She Was Sent by God

Chapter 106


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“Are you okay?”

In the middle of the bedroom, the servant of God she had been looking for, was lying flat like a worm.

Gray wings were sticking out through his cape. Several of the knights noticed it and caught their breath. Reika smiled arrogantly and told the knights.

“Oh, I’m in charge of this part, so don’t worry.”


“But it’s really unexpected. Of course, I thought he was a human being.”

The servant of God struggled to somehow escape the pressure on his back. However, when Reika swung her hand once again, his knee collapsed, unable to raise it.

“I didn’t know a servant of God would be caught in a trap. Aren’t they already extinct from the world?”

“Argh!…Let go of me!”

“I’m going to let you go but I’ll cut your wings first. Oh, I can cut this, right?”

Agnes spoke calmly as if she’s just going to cut a Dragonfly’s wings.

At those words, Berace turned pale. He shouted in defiance.

“I’m just here to warn you, human!”

“Hmm? What do you mean by a warning?”

“You’re being fooled by Eugene! Argh, this…!”

“Wait a minute.”

When Eugene’s name came out, Agnes, who had been taking a step back, stopped and asked Reika. 

“I have something to ask him. Is he completely overpowered?”


Agnes first sent out all the knights and servants in the room.

When she looked back at Reika, she was smiling with both of her eyes twinkling as if looking at something interesting.

“Is it possible to have a conversation right now?”

“Of course.”

“Do you swear on your name?”

“I’m risking my mana here.”

Reika answered more seriously than before. She was a little relieved knowing how important mana is to a wizard.

Agnes glanced at the man on the floor.

“Okay. Tell me now, Berace. What warning are you talking about?”

“A few days ago, Eugene broke the fifth seal. At this rate, he will also soon break the sixth seal. “

“Seal? Tell me in detail.”

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She already asked this question before.

When she asked Eugene about it, he didn’t answer.

“Eugene is the last dragon born in the blood of pure malice and pain. That force is so powerful that it cannot be controlled.”


“So, we sealed him seven times in the deepest pit for the balance of the world.”

“Seven times?”

“Before, Eugene had released one or two layers of seals on his own, but I didn’t take this incident very seriously, but everything went wrong because of you. Human.”

In his words, there was a tone of criticism that could not be hidden. Agnes noticed it and frowned.

“Why do you say it’s because of me?”

“You woke him up in the forest and signed a contract. And since you have more than half of his energy in your body…….”

Berace trembled his wings as if he was thinking of something terrible.

“The seal is strong in proportion to its strength. But now Eugene is seemingly weak, but he has not actually lost his strength, so he can break five seals.”

“So, there are now only two seals left.”

Agnes muttered, clasping her arms. Berace raised his head and looked straight into her eyes. She then realized that Berace’s pupils were black.

“Eugene will surely kill you. Human.”

He spoke with a serious face. But Agnes snorted.

“Well. Eugene already saved my life many times. If he was going to kill me, he would have done it already.”

“What if it’s not yet the right time for you to die?”


“If my predictions are correct, you are his last seal.”

Berace said as he waited.

“He’ll tear your chest and take out your heart after the sixth seal is released, he will wait for the appropriate moment for you to die.”

Beracé pulled a dagger from his arms before she could speak a rebuttal.

“But don’t worry, Human. I am here to help you.”


“Now, stab Eugene’s chest anywhere with this. Then the seal will be strong again.”

The handle was rough, but the blade of the dagger is sharp. Agnes only stared at him and did not receive it.

“Why should I do that?”

“You lack understanding. Listen carefully, Human. Eugene is just using you as a vessel to disperse power. After he unlocked the sixth seal….”

“I understood that. But why should I stop Eugene from opening the seal?

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“What? But.”

“And I don’t know why I should believe what you said in the first place, and did you forget that you tried to kill me just a while ago? Aren’t you being shameless?”

“That’s because Kishua……….”

Agnes’ cold response was unexpected, he was caught off guard.

“But I didn’t lie! I’m sure he’ll kill you and….”

“I got a new life through a contract with him.”

Agnes said firmly.

“Eugene was the only one who responded to my desperate call.”

Agnes was not in a state of absolute trust in Eugene, but she had some gratitude, goodwill, and loyalty to him.

“Even if he uses me to unlock the seal, that’s a matter for me and Eugene, not for you to get involved.”

“Yeah. That’s true.”

A warm breath touched her shoulder. Agnes didn’t bother looking back. She could guess who it was just by looking at Berace whose face turned pale as if his blood was drained.

“I felt sorry for this cheeky guy, who is trembling right now.”


It happened in an instant. One side of the wing of Berace was torn horizontally as if it had been cut by a blade.

Blood sprang out like a fountain.

Berace rolled on the floor spitting out a painful moan.


Reika was terrified at Eugene’s sudden appearance. Because he broke the magic she had put on Berace at once and dominated the space with powerful magic.

Eugene looked back at her and flicked his finger. Reika’s eyes turned blank.

“Argh. Eugene, Gabriella will come down from the sky to seal you back! I’ll get back from this.”

“Ah. Gabby. I’ll be the first to cut and kill that crazy girl.”

Eugene laughed as if he was having fun. Berace’s right wing was completely colored with blood.

“I’m a merciful dragon, so I’ll save you, Berace. Go and tell that to Gabby.”


This time, the left wing was torn. Berace struggled, unable to open his eyes properly. Eugene grabbed his neck casually, lifted it, and dragged it to the open window.


“I’m looking forward to the day I chew your flesh.”

As soon as he finished talking, Eugene threw him out the window. Agnes then relaxed her body.

“How have you been? It’s been a long time since we last saw each other. You got thinner, Agnes.”

Eugene smiled more than usual and approached Agnes.

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“It’s been a long time.”

“If something like that happens again, you should call me first. Why are you listening to him? But it’s still touching. I thought you’d take the dagger.”

“Is what he said true?”

“What if it’s true?”

His eyes were sparkling as if they were under the moonlight.

“Do you want me to find the dagger and bring it back to you?”

“You haven’t answered my question yet.”

Agnes had an expressionless face. Eugene smiled and raised his mouth. However, his eyes were cold and wasn’t smiling sincerely.

“Yeah. It’s true that I broke the seal after signing a contract with you, and it’s true that you’re my last seal.”


“If I kill you and eat your heart, I can completely regain my strength.”

Speaking so calmly, Agnes took time to understand Eugene’s words.

“But the reason why you haven’t killed me yet is…. Because you’re still waiting for the right time.”

Agnes found the answer while talking. Eugene has yet to unlock the sixth seal and until then she must stay alive.

The moment she realized it; her mind became complicated. She felt a sense of betrayal. It seems that it was not just a pure favor when he saved her when she collapsed a while ago during the ritual of oath.

“I won’t deny it.”

He answered honestly.

“But even if I unlock the sixth seal, I won’t kill you right away. Humans are bound to die quickly and too easily anyway.”

“When can the sixth seal be unlocked?”

Then Eugene smiled affectionately instead of answering.

“You don’t have to care about that. There’s nothing you can do anyway.”

That word is painful. The reality of not only the soul but also her life is being held in his hands felt helpless. Agnes, however, did not express anger or resentment toward him.

She quietly opened his mouth.

“If you change your mind, I want you to put up with it for a year.”

“A year?”

“Because I still have to kill Sebastian with my own hands.”


There is no place to run away. As long as she can take care of Sebastian. And if only she could guarantee the life of Laslo.

Let’s hold on until then.

“It’s going to work out the way you want it to. My contractor.”

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* * *

The disturbance last night ended with the defeat of the assassin with the help of the Archmage.

With Agnes saying a few words, Reika thoroughly forgot the existence of the Servant of God and Eugene.

Two days later, Reika came to the Office where Agnes and Andrassy were reviewing a file of documents.

“What’s going on, Archmage.”

“I came in advance because I thought the Duchess would find me.”

“Why would I be looking for you?”

“You have something you want to say to me.”

Reika raised her head and lifted her chin. Her appearance was when she first came saying he would give her autographs.

“What’s that?”

“Oh my. I caught the rat for you the other day!”

“Oh, that’s right. Thank you, Archmage, for your hard work.”

“Well, that’s nothing.”

Reika became sassier. In addition to that, Agnes added a few more words of gratitude. However, Reika was aesthetic and did not leave the room easily, even when she heard the desired words.

Andrassy, who was watching their conversation next to him, quietly whispered in Agnes’ ear.

“Please ask for her autograph.”


“Come on.”

Agnes was curious about the sudden remark, but Andrassy was not a person who said useless things, so she did as he said.

“The Archmage. Hmm. Can I get your autograph?”

“What? My autograph?”

Reika, who was fidgeting around the desk for no reason, came to Agnes with a glint in her eyes.

“Ha, I knew it would end up like this. The duchess has also fallen for my overflowing charm.”

“No, that’s…….”

“That’s right, Archmage. The Duchess will line up a tribute for you until you’re worn out.”

Andrassy quickly cut Agnes’ word.

“I’m sick and tired of this popularity. I want to live a normal life for a day, but that’s probably hard.”

She suddenly snatched up the pens and papers on Agnes’ book.

“That, that, that document!”

“Here’s my autograph. I specifically wrote ‘to my beloved Duchess’.”

Reika was delighted after messing up Agnes’ spending resolution she reviewed for two days.

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