While waiting, Cheng Nian was both looking forward to and nervous, but now that she really wanted to know the results, she was more afraid.

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Li Shubai threw the report card on her desk and went to hand out the papers, without any superfluous expression on his usual indifferent face.

Cheng Nian didn’t dare to read the report card, so she took it and walked back to the blackboard.

He Yunfei came over with scissors and tape with a smile on his face, and said with a big grin, “Let’s see how I did on the exam.”

Cheng Nian habitually looked for their names from below.

After looking up a few frames, Cheng Nian first saw He Yunfei’s name, and then went up.

A little below the middle of the report card, she found her name.

Li Shubai was unsurprisingly ranked first.

While Cheng Nian was still a little baffled, He Yunfei had already read out her grades first.

“Chinese 137, math… little orange, you are a bit good. When Lao Zhang’s nephew is free, let him also tutor for me.”

Cheng Nian hugged He Yunfei excitedly, afraid of disturbing other students who were still studying, she tried to lower her voice and said excitedly.

“I’ll treat you to whatever you want to eat during the holiday.”

When Li Shubai saw Cheng Nian and He Yunfei sticking together during the time when he was handing out the papers, his expression darkened instantly, and he walked quickly to their side.

“Does it take so long to post a report card?”

Cheng Nian let go of He Yunfei, and excitedly pointed to her position on the report card, “Look, look.”

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He Yunfei blocked it with his hand, looked at Li Shubai disrespectfully, and said angrily: “What are you doing with telling him so much, post it up, let’s go.”

When Li Shubai returned to his seat, Cheng Nian excitedly showed him her paper.

“I actually got one of the big questions behind the math right.”

Seeing Cheng Nian happy as if she had won five million, Li Shubai couldn’t help but smile slightly.

After laughing, he was worried again.

With Cheng Nian’s current score, she might not even be able to pass three exams.

Thinking that there is still one year to review, Li Shubai said to Cheng Nianyu earnestly: “Don’t get carried away, keep studying.”

Cheng Nian responded, took out the wrong question book from the drawer, and carefully read it while lying on the test paper.

Li Shubai turned his face and glanced at Cheng Nian.

The girl was flipping through the book in one hand and holding the pen in the other, looking for knowledge points in the book with a concentrated expression, still muttering something from time to time. her black hair was combed casually behind her head, exposing her smooth neck.

Occasionally, a few strands of hair slipped down the sides of the cheeks, and were quickly tucked behind her ears.

Li Shubai lowered his eyelids halfway, his eyes slowly turned back to his desktop.

In the past, he hated Cheng Nian’s reckless behavior and lack of self-improvement, so what now?

Li Shubai didn’t continue to think about it, he sorted out the papers and opened the exercise booklet.

What happens when carbon dioxide is introduced into a solution of sodium carbonate?

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He does not know.


Half a month passed by, and the students finally had their long-awaited vacation.

In order to avoid the rush hour for picking up students, Cheng Nian asked He Yunfei to pack the luggage in the dormitory the day before the holiday, and asked the housekeeper to take it away after school in the afternoon.

Wrapped in a thin sheet and slept all night, Cheng Nian’s back ached and she even caught a cold, she kept reminding herself not to do such stupid things in the future.

On the last day, everyone had no intention of studying. The school also knew that the lectures at this time were basically playing the piano to a cow, so they simply arranged it as self-study classes.

It was fine in the morning, but in the afternoon the students started to get restless.

Li Shubai made a study list for the holiday, and after handing it over to Cheng Nian, she shook her head.

“I don’t think it’s any different from going to school. It’s just half a day off a week.”

Li Shubai said with a blank face: “Do you know that some people don’t rest all day and spend all their time studying?”

Cheng Nian pursed her lips, unwilling, and couldn’t say anything to refute.

Recalling that He Yunfei said a few days ago that he wanted to go to the northwest to play, she sighed and compromised: “Okay, but I may have to go out for a few days, I will ask you for leave after I am sure.”

Li Shubai blurted out, “With whom?”

Cheng Nian didn’t think too much, and said calmly, “He Yunfei.”

“Just the two of you?”

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“Maybe also my brother, I don’t know if he will be free then.”


Li Shubai didn’t speak any more, his eyes sank along with his thoughts.

When the school bell rang, everyone picked up the luggage piled up at the back of the classroom and rushed to the school gate.

Cheng Nian and He Yunfei put their bags on their backs leisurely, and rode their e-donkey home.

The originally not very wide street became even more congested due to too many vehicles, and it took Cheng Nian and the others half an hour to get out from the road at the back door.

Li Ying was busy with work and had no time to pick up Li Shubai, so she entrusted Tang Yanran’s father to pick them up together.

When stuffing the luggage into the trunk of Tang Mian’s car, He Yunfei drove Cheng Nian past them.

Li Shubai was busy tidying up the space in the trunk, so he didn’t see them at all.

It was Tang Yanran who said, “Is that Cheng Nian?”

Li Shubai poked his head out and saw Cheng Nian sitting behind He Yunfei, both wearing two helmets of the same style, one pink and one blue.

Tang Yanran didn’t know who was in front, so she guessed, “That’s her boyfriend.”

Tang Yanran was very happy when she heard that Cheng Nian didn’t like Li Shubai in the dormitory last time, who knew that the two would get closer and closer afterwards.

Although Li Shubai gave Cheng Nian extra lessons for money, but Cheng Nian’s good-looking appearance really made it difficult for her to feel at ease.

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Li Shubai’s gaze followed the two glaring helmets as they moved in the traffic for a moment, then he recovered his senses and replied decisively.


Seeing Li Shubai’s expression darken, Tang Yanran opened her mouth, but said nothing.

She had never felt that Li Shubai was so strange.

Obviously the two of them are standing together, but it feels tens of thousands of light-years apart.

Tang Yanran looked at the place where the pink helmet disappeared, and felt uneasy.


The next day, Cheng Nian slept until 9 am, and when she woke up, she called He Yunfei to plan the trip.

Who knew that He Yunfei was dragged to the construction site by He Yi as soon as he was on vacation, saying that he wanted to let him experience life.

Cheng Nian called Cheng Zhiyuan again, he had been spinning around for a week and had no time to rest at all.

Su Huiyu and Lao Chengtou have already signed up for a tour group and are going to travel abroad.

Cheng Nian didn’t want to disturb their “alone time”, so she reluctantly accepted the fact that no one was traveling with her.

As compensation, Lao Chengtou bought Cheng Nian a camera, and told her earnestly that the beauty is not the scenery, but the eyes that discover the scenery.

When the appointed day came, Cheng Nian came to Li Shubai’s house listlessly with her schoolbag on her back.

Halfway through learning, Li Shubai asked casually.

“You said you wanted to go out to play, has the date been set?”

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