The bird, extending its feather-filled chest, stood proudly with a haughty expression towards Caroline, who called it "Birdie," and cooed.

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It was a highly amusing scene, but I, who was suddenly tasked with naming a pet bird, watched the scene with a serious expression.


I had never named anything in my life before. I had never raised an animal or had the habit of naming dolls. I didn't even have close friends to give nicknames or pet names to.


And now, I was suddenly given the task of naming a bird.




It was really simple, but that was the first name that came to mind.


If someone asked me to name a dog, I would name it "Woof Woof," and if it was a cat, I would name it "Meow Meow." It was on that level.


" doesn't chirp."


Rather than "Chirpy," it made more of a "Squeak" or "Peep" sound, but it didn't quite fit to name it "Squeaky" either.


I looked at the bird's white, round head and got lost in thought. Somehow, it had a visual that looked like it had button eyes with its tightly closed white eyes.


Eyes... It was simple, but it seemed better than "Chirpy."


" doesn't have a name yet. How about Snow?"


Feeling embarrassed by my first attempt at naming, I appealed that it was a name I came up with on the spot and asked for Caroline's opinion.


"Snow...! Snow-sama! It's a really cool name, Your Holiness!"


Ah. I forgot that Caroline was the type of person who wouldn't spare compliments regardless of the name I chose.


Not only Caroline, but Snow, the new owner of the bird's name, also had a very satisfied expression.


…By the way, the title "Your Holiness" felt too unfamiliar.


"Um, I wanted to talk about something since yesterday. We're about the same age, so how about just calling me by my name? Not ‘Your Holiness.’"


"Wha... How dare I...address Her Holiness like that...!"

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Caroline's reaction was exactly what I expected. That excessive reaction was burdensome...


I let out a sigh. "I find it more comfortable to call you by your name, Reverend. If you address me by my name, I will also feel at ease calling you by your name."


My suggestion made Caroline's pupils tremble. It was an expression of embarrassment when I called her by her name, but it also seemed to arouse a sense of curiosity.


"T-Then... Miss Luci...a-!"


Caroline blushed and called out the name.


That "Miss" didn’t seem to come off.


"Yes, Caroline."


Regardless, it was a title that I found more appealing than ‘Your Highness’ or ‘Holiness,’ so I called Caroline by her name in a soft voice, causing her already flushed face to become even more red.


"Before Mr. Jerome arrives, I'll quickly change your clothes, Miss Lucia. Ah, and we need to prepare a cage for Mr. Snow too...!" Caroline said with sparkling eyes.


I hoped it was just an ordinary birdcage. Considering the scale of the temple, it wouldn't be strange for the cage to be adorned with gold and jewels.


Caroline helped me change into my everyday clothes from my nightwear; it was the outfit that the Marquess had sent over this morning.


Come to think of it, Caroline, being a priestess herself, was used to receiving respect rather than giving it, as she came from a noble background, yet there was not a hint of dissatisfaction in Caroline's expression as she assisted me without any military formalities.


During the process of changing clothes, a house for Snow was also prepared. Fortunately, contrary to my worries, the cage was spacious and elegant, but it didn't shimmer with gold and jewels.


Snow seemed to like its new home as it eagerly explored every nook and cranny inside.


"May I go in, Your Holiness?"


And as we finished preparing, Jerome arrived as he had promised.


"Caroline told me about it. I already didn't think it was an ordinary bird, but to think it was such a precious bird sent by you."


Jerome smiled warmly as he spoke.

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If it were someone else, they might have thought, ‘Now he's pretending to know everything for no reason.’ But Jerome was different.


He clearly remembered the words he had said yesterday, that he could sense the breath of the divine in this bird.


"Well, shall we have a conversation now? What are your plans, Your Holiness? Though, it's not something you have to decide right away."


Sitting across from me, Jerome crossed his legs gracefully and placed his hands on my knees.


Jerome had said that it was fine if I didn't do anything, but I had no intention of just sitting still.


As soon as possible. While Abigail was still young, before a bond would form between Seamus and Abigail. If not, when the truth was revealed later, the pain Seamus would feel would be too great.


"I was deeply impressed by the words you said to the Pope. That you will change society not with the power of the divine, but with the power of humans."


Jerome spoke in a rather serious tone. However, his serious attitude was mismatched with the fact that one side of his shirt was untucked today as well.


In my heart, I wanted to tell him to dress properly, but I purposely averted my gaze to the other side to not give it any attention.


"Well, yes. I have something in mind...for now."


It was the result of thinking hard as I lay in bed yesterday. Thanks to that, I couldn't fall asleep until quite late.


Both Jerome and Caroline looked at me as if they were willing to listen to what I had to say. I had organized my thoughts to some extent, but with both of them waiting for me to speak at the same time, I couldn't help but feel nervous.


"So, the reason the noble society is lenient towards infidelity is because they consider expressing dissatisfaction with their spouse's exclusivity and infidelity as unbecoming of nobility."


It wasn't the only reason, of course, but it was the biggest reason that made Seamus the target of criticism as a villain.


The atmosphere needed to change.


"That's right!"


Caroline nodded vigorously, as if impressed by my insight, and was even diligently taking notes on what I was saying.


On the other hand, Jerome had a somewhat drowsy look in his eyes for some reason.

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Was he really listening to me?


"Ahem, hmm!"


When I coughed unnecessarily, Jerome focused on me again with a curious gaze.


"Oh, I'm sorry. I woke up earlier than usual..." While saying that, he covered his mouth and even yawned.


Distracted, lazy, and unreliable. He was exactly as he seemed at first.


"Since I'm listening attentively, please continue."


Jerome pretended to remove an imaginary speck from his eye and urged me on with a mischievous smile. I doubted his sincerity, but I only glared at Jerome and opened my mouth again.


I thought I had everything sorted out in my head, but when I tried to put it into words, it felt vague and nonsensical.


"So, what I mean is...let's change the atmosphere from the top down."


To me, who was born and raised in a society without a caste system, it felt like a rebellion. But this society was a classist society from its very core. The difference between commoners and nobles was like night and day. Even among nobles, the higher the position, the stronger the influence. It was that kind of society.


If a high-ranking figure, who couldn't utter words like "unbecoming" or "vulgar," were to express dissatisfaction with their spouse, perhaps even a slight change in the atmosphere could occur.


That's what I thought.


"...Because of the public opinion that even tolerates infidelity in spouses, there must be at least one high-ranking noble who harbors dissatisfaction."


Persuade that person to file for divorce and obtain alimony from the unfaithful spouse.


That's where we should start, that's what I suggested.


"Ohh! As expected, Your Highness, you're amazing!"


‘How could you think of such a thing...!’ Caroline cheered me on with such an exaggerated expression. But I expected Caroline to react like this.


I was more curious about Jerome's reaction. Although he seemed a bit juvenile for a priest, he seemed intelligent.

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"...It's a good idea."


Jerome stroked his chin as he replied. He looked at me with a gaze that seemed unexpected. That made me feel uneasy again.


Did I seem stupid? Can't believe I came up with such a thought? Of course, I may not have a brilliant mind, but at the very least, I am a human who knows how to think.


"Why are you looking at me like that?"


It made me feel bad.


When I asked pointedly, Jerome smiled, his eyes narrowing.


"Ah, I'm sorry. It's just a little unexpected."


No. Could it be that he was thinking, ‘You're smarter than I thought.’ Although it was rude to think that just by thinking, I would keep such thoughts to myself!


I thought that as I was about to show a brave face.


"...I didn't know you would be so enthusiastic about the work."


However, what Jerome said was slightly different from what I had in mind.


In fact, if it were my original personality, I wouldn't have worked so hard. I would have lived my life as it came, whether it was a trust or whatever.


But this was a matter involving my only brother, Seamus... His life depended on it.


I would be living as Lucia Chase for the rest of my life, so for the sake of my future, I had to work hard.


"So, do you have any complaints?" I asked sharply.


Jerome was not the only priest. He wasn't bad at catching on and doing his job well, but if he didn't like this, he could ask to be replaced with a different priest.


"No, how could I?" Jerome waved his hands, denying it. "Working so diligently as the Saintess, how could I dare to complain? I'm just following you with my life at stake."


Jerome put one hand over his heart and bowed politely. His long eyelashes, which gently swept down, were like curtains above his slightly narrowed eyes.

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