Fellow Boyfriend (1)

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A soft, loving kiss landed unexpectedly on Ruan Qingmu’s warm, soft lips. “So, let’s be in a relationship.”

“Oh… repeat it.” Ruan Qingmu was in a daze and his voice sounded like a murmur.

Qin Yuan’s heart was about to jump out of its cavity and he repeated softly, “Ruan Ruan, let’s be in a relationship.”

“… Okay.” Ruan Qingmu closed his eyes, smacked his lips, and suddenly reached out and wrapped his hand around Qin Yuan’s neck, pulling it down.

The tip of his nose, warmed by the hot water, rubbed against Qin Yuan’s face, the citrus aroma of the shower gel still lingering on his skin.

He placed a few quick kisses on Qin Yuan’s cheek and the tip of his nose. The kisses were sweet, soft, and gentle, yet messy like a child stealing a treat and fearing discovery and could only rush to make time.

As if he was too ashamed to open his eyes, he closed his eyes while kissing messily and whispered in a low voice, “Date then… who’s afraid of whom?”

When he finished kissing, he suddenly and rudely pushed Qin Yuan away from him. He pulled the quilt over his face, kicked his legs a few times, and didn’t move again.

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Qin Yuan’s heart pounded wildly. Although he had not yet taken a bath, his body was as hot as if he had steamed in a sauna all day long. His face and forehead were covered in fine sweat and his ears buzzed with Ruan Qingmu’s “okay.”

It was a shocking yet natural way to bring back the sweetness and brilliance of this sad and disappointing first day of the New Year.

Looking at Ruan Qingmu’s covered head, he reached out his hand, wanting to lift the quilt, and said something else but hesitated.

After a long time, he pulled the corner of the quilt, his voice hoarse. “Ruan Ruan, come out. Don’t stuff yourself inside. The air is stale.”

The person under the quilt did not move.

He hesitated and carefully lifted the quilt. It revealed a crimson, already peacefully sleeping face beneath.

He was young, after all, and the night’s exhaustion had not left any signs of fatigue, and a blush was faintly visible on the smooth face. Long black eyelashes covered his eyelids and instead of the usual carelessness, only obedience and calmness remained.

Qin Yuan stared in awe at this face that was all too familiar.

Was this what being in love was like?

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They had fought together and climbed the school walls together. They faced a confrontation together on the sports field and went to the stalls outside the school to eat skewers. They studied and did their homework together and rebelled on stage together. They had only known each other for a semester, but it always felt like they had already spent a long time together.

He reached out and tapped his finger on Ruan Qingmu’s soft lips.

It was here. The place he had just kissed.

And then he was kissed back, in a messy, inexpert way, but it was the most beautiful feeling he had ever experienced. It screamed ecstasy and joy, and his body was on the verge of exploding with tremors.

The feel under his fingers was so good that he held his chin up and couldn’t help but gently trace along the shape of Ruan Qingmu’s lips, one circle after another.

Finally, the sleeping person became restless, his delicate eyebrows furrowed, and he groaned softly like a kitten acting spoiled. Qin Yuan’s heart tingled at this sound, but he did not want to wake him up, so he stopped.

After a moment, he mischievously nudged the tip of his nose again. One more time…

This was his boyfriend now, wasn’t it? Stamped, marked, and branded on his heart. It was painful and heavy, with bruises that left blood and would not get any better.

… When Ruan Qingmu woke up again, the curtains were tightly drawn and the room was dark. He squinted to adapt to the surroundings before waking up completely.

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His phone was not with him but had been left on the coffee table outside when he took a shower. Fortunately, there was a small nighttime clock above the bed and when he looked at it, it was already after 3 p.m.

He sat up in the mid-darkness, with no one in the bed beside him. It was quiet and silent outside.

He sat blankly on the bed for a moment, his face slowly flushing.

Fuck. What a great way to spend the first day of the year, with all its ups and downs and surging emotions.

This New Years was even better than in dreams, where everything was there and anything could happen. Although it was absurd and beyond belief, it was hidden and beautiful.

He jumped down, pulled back the curtains, and then turned around to look at the bed with the quilt lifted. Suddenly his whole brain flipped out and he nearly went mad.

What was going on? Didn’t he sleep in a bathrobe? How could he have slept with the straps of his robe splayed out and what were those two suspiciously damp patches on the sheet?!

He jumped back into bed and pulled the sheet off, struggling to make it into a big ball. Qin Yuan’s bed was so big and the sheet was of good quality, much heavier than the thin sheets he had at home.

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Could he sneak it out and put it in the washing machine?

No, the washing machine at Qin Yuan’s house was on the balcony, so he had to go through the living room to throw it in.

He frustratedly thought about it, his face almost burning. Ahhhhh! Ruan Qingmu, you were shameless, blocking someone’s door, sleeping in someone’s bed, not even getting up in the morning, and soiling someone’s bed sheets!

Or should it be shoved under the bed first? When Qin Yuan was not in the living room, he could sneak it into the washing machine. He hurriedly bent down and protruded his butt in flustered, shoving the sheets under the bed, but before he could get up, he heard a startled question suddenly ringing in his ears.

“What are you doing?”

Ruan Qingmu snapped his head and looked at Qin Yuan in the doorway. “…”

The youth in the door was standing like a crane, looking radiant, and his brows seemed to glow with light. He didn’t know why, but from the first moment Ruan Qingmu saw him, he felt that he appeared to be in an extremely good mood.

Qin Yuan walked in and bent his head down to look under the bed, his eyes like autumn water filled with amazement.

Ruan Qingmu clenched his teeth and was suddenly a little annoyed. He didn’t dare to look at Qin Yuan’s handsome face, so he fiercely pulled out the bed sheet, turned his head, and ran outside. “I made the bed sheet dirty, so what?!”

Qin Yuan followed him, trailing behind him, and chasing him to the balcony.

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