The Past Events (1)

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It was getting late. Outside, all the lights were on in the buildings, more brightly lit than usual since it was the time for family get-togethers and festivities.

Ruan Qingmu leaned back on the sofa, holding his puffy belly, and lounged around lazily.

Being in a relationship wasn’t exactly a good thing, really.

Not only did it make you dizzy and your heart beat fast, but the lack of oxygen sometimes also caused your IQ to drop.

He had no idea what other people did on the first day of a relationship, but it was clearly unlike what they did, which was to take turns feeding each other dumplings.

The dumplings Mu Wanli had packed and delivered were enough for at least several meals, but she only taught Qin Yuan how to cook them, not how much to cook.

Qin Yuan put all the dumplings into one bowl and the two fed each other as though they couldn’t get enough of the dumplings. Only when they finally finished did they realize that they had overeaten.

As he lay down on the sofa and did not move, Qin Yuan went to wash the dishes, but over the sound of the rushing water, Ruan Qingmu clearly heard him burp.

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Qin Yuan came out of the kitchen with a plate of sliced fruit in his hand. “There’s not much food stocked in the fridge here and this is all I have.”

The big red apple was peeled and cut into pieces and neatly arranged on a rose bone china plate, so beautiful that it looked like a machine had sliced it.

Ruan Qingmu stared at the apple pieces: Still eating? Did he look like a pig that his new boyfriend caught to feed?

He raised his head and said solemnly, “I want to discuss something with you.”

“There’s no need for a discussion. Just say it and I will listen to you.”

Ruan Qingmu sighed. “First of all you’re banned from actively feeding me. Secondly, all requests for feeding are banned.”

Looking at Qin Yuan’s silent gaze, he hastily raised his hand, “Adding one more. You’re not allowed to demand and complain about something with a gaze!”

See, see. With this kind of foul look, who the fuck could bear it? It was okay at home, but what if they could not control it at school too and feed each other food in public? Were they that shameless?

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One was Class 1’s iceberg top student and the other was Class 9’s sports representative. They might as well die if they lived greasily and lovingly like that!

Qin Yuan raised his eyebrows and pondered for a moment. “Mm. It’s slightly inappropriate to let people see it.”

Ruan Qingmu sighed in relief. “Right!”

Qin Yuan’s expression was slightly shy and proud. “They don’t deserve it.”

Ruan Qingmu: “…”

He jumped up, picked up a cushion, and smashed it at him. “Be a little shameful, big brother!”

No sooner had he jumped up than he sat back down again, covering his stomach and screaming in distress. “Fuck! I can’t jump anymore.”

Qin Yuan smiled as he took the cushion and sat beside him, gently tucking it behind his waist and adjusting the angle. “Are you really so full? Is it more comfortable like this?”

Ruan Qingmu grunted and moved from side to side as he slumped, his gaze lazy and unfocused. “A bit further down. Mm, stuff it under the waist… Ah, here. So comfortable.”

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As soon as he raised his eyes, he froze.

Qin Yuan’s handsome face was right in front of him and a light red color flushed up from his cheeks, quickly staining the tip of his nose and earlobes, with a strange implication in his eyes.

“Ruan Ruan, you’re not allowed to seduce people.” His voice was low and hoarse.

Ruan Qingmu stared at him with a deadly stare. “Are you framing people?”

Qin Yuan slowly lowered his head and the tip of his nose tentatively touched his forehead. “I’m not framing. You’re seducing me.”

He clearly said something unreasonable, but his voice was magnetic and soft, making people feel he was explaining a question, always correct and justified.

Ruan Qingmu had just finished eating and all the blood in his body seemed to be supplied to his intestines, so his brain was slightly dizzy, and he was somewhat confused: Eh, really?

Did it seem to be true? Was it understandable to accidentally seduce him on his first day of their relationship?

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Qin Yuan looked at his slightly dazed pair of peach blossom eyes and his breathing increased heavily. His hand rested between the cushion and Ruan Qingmu’s waist, moving gently as if he was helping him adjust the pillow and also holding his waist, his hands tightening around him a little.

Ruan Qingmu trembled violently and his strong, thin waist tensed up at this moment.

“Don’t move… take it out.” He said before slightly sobering up and hastening to add, “I mean, remove your hands.”

Qin Yuan suddenly let go of his support and pressed his entire body against Ruan Qingmu, saying in a small voice, “It’s stuck. I can’t remove my hands.”

The tall, healthy boy was not a lightweight. When he pressed unreasonably like this, Ruan Qingmu tried to shove him, but he couldn’t move him even a little bit.

He took a deep breath and clenched his teeth. “Fellow boyfriend, I’m telling you. Don’t play hoodlum. If you really offend me, I’m more capable than you.”

Qin Yuan’s face was buried in the crook of his shoulder and it was so hot that the heat reached through the thin material of his clothes and pressed against Ruan Qingmu’s beautifully shaped collarbone. His heart thumped like a dense drumbeat and passed onto the other man’s chest.

His voice was even lower now and he was eventually a bit shy, whispering, “I don’t believe it. How about… you try to do it?”

Ruan Qingmu’s face was red and it was as if a string of projectiles were frantically flying at his heart: Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! He was still too naive to think that falling in love was really all about feeding each other dumplings!

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