froze. Picking up the small cake box on the ground with one hand and picking up the painting frame with the other, he put his hands together with difficulty and obediently plopped down on his tall, broad back.

His extended arms and wrists were cold, interlaced on Qin Yuan’s neck, and the heavy picture frame dangled from his chest.

Both were in a sorry and challenging position, yet both held on well. Just like this, Qin Yuan carried the lean Ruan Qingmu behind him step by step up the stairs and walked to the door of his home.

Ruan Qingmu suddenly let out a laugh behind him. “Why do we look like two pathetic people escaping famine?”

Qin Yuan did not put him down, supporting the base of Ruan Qingmu’s thigh with one hand while pressing the password steadily with the other. “Have you seen it clearly?”

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Ruan Qingmu gave a soft, muffled sound behind his back. It was clear that it was his student number. Tch, who could guess this kind of thing without saying it?

Once inside, Qin Yuan placed him on the sofa and gently stroked his head before whispering, “Wait for me. I’ll return quickly.”

He had planned to go to Y City for a while and the heating in the house had all been turned off.  He ran to the switch and turned on the central heating system to the maximum. He also went into the bathroom and carefully cleaned the large bathtub with his own hands.

After being away from home for a few days, there was some light dust.

After filling the tub with hot water, he reached out and tested the temperature before turning around and returning to the living room.

In just a short while, Ruan Qingmu had closed his eyes again on the sofa, his long eyelashes covering his eyes and he was curled up in a position like a wild cat that had been frozen to death.

Qin Yuan crouched in front of the sofa and quietly looked at his face. After a few seconds, he reached out and rubbed his hair. “Go soak in the hot bath first, or you’ll catch a cold.”

Ruan Qingmu replied with an “mm” and obediently reached out his hand, voluntarily lying on his back and allowing him to carry him into the bathroom.

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“Can you do it? You won’t slip into the water, right?” Qin Yuan took out a brand new bath towel from the bathroom cabinet and handed it to him, looking worriedly at his limping appearance.

Ruan Qingmu finally came to his senses. His cold, muddled eyes became slightly livelier as he slowly took the towel and hopped on one foot to the edge of the bathtub, sitting on the rim.

“Qin-shaoxia, you’re so hypocritical.” His peach blossom eyes were full of water glints as he cocked his head and asked, “If I say I can’t, will you help me to take a bath?”

The bathroom was quiet and only the massage tub gurgling sound was heard. The steaming water rose, slowly fogging the bathroom mirror.

Qin Yuan’s face was slightly red, but he did not duck his eyes, which were bright and solemn through the misty water. “If you want, I can do it.”

Ruan Qingmu was eventually defeated lamentably and he glared at the boy before him while clenching his teeth. “Step down, dear!”

The door was shut outside and Ruan Qingmu stripped off his clothes before struggling to step into the hot water. With his soles and lower limbs already numb, being soaked in the partially scalding hot water made it even more unbearable and caused him to almost jump up in irritation.

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But the hot water was indeed good. After the initial prickling, it was a complete comfort next.

The water flowed from the outlet at the back of his spine and the rolling, circulating water pounded against his skin, creating thick bubbles around him before breaking off.

The cycle was constant and intense like all the distracting and chaotic little thoughts that were going on in his mind at the moment.

“Ruan Ruan, are you asleep inside?” Outside, Qin Yuan called in a low voice.

Ruan Qingmu bit his lip. “I won’t drown. I can swim.”

No sound came from outside. After a long time, Qin Yuan’s footsteps came softly as he walked to the door again. “I placed the new underwear and bathrobe on a stool outside the door. You can come out to take it.”

Ruan Qingmu let out an “oh” and looked up at the bathroom ceiling, his face burning a little. Suddenly, he sank his head and submerged himself in the water.

Fuck. He wanted to see if the underwear was really one size bigger than himself!

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