Li Shubai sat down beside her.

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Although it is not crowded for two people sitting at a small table, there is only less than five centimeters of distance between their shoulders.

The heat of the human body is particularly obvious under the air conditioner that constantly blows cold air.

Immersed in the ocean of learning, they didn’t feel uncomfortable, and they all just wanted to seize the time to acquire more knowledge.

Cheng Nian will come to Li Shubai’s house to make up lessons on the following weekends.

Li Ying is here and there occasionally, but she always prepares some fruit drinks for them.

The learning process was dull and boring, but Cheng Nian felt that the time passed quickly.

It was the end of the term in a blink of an eye, and the teacher printed a few mock papers before the exam, which made Cheng Nian feel that her knowledge reserve was not enough.

Seeing her poor score after checking the answers, Cheng Nian lay on the table and didn’t want to move.

She obviously worked hard, didn’t she? Why didn’t she get anything in return.

In terms of total grades, she was worse than He Yunfei, making Cheng Nian want to find a piece of tofu and hit herself to death.

Seeing her dejected look, He Yunfei hurried over to her, but he didn’t know whether to comfort her or tease her.

“It’s a big improvement, isn’t it? At least the multiple-choice questions are still correct.”

Cheng Nian felt even more sad when she heard it, and said with a mournful face, “I was fooled.”

He Yunfei giggled, “Not a big deal, let’s not learn, let’s go to Hecheng to play during the holidays, then a new amusement park has opened.”

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Cheng Nian sighed, and was just about to nod, Li Shubai, who came back from the teacher’s office, politely asked He Yunfei to leave his seat.

When Cheng Nian saw Li Shubai coming back, she immediately covered up her test paper and stuffed it into the drawer, stood up as if nothing had happened, and planned to go out.

Li Shubai called her to stop, “Show me the comprehensive examination paper.”

Cheng Nian pretended to be dazed, and said dully: “Li Zong, what is it, sweet or salty, is it delicious?”

Li Shubai glanced at her, then put his hand into Cheng Nian’s drawer.

Seeing that he was about to get her test paper, Cheng Nian rushed over to stop him.

In the small desk pocket, the hands of the two people almost touched each other.

When he touched the back of Cheng Nian’s hand, Li Shubai instantly withdrew his hand as if he had touched fire, and his face felt as if it had been scorched by the fire.

Cheng Nian didn’t notice the change in his mood.

She had a resentful look on her face, knowing that she would not be able to hide it from Li Shubai, she sullenly took out the test paper and spread it on the table.

“Thirty-eight points, are you satisfied?”

Li Shubai calmed down, took the test paper he read carefully for five minutes, and said softly.

“It’s just that the basic knowledge is not memorized, it’s not a big problem.”

Cheng Nian lay down on the table disheartened, complaining in frustration.

“You don’t need to comfort me. I know how much I am. Is it not good to eat, drink and have fun? Why go crazy to study. I’m tired like a dog every day. Damn, I won’t study anymore.”

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Li Shubai suddenly became serious, and a little indignation appeared on his usual indifferent face.

He slapped the test paper next to Cheng Nian, and said coldly.

“Do you really think you are working hard? What time do you get up and go to bed? What do you do on weekends other than making up lessons? To put it bluntly, you have grown up so much, what have you done by yourself other than using your family’s money??”

Learning is an endeavor, also for him.

If you can’t get something, regardless of whether the method is right or not, and you don’t reflect on yourself, you just give up, which is really hateful.

Li Shubai’s series of questioning, like gatling on fire, slammed into Cheng Nian’s heart without a blade of grass.

Cheng Nian felt both ashamed and aggrieved, her eyes turned red all of a sudden.

She lowered her eyelids and stared at her finger bones, whispering pitifully.

“Then you can’t say that about me.”

Flecks of tears rolled up Cheng Nianmi’s eyelashes like butterfly wings, and she held back as much as she wanted to fall.

In fact, what Li Shubai said was right, she just seemed to be working very hard, but to be honest, her level of hard work was less than one-tenth of Li Shubai’s.

Moreover, the hundreds of other people’s tireless mechanics day and night, she can’t catch up in more than a month.

Cheng Nian’s appearance on the verge of tears is both pitiful and cute, and anyone who sees it will want to comfort her.

However, Li Shubai was full of resentment at the moment, seeing her unconvinced, he added.

“Isn’t it? If you want to give up after a little setback, then you don’t have to do anything in your life. There is a direct ratio between effort and reward. If you don’t try again, how will you know it won’t work.”

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Cheng Nian looked at Li Shubai leisurely with black and white eyes, as if separated by a layer of clear glass, she could vaguely see a faint pain.

She wanted to ask Li Shubai.

I used to love you so much, but what have I gained?

That glance was like a small mountain, pressing on Li Shubai’s chest that was already jumping wildly, it was as thin as a hair, but it was powerful.

He suddenly felt a little out of breath, and couldn’t help saying softly, “I’m sorry.”

Cheng Nian sniffed and said in a muffled voice, “It’s okay.”

What Li Shubai said makes sense, but if the direction is wrong, no matter how hard you try, it will be futile.

Seeing Cheng Nian looking a little disappointed, Li Shubai suggested.

“Well, you will come to make up lessons on Saturday mornings in the future, and your grades will definitely improve.”

Cheng Nian’s eyes widened immediately, and she was stunned like a goose, and said awkwardly, “There’s no need for that.”

“Don’t you want to see me?”

The summer wind blows in from the window, bringing scorching heat waves, as if it was sent in with a fire in its arms, making Li Shubai’s cheeks and ears slightly red.

Before Cheng Nian could react, he turned his face away unnaturally, and first explained: “Don’t think too much, I just hope you study hard.”

Cheng Nian smiled wryly, “You don’t need to explain to me again and again, I know you don’t like me.”

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She had lived her whole life to only figure out this one thing, so it wasn’t hard to misunderstand him.

But Li Shubai’s words really stimulated Cheng Nian.

She spread out the test papers on the table and took out the error book from the drawer.

“Let me look at the question first, and ask you if there is anything I don’t know.”

Li Shubai’s expression darkened for a moment, and then he said lightly, “Okay.”

During the vacation, Cheng Nian declined He Yunfei’s invitation to play in Hecheng, and went to Li Shubai’s house with a full schoolbag.

Li Ying prepared lunch for them and went out.

She went to babysit during the day and set up a night market at night, so it was not easy to pull Li Shubai alone.

Knowing this, Cheng Nian felt that Li Shubai’s previous resistance to her was not entirely unreasonable.

If she grew up in such an environment, she only wanted to go to university and earn a lot of money so that her mother could live a good life.

But if there is a rich second-generation hooligan who is ignorant and incompetent who clings to her all day long and wants to fall in love with her. It’s no wonder she doesn’t want to kick him to Java.

After lunch, Cheng Nian lay down on Li Shubai’s bed and slept for a while, while Li Shubai was still reading.

Before Cheng Nian woke up, her mobile phone on the table rang several times.

Li Shubai didn’t have the curiosity to pry into other people’s privacy, but his eyes drifted over to the lit screen intentionally or unintentionally.

He Yunfei sent many messages, the top one is.

【Lin Fang is back.】

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