After realizing what she said, Cheng Nian immediately covered her mouth and sat up like a little animal whose fur is puffed up.

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She looked at Li Shubai’s panicked and surprised face, waved her hands nervously and said anxiously.

“I mean teacher, where is teacher!? What class is next, where is my book, why didn’t you wake me up earlier?”

[she said lao gong= husband, but changed it to lao shi= teacher]

On the surface, Li Shubai only responded calmly, but he felt a pair of iron hands grabbing his chest.

The two words that Cheng Nian casually uttered resounded in his heart over and over again, making his normally calm emotions suddenly boil like boiling water.

The turbulent heartbeat is like a falling apple on Newton’s head, waiting for an answer that can fall.

The next session was Li Shubai’s best chemistry class, but he seemed to be listening to Arabic the whole time.

The teacher asked him to come on to the front to help explain the wrong questions, but he didn’t even get the book right.

Cheng Nian was ashamed and regretful, she didn’t dare to look at Li Shubai all day. After class, she ran to He Yunfei’s seat and listened to his lecture at the same table.

He Yunfei’s new deskmate was a relatively dull person. His classmates nicknamed him pangpang*, but he wasn’t angry, and just smiled honestly when he was called.


He Yunfei was as naughty as a monkey, facing such a person, he really had no room to play, and passively learned a lot of knowledge.

Suddenly there were two naughty people in the class, and the learning atmosphere became stronger.

Li Meng was worried about Li Shubai and Cheng Nian at first, but now she turns a blind eye.

The weekend is coming soon.

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In the last class, some students have already packed their schoolbags and are ready to rush out of the campus at any time.

Cheng Nian is no exception.

Seeing that get out of class would be over in five minutes, she packed her textbooks, spread a newspaper in front of her, and her heart drifted home.

Li Shubai was still concentrating on writing the questions, and he didn’t seem to think that the holiday was such a joyful thing.

When the bell rang and the students were in a mess, he suddenly raised his head.

Seeing that Cheng Nian was about to leave with He Yunfei, Li Shubai called to stop her.

“Wait a moment.”

When He Yunfei saw Li Shubai, he became angry, and said to Cheng Nian, “I’ll wait for you by the car”, and went downstairs first.

Cheng Nian turned around and said impatiently, “What’s the matter?”

Seeing her frowning slightly, Li Shubai hesitated.

“Do you want to come to my house tonight?”

Cheng Nian remembered that she would go to his house to make up lessons, thought for a while and nodded.

“Okay, I’ll go home first, and I’ll contact you later, what’s your phone number?”

There was a hint of embarrassment on Li Shubai’s face, he turned away and said softly: “Come to the back door of the school after eight o’clock, and I will wait for you there.”

Only then did Cheng Nian realize that he probably didn’t have any extra money to buy a mobile phone, so he answered without mentioning the contact information.

Back home, Cheng Nian was still greeted by a large table of delicacies cooked by her mother, Su Huiyu.

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After dinner, the family of three went to the department store and bought several new clothes for Cheng Nian.

When passing by the mobile phone store, Cheng Nian casually glanced at the huge poster hanging outside.

Lao Chengtou saw that his baby girl seemed to be interested in the mobile phone on the poster, so he went in and bought one for her.

The progress of the times is far beyond everyone’s imagination, and Cheng Nian is not curious about the current mobile phones when she is used to smartphones in the future.

But in front of Lao Chengtou, she still acted very happy, and repeatedly praised him as the best dad in the world.

Joy is false, words are true.

Before going to see Li Shubai, Cheng Nian hesitated whether to bring her old mobile phone that she didn’t use.

After thinking about it for a while, she still put it in her pocket.

At around 8:30 in the evening, the sky in the city was completely dark, and the street lights were turned on one by one, lighting up like a little sun at night.

Cheng Nian didn’t ask the housekeeper to see her off, and rode a small e-donkey to the back gate of the school.

Li Ying’s booth has already been set up, and two or three customers are sparsely seated.

Cheng Nian walked over and realized that the people sitting were not customers, but Li Shubai and Tang Yanran.

The two were very close, with a book in front of them, which looked like they were studying.

But Tang Yanran’s eyes were fixed on Li Shubai’s face, it didn’t look half in the book.

Cheng Nian stared blankly for a moment, then silently pulled her hand out of her pocket.

Seeing Cheng Nian coming, Li Ying hurriedly called to her son, “Shubai, your classmate is here. Come and sit down.”

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Cheng Nian smiled politely at Li Ying, and walked towards Li Shubai and Tang Yanran.

Looking at the pretty couple in front of her, Cheng Nian felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

In her previous life, she sent Tang Yanran away because she hated Tang Yanran for always pestering Li Shubai, and now this scene still upsets Cheng Nian.

She looked down at the stool at her feet, and said in a muffled voice, “Let’s go.”

Li Shubai closed the book and stood up, and said softly to Tang Yanran beside him, “Wait for me.”

Tang Yanran carefully looked at Cheng Nian, but found that the other person’s eyes seemed to wander outside the universe, and she was not looking at Tang Yanran fiercely as usual.

Tang Yanran breathed a sigh of relief, and said obediently, “Okay.”

Cheng Nian ignored the interaction between the two, and there was no expression on her picturesque eyebrows.

The two walked in tandem for five minutes, Li Shubai suddenly explained.

“Yanran is here for help with a problem. We grew up together, and her father usually takes care of our family’s business.”

Cheng Nian stared at her toes, and answered casually.

She didn’t want to know this, and she didn’t understand what Li Shubai wanted to say.

Is it to express that he and Tang Yanran are a match made in heaven, not to mention childhood sweethearts, the two families are also very familiar, and hope that she can take care of him?

If that’s the meaning, then it’s really superfluous, she said a long time ago that she wouldn’t disturb his life anymore.

Cheng Nian sighed, her heart was empty, without emotion, pure emptiness, without even a breath of wind.

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Following Li Shubai around the door of his house, the two of them returned the same way.

Whether it was intentional or not, Li Shubai slowed down and kept walking by Cheng Nian’s side.

Cheng Nian kept her hands in her pockets.

When passing by a trash can, she threw away the contents.

The excess needs to be dealt with as soon as possible, whether it is a thing or a relationship.

All the way silent.

Back at the booth, Cheng Nian and Li Ying said hello and went home.

When she was leaving, she returned a friendly smile to Tang Yanran, but the other party seemed to have seen a ghost, and responded tremblingly with an expression uglier than crying.

Cheng Nian always felt that her original self was too bad to bully such a good girl.

The next afternoon, Cheng Nian came to Li Shubai’s house as scheduled.

Li Ying was not at home, saying that she had gone to take care of a child.

Although the surrounding neighborhood is messy, Li Shubai’s home is extremely tidy, which shows the care of the hostess.

However, the shortcomings of old houses are also obvious, that is, it is hot in summer and cool in winter.

The only air conditioner in the family was installed in Li Shubai’s bedroom, and Cheng Nian felt a bit of coolness when she walked in.

Different from He Yunfei’s messy room, Li Shubai’s room was clean and bright just like his whole person.

Cheng Nian went to the table in front of the window to put down her schoolbag, took out the exercise book and spread it out.

“I can’t solve this problem anyway.”

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