“How can I trust your words?”

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“If you believe me just once… I promise I won’t do it again…”

“Hmm, should I throw it at that wretched skeleton and run away?”

Upon hearing those words, Clovin was startled and terrified.

“No, it’s not allowed. Absolutely not. I’m sorry. I have committed a grave sin. Please, save me…”

After hearing the rapid and apologetic apologies as if in a rap, May expressed satisfaction and sheathed her sword. As soon as she put away her sword, Clovin slumped down, feeling relieved.

When he saw the approaching skeleton spirit, he crawled away with a disgusted expression on his face.

Of course, with little strength left in his body, he couldn’t run very far.

Clovin’s face was drenched in tears and mucus, presenting a comical sight.

“Clovin, what if someone who wants to become a holy knight runs away at the sight of a demon?”

May turned her gaze towards Clovin and then shifted her attention to the skeleton spirit.

When the skeleton spirit reached a suitable distance,

“We have to fight.”

May aimed her sword at the skeleton spirit’s face and rushed forward.

“Look, Clovin. The vulnerable spot of a skeleton spirit is…”

She leaped and pierced through the skeleton spirit’s face.

“It’s the face.”

With her sword deeply embedded, she landed on the ground. The skeleton spirit, with the sword piercing its face, writhed weakly before falling down.

May approached the skeleton spirit and pulled out her sword. She turned around and taught Clovin.

“You didn’t know, so remember this. Well, having the attitude of not being afraid in front of demons is more important than knowing their weak spots.”

Finally, Clovin stopped trembling, perhaps embarrassed by his trembling appearance, and lowered his head.

May took out two beads, one from the fallen skeleton spirit just now and one from the previously defeated one.

“I’ve seen enough. Let’s go.”

As she was about to leave, she paused and looked at him again.

“Oh, by the way, wipe your nose. It’s dirty.”

With those words, she ran towards the Akka Center.

Left alone, Clovin wiped his nose. There was mucus on the back of his hand.

“Damn it…”

* * *

“Beep-beep! Round 2 has ended!”

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As the host announced the end of the competition, the participants gradually returned to the Arcus Center.

Most of them had expressions that showed their realization of how powerful the C-rank demons were, rather than disappointment for not being able to collect beads.

“Wow, the skeleton spirit was no joke.”

“The attacks were so fast that my hand almost got cut off.”

“It’s amazing that someone managed to collect beads.”

When all the participants gathered, the host signaled the beginning of the award ceremony.

“The awards will be presented by the organizers of the Akka Tournament, Iris and Cassius.”

Iris and Cassius descended the central pillar stairs. The participants welcomed the guardian deities with applause.

Standing on the podium, they began the award presentation.

“Great job, everyone. Whether you managed to collect the beads or not, just passing Round 1 deserves praise.”

Iris’s warm encouragement brightened the atmosphere in the venue. Cassius continued with the announcement.

“For an ordinary person to defeat a C-rank demon alone is an incredibly challenging task. Even for the guardian knights, it’s difficult without magic power. So we didn’t have high expectations, but three participants managed to collect the beads in just 30 minutes.”

The participants looked around, trying to figure out who those three were.

“Everyone here is amazing, but I want to give special praise to these three. They were truly remarkable and outstanding.”

“Shall we start by announcing the third place?”

I felt more nervous than ever. My hands clenched tightly, and even sweat formed in them.

Please let me be in the top three…

“After collecting the beads in 27 minutes and 58 seconds…”

As Iris scanned the participants, her gaze finally settled on me, the one praying silently.

“May Flotina!”

Upon hearing my name, I was taken aback and instinctively covered my mouth.

Me, third place…?

Without a moment to savor the overwhelming emotions, the host guided me to the podium.

“Mr. Flotina, please step onto the podium.”

Following the instructions, I ascended the podium.

Although many people applauded for me, I had a stunned expression, unsure if it was a dream or reality.

Iris placed the bronze medal around my neck, and Cassius handed me a bouquet of flowers. It was only then that I truly realized it was real.

“Congratulations, sweetheart.”

“I knew you could do it.”

I was touched and bowed to the guardian deities to show my gratitude.

“Thank you!”

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Having received the medal and bouquet, I stepped back for the next announcement.

Honestly, I was anxious. I expected to be third place since the tournament ended right after I handed in my bead, but I felt like Clovin had taken up an unnecessary amount of time during the competition.

I smiled at the bronze medal hanging around my neck.

The award ceremony continued.

“The second place, who collected the bead in 25 minutes and 11 seconds, is Gilbert Altan!”

As the second-place participant ascended the podium, I applauded enthusiastically.

And now, the highly anticipated first place. It was obvious who would be the winner even without looking.

“The first place, who collected the bead in 5 minutes and 19 seconds…”

Everyone, including myself, gasped in surprise.

5 minutes and 19 seconds. It takes at least a minute to pass through the gate. Jed’s skill seemed truly remarkable in comparison.

Jed is the protagonist, after all…

I realized that the term “unrivaled” is used in situations like this. I clapped absentmindedly while watching Jed ascend the podium.

With the medal presentation for Jed completed, the ceremony ended, and the schedule that was not mentioned in the tournament guide began.

Cassius spoke up.

“Actually, we were observing your abilities throughout the entire tournament.”

The participants seemed surprised, as if they didn’t know.

“We felt that many of you had the potential to become guardian knights. So, we want to select guardian knights from here.”

The venue buzzed with excitement. Even though they didn’t win medals, they now had hope of becoming guardian knights, and their faces began to brighten.

Cassius made the first announcement.

“Eddy, Sara, Michael. Please step onto the podium.”

The three named participants stepped onto the podium with bewildered expressions, and the staff members pinned badges on them.

The guardian knight badge that everyone possesses if they are official guardian knights.

Cassius’s innate magic color was gold.

“Congratulations! From today onwards, you three are members of the Second Knight Order.”

The three of them, wearing their badges, were overjoyed and didn’t know what to do. One of them was so happy that they even shed tears.

“Thank you, Cassius.”

“We will strive to become great guardian knights!”

“Th-thank you so much…”

I observed their shiny gold badges.

The First Knight Order led by Lady Iris has silver badges, considering her innate magic color is silver.

The guardian knight badges were designed in the shape of wings, and their colors varied for each knight order. It was based on the innate magic color of the guardian deity leading the order.

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The innate magic color refers to the visual color that appears when using magic.

Lady Iris’s innate magic color is silver, Cassius’s is gold, and Hestia’s is purple.

“Flora’s innate magic color is red, so Persis, who received his power, also uses red magic.”

I wanted to quickly attach the silver badge to my shirt.

Next, Lady Iris spoke.

“I also had my eyes on three participants.”

The participants looked at Lady Iris with pleading eyes, hoping to be chosen. Clovin was among them, looking at her with eyes that seemed to say, ‘Please choose me… You’ve received extravagant gifts on your birthdays, haven’t you?’

However, Lady Iris didn’t even glance at Clovin.

“Vasys, Dorothy, Marina. Step onto the podium.”

Clovin’s expression soured as his name wasn’t called.

While congratulating the three who were called, I also had some doubts.

“Why aren’t they announcing the people who won medals?”

That question was answered after Iris handed out badges to the three winners.

“Lastly, Jed, Altan, and May, who won medals at the Arcus Tournament, can choose which Knight Order they want to join.”

Altan, who was in second place, raised his hands in joy.

I couldn’t believe it, so I asked.


“Yeah. May, you’ll join the First Knight Order under my leadership, right?”

The First Knight Order, the place I desperately wanted to enter. I had no hesitation.

“Of course!”

Lastly, only Jed’s choice remained.

Jed glanced at me and then spoke.

“I will also join the First Knight Order.”

Upon hearing this, Cassius expressed disappointment.

“That’s a shame. He’s a once-in-a-century talent who might or might not appear again.”

“Heheh, Jed, let’s do well from now on.”


Altan wore the Second Knight Order badge, while Jed and I proudly wore the First Knight Order badge on our chests.

Seeing the badges, I couldn’t help but feel emotional.

I finally became an official guardian knight. It was the vague dream I had been sketching for five years.

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It was the moment my dream came true.

* * *

After finishing the major event of the Arcus Tournament, I visited Nazret. I hadn’t been able to meet Stella for a while due to my Nine activities and the Akka Tournament.

The butler guided me to the reception room. Stella had come early and was waiting for me.

As soon as I saw Stella, I pointed to the badge on my chest.

“Ta-da! I’ve become an official guardian knight and came!”

Stella widened her eyes and examined the badge.

It looked exactly like the official guardian knight badge I had only seen in books, with its silver wings.

“Wow, really? That’s amazing!”

“Now that I have a profession, I can support myself!”

“Well done, May. You can support yourself and everything. But…”

Stella crossed her arms with a pout on her face.

“Why is it so hard to see your face these days? It seems like you’ve been having fun and doing interesting things without me?”

Hmph! I pouted and had to appease Stella, who turned her head away.

“I’m sorry. I’ve been busy and didn’t have time to come. From now on, even if I can’t see you, I’ll write you letters frequently.”

“Of course you should.”

Feeling relieved at the mention of writing letters, she led me to the sofa. As I sat on the sofa, a maid placed a cup of lemonade in front of me.

“Try it. I made the lemonade myself since you’re here.”

“You made it yourself?”

“Yeah. I made it, and it tastes really good.”

I drank the lemonade poured into the cup. The carbonation popped in my mouth, and the unique sweet and sour taste of lemon filled my palate.

“It’s delicious, isn’t it? My cooking skills are getting better.”

Stella beamed and touched her chin.

“Right? I’m a real catch. Now that I have a profession, I can support myself!”

“That’s great, May. It’s good that you can support yourself. But…”

Stella crossed her arms and gave me a dissatisfied look.

“Why is it so hard to see your face these days? It seems like you’ve been having fun and doing interesting things without me?”

With a huff and a sulky attitude, Stella turned her head away. I had to appease her.

“I’m sorry. I’ve been busy and didn’t have time to come. From now on, even if I can’t see you, I’ll write you letters frequently.”

“Of course you should.”

As the maids left, Stella asked with an intrigued look.

“So, tell me. Since you joined the Nine, did anything progress with Jed Bloche?”

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