Lying down on the table, Cheng Nian took a quick look at Li Shubai, and was somewhat absent-minded when she turned back to the book.

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The second day of the winter vacation is her birthday, these days Cheng Nian has been hesitating whether to invite Li Shubai or not.

She didn’t want to have any contact with Li Shubai outside of studies, and felt embarrassed not to tell him, so worried that her hair fell out a lot.

Considering that her mother would ask questions if he wasn’t here, Cheng Nian coughed lightly and touched Li Shubai on his arm.

“Well, it’s my birthday on the eighteenth, are you coming?”

Li Shubai’s writing pen paused, and said in a deep voice, “I can’t go.”

Cheng Nian pursed her lips, without asking why, and said resentfully, “That’s fine.”

It’s fine if you don’t come, so as not to upset her.

Two days later, when the test results were announced, Cheng Nian was still hovering around 400 points.

There is no improvement from before, but it is still stable.

Knowing that Li Shubai didn’t like this point, Cheng Nian was obviously not as happy as last time.

After the papers were handed out, she sorted out the wrong questions as usual, as if the exam was just a special time to make a set of practice papers.

This is the norm in the third year of high school, and Cheng Nian finally got used to it.

Two days later, the lower grade students were on vacation first, and Cheng Nian and the others stayed at school for another week before finally ending their year of school life.

On the day of the holiday, Cheng Zhiyuan came to the school to pick her up in person.

With the cool silver sports car and Cheng Zhiyuan’s outstanding appearance, Cheng Nian felt envious eyes on her.

However, no matter how cool the car is, it has to be blocked on the road in front of the school.

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The brother and sister hadn’t seen each other for a long time, and they talked alot, and they didn’t feel that the car was going slowly.

This time, Cheng Zhiyuan came back specially to celebrate Cheng Nian’s birthday, and he had to fly back after lunch tomorrow.

Seeing the fatigue on Cheng Zhiyuan’s face, Cheng Nian felt a little distressed.

“Brother, you should also take a proper rest, don’t make yourself so tired. There is never enough money in the world.”

Cheng Zhiyuan glanced at Cheng Nian with a smile, and teased, “Little girl has learned to care about people. After the college entrance examination, go study for a driver’s license, when you pass I will let you drive this car.”

Cheng Nian joked, “Letting me drive an old car, how stingy.”

Cheng Zhiyuan pinched her face lightly, “You still picked it up, didn’t you?”

Cheng Nian smiled and waved him away.

While joking, the car drove out of the most congested road section and arrived at home very quickly.

When the family gets together, no matter how many times this happens, Cheng Nian can’t help but burst into tears.

When she woke up the next day, there was a message from an unknown number on Cheng Nian’s phone.

【Little Orange, Happy Birthday. He Yunfei】

Looking at the time, it was early morning, and she didn’t know how he used his mobile phone in the army.

Cheng Nian sent a long series of messages, telling him everything that happened recently, thinking that he would see it sooner or later.

Cheng Zhiyuan hurried away after lunch, didn’t mention a gift, and Cheng Nian didn’t ask either.

In her memory, this year’s birthday, Cheng Zhiyuan gave her a house.

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She didn’t know how many years ago the house was bought. It was not worth much at that time, but now it’s not known how many times the value has been doubled.

After Cheng Zhiyuan left, Cheng Nian went back to the room and saw that the house key and procedures were indeed on her desk.

In the afternoon, Pangpang and Mi Le came to Cheng Nian’s house one after another, each bringing presents carefully wrapped in colored paper.

Xie Junyu came a little late, not to mention a gift for Cheng Nian, he even brought a box of organic tomatoes.

Cheng Nian never expected that Xie Junyu would prepare these things. This kind of down-to-earth stuff really doesn’t go well with his indifferent attitude.

Su Huiyu liked it very much, and her affection for Xie Junyu soared.

Cheng Nian knew that she liked Xie Junyu simply because he was good-looking, and it had nothing to do with tomatoes.

Lao Chengtou prepared things for barbecue early in the morning, and set up a stove in the yard as soon as it was dark.

There is nothing more relaxing than being around a charcoal fire in winter.

While Su Huiyu and Lao Chengtou were preparing food, Cheng Nian and the others sat aside and chatted.

Seeing Cheng Nian talking and laughing happily with everyone, Su Huiyu leaned close to Lao Chengtou’s ear and whispered, “Nian Nian seems to have changed a lot.”

Lao Chengtou said with relief: “The child will grow up anyway.”

Su Huiyu looked at Cheng Nian, with a compassionate smile on her face, and murmured: “Yes, she’s grown up.”

Even after the party, Li Shubai was not seen, so Su Huiyu really asked about him.

Cheng Nian sighed: “I really invited him, I can’t help it if he has something to do.”

Su Huiyu waved her hands indifferently and said, “I think that kid is pretty good, but since you don’t like it, let it go.”

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Cheng Nian turned her face away, her expression darkened.

Although disliking and not being able to like are two different things, the result is the same, so it is true.

Seeing that Cheng Nian didn’t speak, Su Huiyu smiled again and said, “I think that handsome guy in black looks good, you…”

Cheng Nian wailed helplessly: “Mom, can I still study hard?”

Su Huiyu smiled fondly.

It was past ten o’clock at night to send off Mi Le and the others.

Cheng Nian took a shower and went back to the bedroom, and accidentally took out the camera from the cabinet.

She clicked left and right to find the recycle bin, and the picture of Li Shubai looking down and concentrating on reading a the manual lay quietly inside.

Looking at the camera screen, her brows unconsciously frowned.

There is more than an hour before her birthday ends, Cheng Nian doesn’t know what she is still looking forward to.

Staring at the photo for a while, Cheng Nian gritted her teeth and turned off the camera, forcing herself to lie down and close her eyes.

When she was drowsy, Cheng Nian heard her cell phone ringing.

Dazedly seeing Li Shubai’s name displayed on the screen, she thought she was dreaming.

After trying to open her eyes to confirm that it was Li Shubai, Cheng Nian woke up from her stupor with a jerk.

The clock on the table showed that it was already eleven forty.

Cheng Nian cleared her throat, pressed the call button, “Hello.”

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On the other side of the phone, she heard Li Shubai heaved a sigh of relief, and then said something.

“Cheng Nian, Happy Birthday.”

Under the conduction of the current, his already clear voice added a bit of cold metal flavor.

For some reason, Cheng Nian wanted to cry.

She sniffed, resisting the slight sourness in her chest, and said in a low voice, “Thank you.”

After a while of silence, Li Shubai hesitated and said, “…I’m downstairs outside your house.”

Cheng Nian was taken aback, and hurriedly crawled out of the bed, lay down on the table and looked out the window.

In the alley in front of Cheng’s house, an umbrella of an indistinguishable color stood under the warm yellow light.

The snow that had stopped for a long time began to fall again at some point, and it was scattered in the air like fluff.

Cheng Nian’s heart twitched suddenly, she hung up the phone, put on her coat and ran downstairs.

Afraid of disturbing her parents, Cheng Nian went out without changing her shoes.

In the yard, a thin layer of snow has already been laid.

Cheng Nian didn’t seem to feel the cold at all, ran over and opened the door in two steps at a time.

She thought she must be crazy to do that.

Outside the door, Li Shubai closed his umbrella and stood under the eaves.

Cheng Nian supported the door frame, panting and surprised, “Why are you here?”

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