Cheng Nian pursed her lips, remembering the fanaticism she had when she pursued Li Shubai in her previous life, she nodded with a vague understanding.

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When she returned to the classroom, Li Shubai was already writing the questions in his seat.

Cheng Nian sat down quietly, held back for a long time and asked carefully.

“Well, what time do you usually go to bed?”

Li Shubai didn’t raise his head, “01:00.”

Cheng Nian opened her mouth wide in surprise, and asked again, “What time do you get up?”


Hearing Li Shubai’s answer, Cheng Nian’s pretty face wrinkled, and she said in disbelief, “Actually, you are a ghost.”

Li Shubai stopped writing, turned his head to look at her, and teased, “What? Did you finally find out that you are living in an ivory tower?”

Cheng Nian stared at her fingers in frustration, and answered Li Shubai in silence.

She seemed to understand what Li Shubai meant when he said “Do you really think you are working hard?”

In terms of talent, Cheng Nian felt that she was just an ordinary person.

In terms of hard work, she couldn’t even compare to Mi Le, who had mediocre grades.

She doesn’t have talent or sweat, so why does she feel that she can go to Qingbei when her head is hot.

Seeing Cheng Nian’s dejected appearance, Li Shubai was faintly worried.

He coughed lightly, and said in a deep voice: “Your foundation is poor, it’s normal for you to progress slowly, don’t think about it.”

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Cheng Nian was so angry that she burst out laughing. She looked at Li Shubai with the tails of her eyes slightly raised, and said angrily, “Why, in your eyes, I’m such a person with no moral character.”

Li Shubai was slightly taken aback, looking down with his dark eyes.

He took out two test papers from the drawer, and said coldly: “It’s not the best, I’ll write this in the next class.”

This time Cheng Nian didn’t complain any more, and obediently took it over to look at the topic.

When she was barely able to work as hard as Mi Le, Cheng Nian felt that describing herself as a donkey was too flattering to her.

Cheng Nian didn’t know why she made herself so tired, but she always felt that if she didn’t do something, it would be like her life was wasted again.

If life is just to stay away from Li Shubai, so that she can live the life of the rich second generation who eats and waits to die, it is a shameful crime.

During the last mock exam a year ago, Cheng Nian’s score finally broke through 400 points.

Standing in front of the report card on the back blackboard, Cheng Nian was so happy that she almost wanted to throw a party to celebrate.

Li Shubai still frowned when he saw her achievement.

But seeing Cheng Nian’s happy look, he couldn’t bear to disappointed her, and praised her with a smile.

Cheng Nian noticed that Li Shubai’s smile was a bit forced, and the joy suddenly disappeared.

More than 400 points is not high, but it is also the best result she has worked hard for so long.

Cheng Nian didn’t know how high grades Li Shubai wanted her to get, did she have to be like him?

“Four hundred and seven, great progress.”

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Just when she was feeling a little lost, such a voice suddenly came from Cheng Nian’s ear.

She turned her head and found that Xie Junyu was standing behind her, looking at the report card intently.

Hearing what the number one in the class said, Cheng Nian’s eyes lit up again.

She smiled shyly, and said modestly, “It’s still far behind you.”

Aware of the different emotions he and Xie Junyu brought to Cheng Nian, Li Shubai set his eyes sharply on Xie Junyu.

Xie Junyu talked to Cheng Nian on his own, as if he didn’t see him at all.

“You don’t have to compare yourself to anyone, just do your best.”

Li Shubai didn’t know if he did it on purpose, but Cheng Nian was obviously in a better mood after hearing these words.

She smiled brightly, and responded sweetly to Xie Junyu.

Xie Junyu patted Cheng Nian’s shoulder lightly, and casually glanced at Li Shubai when he left.

Li Shubai’s hand in his pocket instantly clenched into a fist.

After returning to her seat, Cheng Nian unconsciously hummed a little song happily.

Feeling the negative energy around her, she turned her head to look at Li Shubai.

“What happened to you?”

Li Shubai glanced at her with the end of his eyes, but didn’t speak.

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Cheng Nian felt baffled, and wondered if he was still angry about his little score?

At this moment, Pangpang came over from the front row and talked to Cheng Nian about the performance at the New Year’s Eve party.

Cheng Nian’s attention went astray, “New Year’s Eve party?”

Pangpang touched his earlobe, and spoke with some embarrassment.

“Well, He Yunfei said that you have been learning piano since you were a child, so I want to ask you if you want to form a band together.”

Cheng Nian immediately became interested and agreed immediately.

“Of course! Is there anyone else in the band?”

Pangpang smiled shyly, “It’s just the two of us for now, I’ll play the drums.”

It happened to be recess, Cheng Nian stood up from her seat and clapped her hands twice.

“Students, pay attention. To prepare for the New Year’s Eve party, Pangpang formed a band. We currently have a drummer and a keyboardist, but we don’t have any others. If you are interested, sign up quickly.”

Cheng Nian’s voice was sure to be heard by everyone, but after the words fell, the classroom was completely silent, and everyone looked at Cheng Nian as if she was an alien.

It seems to be saying: The college entrance examination is about to come and you still want to perform, are you crazy?!

Cheng Nian looked around, and when she was about to sit down in embarrassment, Xie Junyu from the corner called her.

“Me, the bass player.”

Cheng Nian looked at Xie Junyu gratefully, winked and made a heart symbol with her fingers.

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The flame that Li Shubai had just suppressed rose again in his chest.

Seeing that no one joined, Cheng Nian sat down resentfully, and comforted Pangpang: “There will definitely be someone else, otherwise the three of us will be fine.”

Pangpang smiled honestly, “Actually, I only thought about you and me at first, but now I’m fine.”

Cheng Nian sighed, “It’s a pity that He Yunfei is not here. He practiced the guitar well in order to chase girls.”

Pangpang’s expression darkened, and he whispered: “It’s okay, he will always come back.”

When the class bell rang, Pangpang returned to his seat, and Cheng Nian remembered the big Buddha sitting beside her.

Seeing Li Shu’s black face like the bottom of a pot, Cheng Nian giggled.

“Do you want to participate?”

Li Shubai said coldly without raising his head: “No time.”

Cheng Nian said “Oh”, without saying anything, just randomly took a sheet from the mountain of papers in front of her and started to write.

When she caught sight of Li Shubai’s thin profile from the corner of her eye, Cheng Nian sighed unconsciously, and couldn’t help but think about the incident in the snow in the hot spring.

She was so full of studies during this time that she didn’t think too much about it. Now that she was relaxed after the exam, those memories came to her mind naturally.

Cheng Nian was a little annoyed, ashamed that his good looks defeated her so easily.

Realizing that she was distracted, Cheng Nian shook her head vigorously, turned her back to Li Shubai, trying to ignore his existence in this way.

The test paper, which was once extremely boring, saved her briefly.

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