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What was I becoming, suddenly changing the atmosphere like this? I concealed my confusion and continued.


"Of course, there is a major problem with my plan, which is finding the high-ranking noble to target."


How could I possibly find someone who kept their dissatisfaction hidden deep inside?


Last night, as I pondered earnestly, staring at the unfamiliar ceiling of the temple in the darkness, it remained an unsolvable aspect.


"Don't worry about that, Your Holiness. With the temple's information network, we can definitely find them."


"...An information network?"


Goodness. Such a secretive organization exists? The more I learned, the more terrifying the image of the Terrenus Church became...


I knew they were a worldly religion, but at this level, it felt more like a major corporation than a religion.


"Yes. Only the 4-star or higher priests have access to the information they gather, but as a Saint, it shouldn't be a problem for you."


"...I see."


Well, it didn’t matter to me whether this religion was worldly or corrupt. I just need to achieve my goal. They didn't tell me to become a faithful follower and overthrow the Terrenus Church. I never expected such a thing to begin with. If it helped, there was also no reason to refuse.


"For now, once you return to the mansion, I will contact you through Caroline as soon as I find any leads. Is there anything else you need me to do?"


"Well...there is."


I couldn't speak well.


It was such an unreasonable request. Besides, I couldn't figure out how to explain it.


I thought it would be nice to have devices like cameras or recording devices to gather evidence of infidelity. But would these people understand words like "recording" or "filming"?


So, I tried to explain by breaking down the words, using gestures and movements, but it still felt vague.


"...A device that saves conversations and plays them back? And moving pictures...?"


Even Caroline, who nodded along as if everything I said was amazing, looked at me with an expression that seemed to say, ‘What nonsense is this?’


I felt my face flush for no reason and fanned myself with my hand.

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It was a device that anyone of any age in the world I lived in would have. That was all. With just that, I could have conversations with people far away, and I could find necessary information anytime, anywhere.


But if I mentioned that, they would surely treat me like I had gone mad, so I sealed my lips.


"Well, that might be a bit difficult, don't you think?" Caroline said in a flustered voice.


"Is that so?"


Even I thought it was an unreasonable request. I should give up.


However, Jerome remained silent, lost in his thoughts.


"...Priest Jerome?"


Did he find my words so strange that he suddenly wanted to withdraw? I cautiously spoke to Jerome, who seemed lost in his own thoughts.


"Oh, yes, Your Holiness. I apologize. I had something to think about for a moment."


He said he would follow me even at the risk of his life. But now he was lost in his own thoughts without even listening to me. I was tempted to blurt out in frustration.




"...It's not certain, but it might be possible."


"Excuse me?"


What? What on earth was possible?


Caroline and I exchanged puzzled glances, unable to understand what Jerome was talking about.


Could it be that they can fulfill my request for recording or taping?


"What you mentioned, Your Holiness. A device that saves scenes and sounds. As I mentioned, it's not certain, so I'll look into it further and let you know."




If that existed, I wouldn't have to worry about how to gather evidence of infidelity. I could simply hide cameras in Albert and Rosaline's secret meeting place. I wouldn't have to bear the unfair accusation that Seamus fabricated evidence of his wife's infidelity.


"...Don't get your hopes up too much."


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As I looked at Jerome with eyes full of anticipation, his shameless face turned rare shades of red.


Goodness, he was capable of making that kind of expression?


Jerome told me not to expect too much, but it was an urgent matter for me, so there was nothing I could do.


"If you have nothing else to say, I'll prepare the carriage."


"Yes, please."


If we stayed away for too long, my parents and Seamus would worry. Especially Seamus, who had suddenly become suspicious of me. It was better to return quickly.


"Caroline, have you packed everything?"


"Yes, Priest Jerome."


As I watched Jerome and Caroline's conversation, it suddenly hit me that Caroline would be accompanying me to the Count's estate.


It hadn't been long since I started living in Lucia's body, but I thought I had adapted to the changed life to some extent.


From now on, I would be living a different life than what I was accustomed to.


As I was about to board the prepared carriage, Jerome naturally offered to escort me.


I wanted to refuse and get on the carriage alone. However, it would go against the etiquette of this world.


With a sigh, I took his hand.


Of course, I didn't just want an escort.


"How long do I have to wait?"


Whether it was finding the person to persuade or acquiring the device to capture evidence. Abigail might be young enough to handle it, but I was in a hurry, so I asked with impatience.


"...You don't have to wait for too long. I'm not sure if it will be the answer you're waiting for, but I'll contact you within a few days."


"Okay, then I'll wait for your contact."


I boarded the carriage, elegantly flicking my hair.


Jerome looked at me with a mischievous and wicked expression, as if finding me amusing.

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What on earth was Jerome's true nature? Was it the serious and sharp gaze that was genuine, or was it the mischievous and fickle appearance that was genuine? Did this person have both aspects? It was really confusing.


As I scrutinized Jerome with suspicious eyes, the carriage suddenly started moving with a clattering sound.


Although it had only been a day since I left home, it felt as if several years had passed.


* * *


"Welcome, Lucia."


As soon as I got off the carriage upon arriving at the mansion, Seamus greeted me.


He was quite busy, as he was not only the heir to the Count but also involved in the top management of his father's business, yet he came out to greet me personally.


Of course, I understood that it was because of the accident I had caused at Abigail's baptism, which happened just yesterday. But still, should I feel burdened about it?


"Are you alright?"


And also, that Anton guy who wasn't even a cat but adds 'nya, nya' at the end of every sentence was waiting for me.


“You’ve only returned now?”


You came to attend the baptism and have some fun, so if your business was done, you should go home quietly. I couldn't understand why he was still here at our house.


"...Whether I return or not, what's it to you? You didn't wait for me because you wanted to see me, did you?"


"Who said that?"


Seeing him blurting out words that I didn't even ask for, I couldn't help but sigh.


While I was having a friendly conversation with Anton, Caroline got off the carriage, holding a cage with Snow inside.


On the way home, Snow had listened to my long speech about how he should act like an ordinary bird when we arrived home, saying that if he acted too smart, it would look suspicious. So, he just sat quietly in the cage like an ordinary bird.


He's really a clever little fellow. I like him.


While waiting for Seamus and Anton to introduce themselves to the unfamiliar person, they looked at Caroline.


"Greetings from the servant of the gods, Caroline Hupert." Caroline placed her right hand, which wasn't holding the cage, on her chest and bowed.

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"Oh, welcome. So, you're the priest dispatched from the temple. I'm Lord Seamus Chase."


"I see. You're Lucia's older brother! You two look so alike that I could recognize you from a distance," Caroline said brightly, exchanging greetings with Seamus.


Usually, when siblings are told that they look alike, they find it unpleasant. I've seen that from both myself and Seamus. But when it came to being alike, neither of us had any particular thoughts.


"Please take good care of the priest while she stays at the Count’s," Seamus politely ordered the butler.


I wondered if Seamus didn't like the temple personnel much because of Jerome's attitude, but seeing how he treated Caroline with utmost courtesy, it seemed that that wasn't the case.


Following Seamus's command, the butler politely guided Caroline to the guest room.


Caroline looked around, unsure of what to do with the cage holding Snow.


"Please give it to me."


Since he was my pet bird, I should take care of him.


Caroline seemed to be uncomfortable with the idea of allowing me, the Saint, to carry the cage myself. She wore a troubled expression as if she was asking, ‘How can I let the saint carry it directly?’ But when I urged her again, she reluctantly handed me Snow's cage.


"Whose bird is that?"


"Oh, I’m planning on raising it myself."


Since there were quite a few nobles in this world who raised parrots, Seamus didn't find it strange and nodded his head. Although Snow was not a common bird, he had a cute appearance, which made it natural for Seamus to accept it.


"Yeah. Actually, since you've been spending a lot of time alone in your room lately, I was thinking of suggesting that you get a dog or a cat. A bird isn't bad either. Did you give it a name?" Seamus smiled kindly, and a dimple formed on his cheek.


"Oh, yes. I named him Snow."


It was still embarrassing as it was my first time giving a name. But since I received approval from Caroline, I gathered the courage to speak up.






I heard a sound that I couldn't believe came from Seamus —a mocking laugh.


‘Pfft’? ‘Pfft’? Hey? Brother, are you really laughing at me?


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