Cheng Nian glanced at Su Huiyu angrily, and said in a low voice, “Why do you think we arguing?”

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Su Huiyu smiled meaningfully, “I was young once too, you little fool.”

Cheng Nian didn’t know how to explain it to her, so she looked around helplessly and said, “I’ll tell you when I get back.”

Su Huiyu’s long and narrow eyes were bent, and she returned to Li Ying’s side. The two got together and didn’t know what to say.

In the cold winter air, Cheng Nian reluctantly retracted her head back to her collar, and wanted to go back to her room as soon as possible.

Li Shubai quietly walked to her side at some point.

When the light show was over, Cheng Nian turned around and slammed into Li Shubai before she realized his existence.

Cheng Nian was taken aback, “When did you come here?”

Li Shubai said lightly, “I’ve been here the whole time.”

Cheng Nian touched her sore nose, looked at Li Shubai complainingly but didn’t say anything, and walked towards the room with her head down.

At night, Cheng Nian’s family slept in one room, and Li Ying and Li Shubai slept in the other.

Looking at the double room that Cheng Nian’s father had prepared for the mother and son, Li Ying unconsciously let out her first sigh of the day.

“Auntie Cheng is really nice.”

Li Shubai knew what Li Ying was thinking, he walked over, “She usually takes good care of me.”

Li Ying smiled proudly, “Auntie Cheng has been praising you in front of me, saying that Cheng Nian can now study with peace of mind thanks to your help.”

After being proud, Li Ying became faintly worried again. She looked at Li Shubai tentatively, but she still couldn’t open her mouth after hesitation.

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She didn’t know what to say.

Is it to reprimand Li Shubai for the college entrance examination soon and should concentrate on studying, or to remind him of the huge economic gap between the two families.

Li Ying couldn’t even say these words, she didn’t want to add even a straw to Li Shubai’s heart.

In the end, Li Ying just patted Li Shubai’s shoulder lightly, telling him to rest early.

On the second day, the group experienced a special salt bath in the hot spring and left feeling refreshed.

After sending Li Ying and Li Shubai home, Cheng Nian educated and criticized Su Huiyu in the car.

“Mom, can you stop being too enthusiastic about Li Shubai in the future, he is obviously very uncomfortable.”

Su Huiyu looked innocent, “No, I think he is very generous.”

“You play mahjong and go shopping all day, and Aunt Li has to work hard. You are causing trouble to others.”

Su Huiyu was even more confident, “It’s because of this that I want to take her to relax. You don’t know your Aunt Li’s hands, they are so rough, you go back and give her two bottles of mother’s hand cream.”

Lao Chengtou also chimed in, “Nian Nian, I will help you with your homework in the wind and rain, so don’t trouble others.”

Cheng Nian was angry and didn’t understand how her parents, who had always loved her, became like this.

She snorted angrily, turned her face away toward the window, and refused to communicate with the two of them again.

Arriving at school in the afternoon, Cheng Nian angrily handed Li Shubai two boxes of unopened hand cream.

“My mother is giving it to Auntie.”

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Li Shubai’s heart was warm, and despite Cheng Nian’s disgust, he smiled and said, “Thank to Auntie, and thank you too.”

Cheng Nian waved her hands, as if she didn’t want to say anything more, and returned to her seat sullenly.

Xie Junyu was still the first to choose a seat when arranging seats for the evening class meeting.

He sat in his corner seat in the last row, not caring about anyone’s eyes.

Li Meng didn’t say a word, and directly called the next person’s name.

“Li Shubai.”

Li Shubai stood up from the crowd and said calmly, “Teacher, I apply to sit with Cheng Nian.”

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the class.

Cheng Nian was also dumbfounded, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Li Meng asked in a cold voice with a serious face, “What’s the reason?”

Li Shubai said frankly: “In order to subsidize the family, I am making up lessons for classmate Cheng Nian.”

Li Meng knew Li Shubai’s family situation, and instantly felt very guilty for her dirty thoughts, and nodded repeatedly: “Okay, okay, then you both sit in the last row of the second group.”

Cheng Nian was still standing there like a goose, only to recover when Li Meng called her name.

“Cheng Nian, the teacher is really pleased that you have this kind heart, you must study hard from Shubai, you know?”

Cheng Nian opened her mouth, and finally answered Li Meng’s expectant gaze.

Carrying two boxes of books and sitting in the new seat, Cheng Nian was so depressed that she wanted to transfer schools now.

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Why did she and Li Shubai become the same table again when she just came to her senses.

Seeing Li Shubai coming over with the book in his arms, Cheng Nian cast a questioning look and said displeased.

“What are you doing?”

Li Shubai sat down and sorted out his things calmly, “Travel expenses for the hot spring.”

Cheng Nian wanted to cry but had no tears, so she said angrily, “My mother invited you, you should return her favor.”

“Auntie said let me help you with your homework.”

Cheng Nian was at a loss for words, snorted angrily, and buried her face in her arms.

Li Shubai didn’t say anything else, just threw the two papers over.

“Next self-study class, finish it for me.”

Cheng Nian frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, “There are so many.”

Feeling that her tone was a bit coquettish, she bounced off the table as if touching the switch, and said with a firm look: “Got it.”

Patting her own face, Cheng Nian concentrated on reading the test paper.

After class, Cheng Nian handed over the filled test paper to Li Shubai, in exchange for another set of real questions.

Cheng Nian looked puzzled and reminded, “The next class is physics class.”

Li Shubai was expressionless, “I know, this is for you tonight.”

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Cheng Nian was speechless for a while, only three words came to mind.

Zhou Ba Pi.*

[The villain in Gao Yubao’s short story, one of the most famous evil landlords in China.]

From this day on, Cheng Nian felt that she was living the life of a donkey in the production team.

Listening to the teacher in class and Li Shubai after class, the rest time is pitifully small.

The overwhelming papers hit her like a flood, and it seemed that there would never be a day when she could finish writing.

Cheng Nian had never felt so tired before.

The heating in the dormitory is not good in winter, and it is even colder for Cheng Nian to live alone, so she can only do her homework under the covers at night.

During lunch, Cheng Nian intentionally or unintentionally told Mi Le about this. She wanted to complain about how hard it was for her, but Mi Le looked at her as a matter of course.

“Everyone is like this. You don’t know, there are people in my dormitory who study until twelve o’clock every day, which makes everyone embarrassed to sleep.”

Cheng Nian snapped her fingers, “Damn it, are they still human?”

Mi Le smiled, “What’s wrong? There are people who study all night before the exam and don’t sleep.”

Cheng Nian couldn’t believe it, and frowned, “How can you study if you don’t have enough rest?”

Mi Le shrugged, “It’s called forgetting to eat and sleep. Look at those good students who don’t talk at all when eating, and run to the classroom after eating, just want to do one or two more questions.”

Saying that, Mi Le laughed, “Unlike us.”

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