Cheng Nian sighed, lay down on the table, and said sadly: “I won’t go, no one will accompany me.”

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Li Shubai’s eyes rolled slightly, and the hand holding the pen trembled slightly.

He responded, and said casually: “When the college entrance examination is over, there will naturally be someone to accompany you.”

Cheng Nian turned her face away, “How do you know?”

Li Shubai stared at the book, and said a little unnaturally: “After the exam, everyone will be interested in playing.”

Cheng Nian pouted, “I’m combining work and rest, do you understand?”

“Isn’t sleep just rest?”

Cheng Nian glanced at Li Shubai, his originally clear eyes were stained with an imperceptible sadness.

She didn’t want to continue talking, so she casually pointed to a question in the exercise book and asked him.

Li Shubai didn’t notice the slight change in Cheng Nian’s mood, so he followed her finger to look over.

The two quickly resumed their studies.

When it was time to eat lunch, Tang Yanran knocked on the door of Li Shubai’s house.

She knew that Li Ying had to work during the day, so she came here to find Li Shubai for lunch, but she didn’t expect Cheng Nian to be there.

Cheng Nian didn’t want to be a third wheel, so after hearing Tang Yanran’s explanation of her visit, she immediately took out her phone and pretended that she had received the message.

“Oh, I just have something to do, you two eat, I’m leaving first, and I’ll come back in the afternoon.”

Li Shubai stopped her, “What’s the matter, don’t you want to eat first?”

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Tang Yanran also echoed, “Let’s eat something together.”

Cheng Nian looked at Tang Yanran’s realistic smirk, and at Li Shubai’s bewildered stupidity, and shook her head again and again.

She pushed Li Shubai, gave him a wink, and said impatiently: “Why are you asking so many questions, hurry up and eat.”

Li Shubai didn’t insist anymore, took a spare key from the kitchen and gave it to Cheng Nian, and told her.

“If I’m not back yet, you come in the house first.”

Cheng Nian waved her hand, “I know, I know, let’s go.”

Randomly looking for a place to eat nearby, Cheng Nian licked a cone slowly and started to walk back.

When she walked downstairs to Li Shubai’s house, she saw Tang Yanran running out of the corridor shyly, blushing like an apple, and ran away without even saying hello to her.

Cheng Nian walked up.

When he opened the door, she saw Li Shubai standing in the living room with a serious face, and he returned to his normal expression only after seeing her.

Cheng Nian asked casually, “What’s wrong?”

Li Shubai frowned slightly, poured a glass of water, and said indifferently: “Nothing.”

Cheng Nian thought of Tang Yanran’s expression when she ran out just now, and probably could have guessed it all.

It’s normal for young couples to quarrel.

She didn’t ask any more questions, and felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

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A little sour and a little bitter.

They were a match made in heaven, why did she insist on interfering, and let everyone lose the happy ending they should have had.

Thinking of this, Cheng Nian sighed inaudibly, and said with a smile: “It’s fine.”

Li Shubai washed his face, and when he returned to the room, Cheng Nian had already fallen asleep.

She was lying on her side on the bed, with a thin blanket covering her stomach, one hand curled next to her head, and the other on her body.

Not counting the long skirt, it only covered to the knees, and her two fair calves were randomly overlapped, and the socks were half hung off her feet for some reason, revealing half of the insteps.

He didn’t know what she dreamt about, but her eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and it took a long time for her to relax.

Li Shubai sat down at the table, turned up the air conditioner twice, staring at Cheng Nian’s sleeping face in a silent trance.

After Cheng Nian woke up, Li Shubai suddenly told her.

“Yanran just confessed to me.”

Cheng Nian’s consciousness hadn’t fully recovered yet, and she didn’t know how to react when she heard such a sentence.

After being stunned for a moment, she hesitated and said, “Do you want to celebrate?”

Li Shubai looked at Cheng Nian, his stern gaze was like two icicles of cold air, which made her swallow unconsciously.

Cheng Nian frowned slightly, “Then what do you want to hear from me?”

This kind of thing should be told to his good friend, why tell someone who once liked him.

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Li Shubai said firmly: “I rejected her.”

“Oh.” Cheng Nian responded slowly, and asked cooperatively, “Why?”

Li Shubai turned his eyes to the window, and said leisurely: “It’s not the time.”

Cheng Nian pursed her lips and made an impatient expression, “Yes, yes, you must put your studies first, and learning is the most important thing. But Li Shubai, I think that if the relationship is moderate, falling in love will not affect your studies.”

Li Shubai glanced at Cheng Nian, and said calmly, “If you like it enough, you will have it.”

Cheng Nian’s face was a little hot, she didn’t know why she had to discuss this kind of issue with Li Shubai, and she responded awkwardly.

She put on her socks and shoes, stretched herself, and sat down at the table.

Li Shubai gave way to Cheng Nian, and said without a word, “So it’s better to wait until the college entrance examination is over for things like falling in love.”

Cheng Nian didn’t know what he wanted to express, so she nodded in pretend approval.

“I think what you said is very reasonable, so let’s start learning happily.”

Li Shubai didn’t know if Cheng Nian really understood, he gave her a meaningful look, and then turned the book to the place where he talked about last morning.

Cheng Nian spent this holiday just like going to school, there was no evening self-study, but there was homework assigned by Li Shubai.

In the evening, Li Shubai will help Li Ying take care of the food stall, and occasionally let Cheng Nian go to the food stall to do homework, and take time to tutor her when there are few people.

Cheng Nian likes the smell of fireworks and barbecue ingredients in the night market, and is willing to go there.

There are too many mosquitoes in summer, Li Shubai will light the mosquito coils and put them on before she comes.

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When the summer vacation was coming to an end, He Yunfei was finally released from the construction site by his father. His whole body was darkened by seven or eight degrees, and he looked like a tropical refugee.

The first thing He Yunfei did when he regained his freedom was to ask Cheng Nian to go swimming. He dealt with reinforced concrete bricks every day, and he felt that he was about to turn into a stone.

When He Yunfei received the call, Cheng Nian and Li Shubai were doing their homework.

Seeing that it was He Yunfei calling, Cheng Nian stood up and sat on the edge of the bed.

The sound insulation of the old house is not good, so she has no need to go out.

As soon as the call was connected, the person over there asked, “Why aren’t you at home?”

“I’m making up lessons, you didn’t go to the construction site?”

He Yunfei gave a simple explanation and then wailed: “Little orange, go swimming with me, I’m going crazy if I don’t see the water again.”

Cheng Nian glanced at Li Shubai, and agreed, “Okay, I’ll get my swimsuit, and we’ll meet at the entrance of the Water Cube.”

After hanging up the phone, when Cheng Nian was hesitating how to speak, Li Shubai asked slowly, “What’s wrong with you?”

Cheng Nian smiled flatteringly, “I want to ask to leave.”

“Why go?”

Cheng Nian said truthfully: “He Yunfei asked me to go swimming, the poor kid has been working on the construction site for a month, it’s so pitiful.”

Seeing Li Shubai’s expressionless face, as if he was angry, Cheng Nian asked politely and tentatively.

“Do you want to go together?”

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