The entrance to the Water Cube.

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He Yunfei, who saw Cheng Nian and Li Shubai coming together, had the desire to eat people, and asked from a long distance, “Why are you with him?”

Cheng Nian quickly ran over and explained: “He is also making up lessons at Teacher Zhang’s house. I overheard our conversation earlier, who knew that he would com along.”

He Yunfei became visibly unhappy.

Cheng Nian took his arm and shook it, flattering him, “Your birthday will be in two days. How about I give you a life-sized Transformer?”

He Yunfei was a little shaken, his mouth turned up slightly, “You said it, don’t go back on your word.”

Cheng Nian nodded repeatedly.

Sometimes she felt that He Yunfei was like a wayward child with a big temper and easy to coax.

She warned: “I will treat Li Shubai better later, he is also a classmate after all.”

He Yunfei replied angrily, and said in a strange way: “Yes, even if he hits you with the ball and doesn’t give you any respect, I will treat him better.”

Cheng Nian smiled and gently pinched He Yunfei’s face, and said dotingly: “That’s fine.”

After entering the locker room, Cheng Nian went to the swimming pool first.

After waiting for about five minutes, He Yunfei and Li Shubai came out from the door on the other side.

When Cheng Nian saw He Yunfei, he leaned back and laughed.

She didn’t take a closer look outside, but now that He Yunfei took off his clothes, the difference in skin color became more and more obvious. Only his stomach and thighs were white, and the rest were as black as ink.

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She didn’t care to ask them why they were so slow, and exaggerated: “My good brother, where are you digging coal?”

He Yunfei glared at her, “If you are exposed to the sun every day, you will know it after pushing bricks on the construction site for a month.”

Cheng Nian couldn’t stop laughing, pointed at the swimming pool, “Go and take a dip.”

He Yunfei snorted, walked over and jumped into the pool with a “plop”, ignoring the eyes of others.

Cheng Nian then looked at Li Shubai.

Last time she only saw a little bit, now that Li Shubai was standing in front of her wearing only a pair of swimming trunks, Cheng Nian felt uncomfortable all over.

The boy’s body is not that muscular yet, he looks thinner, but his proportions are very good, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, and long and straight legs. Perhaps he has been exercising regularly, and a few not-so-obvious abdominal muscles can be vaguely seen.

Cheng Nian didn’t want to stare at his body all the time, so she said with erratic eyes, “Go and play too.”

Only then did Li Shubai say, “I can’t swim.”

Cheng Nian was taken aback for a moment, thinking why would he follow her then?

Li Shubai glanced at her, “I’ll just watch you from the side.”

Cheng Nian was embarrassed to leave Li Shubai here alone, so she went to the store and bought a swimming ring for him, and told him.

“You play in the shallow water first, you can’t pick it up, you know? Any place with water is dangerous.”

Li Shubai took the swimming ring, glanced at the shallow water area full of children, and responded lightly.

Cheng Nian in the water was as nimble as a fish, diving down from here and emerging from there again.

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In a corner of the boundary between the shallow water area and the deep water area, Li Shubai was floating on the water with a swimming ring on, his eyes following Cheng Nian as he moved in the pool.

“Brother, what are you looking at? Why don’t you go swimming?”

Li Shubai came back to his senses, and saw a chubby little boy sitting in the swimming circle floating beside him at some point, who looked only three or four years old.

He replied truthfully: “I can’t swim.”

The little boy was happy, and he swiped his hand twice in the water, “My brother is a landlubber like me.”

Li Shubai smiled, and his eyes were attracted by the laughter from the other side.

On the water, Cheng Nian and the others were playing volleyball with another group of people they didn’t know.

Among all the fair girls, He Yunfei, a darkly tanned person, seemed particularly abrupt.

The little boy followed his gaze, “Brother, are you looking at the sister in pink?”

Li Shubai looked slightly startled, “How do you know?”

The little boy covered his mouth and smiled, “Because that sister is the prettiest.”

Li Shubai tapped the little boy’s chubby face lightly, and didn’t speak any more.

The little boy was quickly called away by his parents because he was close to the deep water area.

Cheng Nian was tired from playing, and He Yunfei was still not satisfied, so she got out by herself.

Sitting on the rattan chair by the pool for a while, Cheng Nian remembered that Li Shubai was still alone.

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She walked over to the shallow water area, and after a few glances, she saw Li Shubai soaking in the corner.

Cheng Nian plunged down and emerged in front of Li Shubai.

Seeing Li Shubai’s surprised look, she wiped the water off her face and giggled.

The girl’s face without makeup looked like a flower that had just bloomed, emitting a dazzling light from top to bottom.

Li Shubai turned his face away, and said unnaturally: “What are you doing?”

Cheng Nian pulled his swimming ring and led him to the shallow water area, “You won’t stay here forever, will you?”

“No, I just played with the kids for a while.”

Just as he was talking, the little boy sat on the swimming ring and rowed towards the two of them.

“So you know each other.”

As soon as Cheng Nian turned around, she saw a cute doll looking at her curiously.

Cheng Nian smiled, pulled his swimming ring and dragged him to the front, “Little guy, what are you talking about?”

Li Shubai panicked and said, “This is the kid I played with just now, we know each other.”

The little boy laughed, did not expose Li Shubai, and surrounded Cheng Nian, shouting at her like his own older sister.

“Sister, can you swim?”

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“Sister, can you teach me? Mom and Dad are just playing with my sister, and no one cares about me.”

“Sister, my name is Dudu, what’s your name?”

Dudu’s series of questions made Cheng Nian laugh.

She brought Dudu into shallower waters, and waved to Li Shubai, “Come and learn together.”

Li Shubai froze for a second, then quickly swiped over.

Cheng Nian took off both of their swimming rings and put them on the side of the pool, starting with breathing.

“Okay, now you two are holding my hand, go under the water and hold your breath, if you can’t hold on anymore, just pinch me, and I will lift you up.”

Li Shubai’s face was slightly hot. He wanted to say that he could stand up in such shallow water, but finally he just opened his mouth and said nothing.

He soaked in the water for a long time, Cheng Nian’s hands were slightly wrinkled, but still soft.

Li Shubai held it up, and his heart beat unconsciously.

He buried his face in the water and forced himself to be calm.

When Dudu choked on the water when he was practicing for the first time, he was somewhat frightened, and would often drag Cheng Nian and pounce on her within a few seconds.

Although Dudu was only a few years old, Li Shubai still felt quite uncomfortable.

Especially when he saw Dudu’s little hand brazenly placed near Cheng Nian’s collarbone, he wanted to tear him off Cheng Nian’s body.

Finally, Dudu’s parents came and wanted to take him home.

Dudu seemed to like Cheng Nian very much, and asked reluctantly, “Sister, how can we meet again?”

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