The Past Events (2)

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What to do? Should he simply pounce on the teacher and punch him to death*? He didn’t believe he would lose this fight.

*T/N: Pounce on the teacher and punch him to death: It is a folk saying that refers to the lack of discipline and rules, and to the randomness of a rash attack.

He fiercely rolled over and was about to viciously reverse his body and crush Qin Yuan when the doorbell suddenly rang unexpectedly.

They were both startled. Who could it be at this time of the year? This was a luxurious district where outsiders couldn’t get in at all.

Qin Yuan tidied up his messy clothes and went to the entrance door to look through the peephole, his expression relaxing.

When he opened the door, Uncle Yan was standing outside with a large bag. Once he entered the house and saw Ruan Qingmu, his face opened up with a smile.

“Your friend is also here, ah. It’s good that someone is accompanying Xiao-Yuan.” He enthusiastically put various frozen foods on the table. “You have to come more often if you’re free. It’s good to do homework together and play together. In the past, Xiao-Yuan didn’t play much with his classmates and always shut himself indoors.”

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He had dropped the boy off several times by car and was more aware than anyone of the special friendship between Qin Yuan and this teenager. It would be nice to have a little friend to talk to at such a lonely and challenging time in this young master’s life.

Ruan Qingmu stood up and greeted him politely, “Uncle, Happy New Year.”

Qin Yuan helped sort the things into the fridge, knowing that his father had informed Uncle Yan to take care of him but to refrain from mentioning it. “Thank you, Uncle Yan. We just ate the dumplings made by Ruan Qingmu’s mom. We’re pretty full right now.”

After packing his things, Uncle Yan did not leave immediately but hesitated for a moment and whispered to Qin Yuan, “Young Master, your dad is at the old manor. He asked me to fetch you there. He has something to talk to you about.”

Only the three of them were in the room, and although his voice was low, both Qin Yuan and Ruan Qingmu could hear him clearly.

Ruan Qingmu walked over and gently patted Qin Yuan’s shoulder. “You should go. I have to return home too.”

Qin Yuan stood silently and his pair of phoenix eyes, which had just been full of warm smiles, had now returned to their plain indifference.

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He glanced at Ruan Qingmu and said softly, “Then, I’ll send you home first.”

Ruan Qingmu didn’t turn him down. “Okay.”

Qin Yuan went into the wardrobe room, changed into a solemn black coat, and came out. The few people went down the elevator together silently.

Ruan Qingmu and Qin Yuan sat together in the backseat. The vehicle drove out of the district and headed first for Aimin Alley.

In the back seat, Qin Yuan suddenly asked, “When did my dad return?”

Uncle Yan drove carefully in the front. “He arrived early in the morning, shortly after you. I went to fetch him.”

After a second thought, he added, “He initially wanted to come here as soon as possible, but I told him you must’ve been tired after traveling all night and would’ve wanted to sleep in. So, he went to the old manor.”

Qin Yuan did not say anything as his broad spine straightened and he sat there tensely.

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Ruan Qingmu glanced at his tightly clenched fists and sighed silently in his heart.

He quietly reached out and covered Qin Yuan’s hand, whispering, “If you have something you want to say, just say it. Don’t be a saw-lipped gourd if you’re unhappy or feel wronged. Moreover, you don’t have to be sensible about everything.”

Uncle Yan in the front was impressed. “Aiya. This student is so intelligent. What he said is true!”

Qin Yuan was a child who understood things too well, thought of people in every way, and was always more sensible, calm, and perfect than any adult in his life. As the saying went, the child who knew how to cry had milk to eat, so would it matter if he acted spoiled and dumb right then?

“Yes. Xiao-Yuan, you don’t need to consider the adults. If adults don’t show tolerance for children, who would they do so for?” Uncle Yan carefully butted in.

Ruan Qingmu sneered. “Yes, ah. If maternal and paternal love isn’t well-displayed, what’s the use of saving ? Do they want to keep it and increase the value?”

As he gently held Qin Yuan’s hand like this as his raging and tumultuous mood slowly calmed down.

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“It doesn’t matter,” he said indifferently. “Relationships between parents and children don’t need to be imposed. People have to grow up someday and survive by themselves in the future.”

He had just finished speaking when his palm was ruthlessly pinched and Ruan Qingmu twisted his head, glaring at him with a pair of crystal eyes.

Qin Yuan’s heart warmed slightly. “Mm. I won’t be alone. I will find someone to be together with for a lifetime.”

The vehicle drove to Aimin Alley. Ruan Qingmu got out of the car and waved his hand at Qin Yuan. “Shall we go over exam papers together tomorrow?”

Qin Yuan smiled faintly and his clear eyes were faintly discernible in the night. “Wait for me. I will come to find you tomorrow.”

Uncle Yan was about to drive away, but Ruan Qingmu suddenly leaped forward, bent over the car window, leaned down, and pressed his lips softly against Qin Yuan’s ear.

“No matter what happens, don’t be sad,” he whispered softly, his eyes gentle and tender. “Remember, you’re not alone. You still have me, your newly-promoted boyfriend.”

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