Let’s Be In A Relationship (4)

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Qin Yuan sat in the doorway, holding his cell phone, and talked to Mu Wanli softly on the phone. “Aunty, don’t worry. I happened to meet him outside… Mm. Right, he went for a morning run. We are preparing to go out and have a stroll on the street now. We won’t return for the time being. I’m sorry.”

… The bathroom door swung open and Ruan Qingmu poked his head out. His whole face was red from the steam and hot water, his eyes were watery, and his hair was sprawled limply on his head.

Qin Yuan put away the phone and glanced at him fleetingly before lowering his eyes again. “… Finished bathing?”

Ruan Qingmu glanced at the brand new clothes beside him and his body shrank behind the polished flower glass, not saying a word.

Qin Yuan stared blankly at his face. “What’s wrong?”

Ruan Qingmu finally shouted in exasperation. “Hand the clothes over! Do you want me to jump out naked?”

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Qin Yuan let out an “ah.” His face suddenly flushed red as he fumbled to pick up the clothes, took a few steps closer, and handed them over.

Ruan Qingmu snatched it away and slammed the door shut with a bang.

It was plain black underwear, well-stitched, with an ambiguous, dark-red flower embroidered on the side of the waist.

He put it on reluctantly and looked in the mirror with hatred, both front and back. Fuck, it was a bit big…

Qin Yuan sat upright on the sofa with a straight back like a silent statue. When he heard the door behind him finally rattle, he turned his head and looked at Ruan Qingmu, dressed in a white, thick, velvet bathrobe.

He was taller than Ruan Qingmu and had a bigger skeleton, and his usual bathrobe was bought strictly in his size, so when the slim Ruan Qingmu wore it, it looked somewhat big and empty.

He was clearly an open and wanton youth with clear and bright eyes, but now his white calves were half exposed, his ankles were beautifully shaped, and his toes were pink from the hot water. For some reason, when he stood there, he suddenly looked different in a way that was rarely seen on an average day.

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It was hard to say exactly what was different, but it was different.

“I will sleep for a while, so sleepy.” Ruan Qingmu turned his head to look in the direction of the bedroom. “You can eat the small cake on the coffee table first. In any case, it’s to make up for your birthday. You can open the present yourself. I drew it.”

He waved his hand unnaturally, turned his head, and impolitely walked toward the bedroom. “Considering I sat on the ground for most of the night, let me use the bed. You can sleep on the sofa. Thank you.”

He had just reached the door when the man behind him caught up with him at a fast pace and hugged him from behind!

“The bed is big.” The tall, handsome youth whispered behind him, his voice husky. “I’m very well-behaved when sleeping and won’t disturb you.”

Ruan Qingmu’s entire body suddenly couldn’t move. For an instant, only one absurd thought remained in his mind.

Damn. Had this person also transmigrated over? Why did he know how to hit a pressure point?  Otherwise, why was his whole body unable to move now and his blood seemed to have frozen?

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The heater was turned up. Still, Qin Yuan’s breath was even hotter, spraying densely and continuously on the back of his neck and around his ears, and his breathing gradually became thicker.

“Ruan Ruan, don’t drive me away.” His voice gradually became rough. “My dad slapped me, and my stepmother said the house is under her name. I have nobody on my side… They all don’t want me.”

Ruan Qingmu stood quietly for a long time before turning around and carefully cupping Qin Yuan’s face, looking into his slightly red eyes like he was looking at a precious treasure that he had been searching for for a long time.

“Okay then. Let’s sleep together.” He smiled gently, but his heart was so sour and sad that his eyes were red. “Let’s agree first. Don’t regret it later. I will hang around your house in the future except if you drive me away.”

… The bed was huge. The two youths lay side by side on it, separated by quite a distance in the middle, with room on both sides.

“Ruan Ruan, how did you know I’ve returned?” Qin Yuan asked softly as he crossed his arms in front of his chest in a disciplined manner.

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“Because I’m smart. Because you’re stupid.”

“Ruan Ruan, why didn’t you turn on your phone?” After a long time, Qin Yuan asked again, and his voice gradually lowered as if he was getting sleepy too.

Ruan Qingmu closed his eyes. “Didn’t I always recharge my phone before sleeping? In the end, only one battery bar was left when I came out at two o’clock.”

The curtains were closed, and the room was dark, even during the day, making it ideal for sleeping. Ruan Qingmu dazedly yawned twice and his eyes were filled with tears.

“Ruan Ruan, are you asleep?”

Ruan Qingmu ignored him and his eyelids became heavier. How the hell could one sleep when you keep calling like that?

“You’re not allowed to call me soft, soft… Call me Boss Ruan, School Tyrant Ruan, or Ruan-ge.” He was disoriented and muttered fiercely, “Don’t you know I dare to chop people?”

Just as he was about to fall back to sleep mid-sleep, a gentle voice sounded in his ears, “Ruan Ruan, you’re not allowed to say chopping and killing. You have to say something auspicious and beautiful on the New Year.” Qin Yuan gently turned to his side and with the slight creak of the bed, a soft, loving kiss landed unexpectedly on Ruan Qingmu’s warm lips. “So, let’s be in a relationship.”

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