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“Why are you reacting like that? Didn’t it go well?”

“Well, actually-“

I spilled everything that had happened.

From Jed leaning on me while drunk, to Diego trying to prevent me from making it into the top rankings, and finally apologizing. I told her everything without leaving out a single detail.

Stella’s face turned into an expression of disbelief.

“Why is his personality like that? Pretending to like someone when he doesn’t? All because of Second Prince, your cousin?”

“Diego seems to follow the prince well. It’s because there’s nothing good that will come out of not following Diego’s orders and having a falling out with him.”

Stella became even more furious at my words.

“But does that give him the right to play with people’s hearts? You clearly knew that he liked you and yet you wasted time with such words. You were trying to prevent yourself from making it into the second round because of Jedd.”

If it were you, no matter how much you liked someone, you would have shown all kinds of affection!

“To be honest, my love for him has cooled off compared to before. But I still like him…”

Stella looked at me with an expression of incomprehension.

“You still like him? How is that possible?”

“He’s good-looking. Maybe the most handsome in the world.”

Stella gulped down the lemonade as if her throat was on fire. Then, with a thump! she roughly placed the cup on the table.

“Listen well, May. The reason I supported you and Jed was because in the original work, Jed came out as a really great guy. But if Jed turns out like this, I can’t support your relationship. It’s obvious that you’ll suffer because of Jed.”

“But he apologized and admitted his mistake…”

“You don’t know if he’s sincere or not. Do you know how many people apologize without feeling sorry in this world? They only run their mouths for their own benefit. They aren’t even the tiniest bit sorry.”

“But he was the one who apologized first. There may be many people who fit your description, but there are also many people who don’t even apologize after doing something wrong.”

There are many people who come out acting like a villain.

“Compared to those people, Jed is a gentleman.”

“Well, that’s true… But…”

Unable to argue further, I awkwardly drank the lemonade.

To prevent Stella’s mood from souring, I quickly changed the subject.

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“More importantly, there’s something more important to talk about.”

“What is it?”

“Milo is in Pensoga.”


I told Stella everything I heard about Milo from Jed and Diego, without leaving out any details.

“So, I decided to look for Milo together.”

Stella slowly averted her gaze.

“So Milo is alive… I’m glad…”

After bowing her head for a while, Stella made a heartfelt request to me.

“My dad really wants to see Milo. Whenever my dad misses Milo, I feel like crying along with him. So please find him for sure.”

Stella knew that when Milo returned home, he would have to share Heint’s love between Milo and her.

‘He’ll probably dote on Milo more. He’s the son he lost, so of course he’d want to treat him well.’

Perhaps Milo would become Heint’s number one priority for the rest of his life, with Stella being second. Yet, Stella still hoped that Milo would be found.

That’s how much she couldn’t bear to see Heint in sorrow.

“If you need me, call me anytime. I’ll do my best to help you find Milo with all my strength.”

“Okay. I’ll make sure you don’t have to worry.”

Stella and I smiled at each other, making sure not to worry about each other.

* * *

In the second round of the Arcus competition, Diego, who injured his arm, recovered without a single scar in just five days using precious herbs.

Diego unwrapped the bandage on his arm and checked the injured area.

“You used good herbs. There’s not a trace of fresh scars.”

“Of course, I have to use good herbs for the prince.”

“That’s right. If there’s a big scar, I won’t let you off easily.”

The physician forced a smile, though it wasn’t a genuine one.

“Then, Your Highness, I’ll take my leave.”

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After the physician left, Diego was alone in his bedroom.

He sat on the single sofa near the window, intending to take a nap. The sunlight touching his skin felt warm.

As he closed his eyes, he felt like he was gradually drifting off to sleep. But…

“What will happen if you kneel in front of a demon? You could die, you know.”

May’s voice echoed in his ears, and at the same time, memories of that day resurfaced.

The incident where May came running to him and defeated the skeleton ghost when he got injured. And the moment when she asked him to take off his clothes and stopped the bleeding.

Thump thump. For some reason, his heart raced uncontrollably when he thought of that incident.

Diego opened his eyes, furrowing his brow.

“Why is my heart beating so fast?”

Could it be that he really liked May Flotina?

“Damn it…”

Now he didn’t deny it anymore. The more he denied it, the more his actions became incomprehensible.

Diego closed his eyes again, but this time, memories of what happened in the tent came to mind.

He almost took off the armor, but he hid himself in time and saw May taking off his top.

He couldn’t take his eyes off May’s back that he recalled. The delicate waistline hidden beneath the tightly wrapped bandage…

“Damn it!”

He was about to curse, but stopped himself.

‘Don’t think about unnecessary things and just go to sleep.’

He scolded himself and closed his eyes, trying to sleep.

However, it seemed like he was fated to be unable to fall asleep as the voice of the courtier woke him up.

“Your Highness, His Majesty would like to have a meal together.”

As soon as Diego opened his eyes, he threw the cushion that was behind him toward the door.

Thump! The cushion hit the door with a loud noise, causing it to shake.

The courtier standing behind the door calmed down his surprised heart. It seemed like it was a way to vent his anger in a suitable place.

Diego didn’t look happy as he headed to the dining hall.

Apart from being disturbed while sleeping, it was also because he naturally disliked his father.

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Diego greeted his father with a stiff face. The Emperor was sitting at the head of the table.

“You called, Father.”

“Come and have a seat.”

Diego took his seat with an expression that wasn’t very pleasant. The Emperor got straight to the point.

“It’s about time you choose a fiancée, Diego.”

He wasn’t very surprised since he had some expectations.

“I have no intention of getting married.”

The Emperor reproached him right away.

“You’ve been going to see women behind my back, but you have no intention of getting married? Are you saying that with a straight face?”

“When did I ever talk about marriage, Father? Don’t you know that because of you, I don’t meet any women?”

“I see, Diego. Since we’re talking about it, let’s discuss that part.”

The Emperor put down the fork and knife he was holding and gave Diego a scrutinizing look, as if he was looking at something impure.

“You surely don’t like men, right?”


The word “no” didn’t come out of his mouth. In that moment, May came to mind. Of all times, it had to be now.

The Emperor stuck out his tongue at Diego, who remained silent.

“Tsk tsk, I should have known since the time I brought a man into your bedroom.”


Diego slammed the table and stood up from his seat.

“Do you enjoy mocking your son? How long are you going to keep this up?”

“Think about the dignity of the tainted imperial family because of your licentiousness. You don’t even understand how impolite your actions are.”

Diego was angry and resentful, wanting to tear everything to shreds, but in front of his father, he clenched his fist tightly.

“I will get married when I want to, even if I do. No matter how much you mock me, I won’t do it if I don’t want to.”

“Tsk, you’re so stubborn. You don’t even listen to your father’s words.”

“And men…”

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Even in this moment, Diego struggled to erase the image of the platinum-haired boy from his mind.

“I don’t like men.”

“Of course, you shouldn’t. If you enjoyed men, it would further tarnish the dignity of the imperial family.”

Diego left his seat and stormed out.

Back in his room, he was filled with uncontrollable rage.

Crash! He swept away the items on his desk and smash! He even broke the flower pot, but his anger didn’t subside.

And in the midst of it all, he became even angrier at the fact that May Flotina came to mind.

* * *

It was the day when the Nine gathered together.

As I got off the carriage, Bloche arrived right after. It seemed like Jed had arrived as well.

He got off the carriage and came to me with a gentle smile.

I remembered the conversation I had with Stella at Nazret.

‘Listen, May. If Jed continues like this, I can’t support our relationship.’

‘But he apologized and made amends to me…’

‘You don’t know if it’s sincere or not.’

Stella’s words were right. I couldn’t know if Jed’s words were genuine or not.

But I still liked Jed. Despite everything, I still liked him, so wouldn’t it be okay to forgive him and trust him at least once?

Even if it leads to heartache, there’s nothing I can do. It’s the path I chose.

The casual thought helped me stay true to my emotions. I made the wrong judgment even though I knew right from wrong.

“Let’s go in.”

Jed smiled and reached out his hand, and I gladly took it.

I entered the Nine with Jed. In the main room, there were Diego, Gallay, and Velta.

Diego was holding his half-covered face with his hand. He was heavily drunk even in the middle of the day.

Gallay and Velta, who looked like they hadn’t seen me in a while, glanced at me with surprise. They couldn’t say anything since they knew I had become an official guardian knight, but they seemed quite displeased with the fact.

I sat down on the sofa without caring about their gazes. Jed was right next to me. I naturally started a conversation with him.

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