Cheng Nian waved her hand and put away the camera, “Forget it, it feels too complicated, so I don’t want to take pictures.”

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As she spoke, she abruptly withdrew the manual from Li Shubai’s hand, “Let’s hurry up and do our homework.”

Learn! There can only be learning in her relationship with Li Shubai.

Li Shubai didn’t know why but didn’t say anything, and took out a stack of test papers from his schoolbag.

Cheng Nian remained silent for the whole day afterwards, and she only responded mechanically when Li Shubai gave a lecture.



“Anything you still don’t understand?”


Not a word was said that was not necessary.

It felt like Cheng Nian would do this from time to time, so Li Shubai didn’t take it to heart.


The New Year’s Day party is scheduled for the evening self-study time on January 1st.

As performers, Cheng Nian and the others went to the auditorium to prepare before the last class in the afternoon.

Without a professional team, Cheng Nian was in charge of the band’s styling and makeup.

Originally, it was enough to arrange the boys hairstyles, but Cheng Nian drew Xie Junyu’s eyeliner on a whim.

Originally, his eyelashes were long, but this made him even more charming.

Pangpang laughed when he saw it, but Mi Le blushed.

Xie Junyu looked in the mirror and said euphemistically, “Won’t it be weird?”

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Cheng Nian painted a little red on his already bright mouth, and said solemnly: “It’s like stage makeup.”

Pangpang immediately stopped laughing, for fear that Cheng Nian would also put lipstick on him.

Everything went well during the rehearsal, but the real start was still a mess.

Cheng Nian and the others changed into their performance costumes, wrapped themselves in coats and huddled in a corner and waited.

Mi Le leaned on Cheng Nian, “I’m a little hungry.”

She was very nervous all day and didn’t eat much in the afternoon.

Cheng Nian smiled, “I’ll make instant noodles for you when I go back tonight.”

Finally, the producer called their names.

“Where is the band, Parallel World, come here quickly. Go out through the door and go up on stage, be careful not to step on the wires. Xiao Zhao, put a mic in front of the instrument, hurry up.”

Mi Le was no longer hungry in an instant, took off her coat and stood up from her seat.

“Let’s go.”

Ready to stand at the entrance, Xie Junyu suddenly took Cheng Nian’s hand and put it in his palm.

“Do not be afraid.”

Cheng Nian glanced at him gratefully.

Knowing that Mi Le was uneasy, she couldn’t create a tense atmosphere, so she had to pretend to be calm, but her hands were always cold.

Xie Junyu’s words were calming, which instantly suppressed her inner anxiety.

“Next, I invite Parallel World Band to bring us the original song “Spread Your Wings and Fly High.”

There was a wave of applause, as if the roof of the auditorium was about to be overturned.

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Seeing Pangpang making an “OK” gesture, Xie Junyu’s guitar sounded.

“Sleeping in the dark…”

Off the stage, Li Shubai stood on a relatively high place.

Under the gorgeous lights of the stage, the girl who swayed wantonly with the music was full of youthful vitality.

He suddenly thought of the scene when he saw Cheng Nian for the first time.

The first year of high school has just started, and Cheng Nian, with her red hair, was the last student in the class to report.

When she came to register information with Li Shubai, she looked impatient, as if she had a deep hatred for going to school.

After putting down the pen and raising her eyes to see Li Shubai’s face, she laughed flamboyantly.

“What’s your name?”

In line with the principle of being friendly with classmates, Li Shubai said his name politely.

However, Cheng Nian said in the next sentence: “Li Shubai, I like you.”

Li Shubai still remembered those shining eyes, as if she wanted to suck him in.

Like now.

At the end of the song, the audience whistled and applauded in unison.

Xie Junyu’s deep voice came out through the speakers, adding a touch of sex appeal.

“The next song I discussed for a long time with a person, she said to me that love should be expressed in a subtle way, but I don’t think so.”

After finishing speaking, Xie Junyu turned his body slightly towards Cheng Nian’s direction.

He plucked the guitar and said slowly, “I love you, I always…”

Cheng Nian subconsciously looked at Xie Junyu, and found that he was also staring at her.

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In the boy’s clear eyes, Cheng Nian seemed to see her own reflection.

At the end of the performance, the band members held hands and bowed.

Although there were four people on the stage, Li Shubai could only see two.

Those two clenched hands stabbed his heart lightly like a hornet’s tail needle.

Cheng Nian’s heart was still in confusion until she stepped off the stage, and she didn’t even feel cold at all.

Fortunately, Xie Junyu didn’t say anything, but just patted her on the shoulder like Mi Le.

Both Mi Le and Pangpang were extremely happy, as if they were still immersed in the cheers just now.

Cheng Nian breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that maybe she was overthinking.

The lights on the stage are so dazzling, it is not surprising to see Godzilla.

After changing into her own clothes, Cheng Nian and the others randomly found a seat in the auditorium to enjoy the upcoming performance.

Xie Junyu sat behind Cheng Nian.

When everyone else was watching the performance, his gaze was lightly on Cheng Nian.

Thinking of the moment when they looked at each other on the stage just now, Xie Junyu unconsciously raised the corners of his lips.


At the end of the New Year’s Day party, everything returned to the previous state.

The snowflake-like papers were handed out in piles, as if they were going to drown the whole person.

While studying, Cheng Nian deliberately alienated Li Shubai.

However, for a senior high school student, there is nothing else in life except study, so Cheng Nian always has to face him unavoidably.

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Seeing his handsome and fair face dangling in front of her every day, Cheng Nian always felt upset.

And she didn’t know why, ever since she took a photo of Li Shubai that day, this guy’s presence has grown day by day.

In the past, he just sat quietly beside Cheng Nian, but now it always feels noisy.

When Cheng Nian carefully identified it, she found that the noise turned out to be her own heartbeat.

She was so anxious that she really wanted to apply for a seat change immediately.

Thinking that there are only a few days left in this semester, Cheng Nian endured it and put all her thoughts on the exercises.

Finally, the last exam is over.

Cheng Nian felt as happy as a prisoner who had been imprisoned for life finally regaining her freedom.

But looking at the winter vacation study plan handed over by Li Shubai, the happiness she felt just now disappeared without a trace.

Because the school attaches great importance to their students, the winter vacation is only compressed to twenty days.

Looking at the schedule in her hand, Cheng Nian frowned, “You don’t need to make such a full schedule, there are only a few days in the winter vacation, and there is still Lunar New Year.”

Li Shubai said indifferently: “Do you know that the college entrance examination is just a few days after?”

“Don’t you need to visit relatives?”

“I have no relatives.”

“But I have many relatives, and one is far away in Beihai.”

“I’ll wait for your return.”

Cheng Nian rolled her eyes, knowing that it would be meaningless to continue, so she answered impatiently with a long sigh.


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