She Was Sent by God

Chapter 107

“Are you done now?”

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“Do you need more?”

Unlike Reika, who was smiling brightly, Agnes was shaking as she held up the spending resolution.

Andrassy noticed it and hurriedly sent Reika out.

“Aigoo, you must not waste your precious time here.”

“Oh right! I’m quite busy.”

Reika kept looking back, as if she was sorry, but Andrassy closed the door so quickly. 

“You’ll have to explain to me. Andrassy.”

“Haha. Madam. Please give me that. I’ll do it again.”

He smiled generously and took the document from Agnes.

“I heard from Theo that Reika is almost like a living legend among wizards.”

“That seems to be the case.” 

“Yes. She has many followers, and everyone is talking about how they want to meet her at least once before they die.”


“So, why don’t you officially invite Reika to Sutmar?”


Agnes, who was listening silently, was surprised.

“Do you want me to deal with that wizard for the rest of my life? 10 days of seeing her is already too much for me.”

“Madam. Think about it like this.”

Andrassy smiled and gently lowered his voice.

“Once they hear that Reika is settling in Sutmar, other wizards will flock like bees. On top of that, when they find out that the land is overflowing with mana stone, they might also settle here.”

“Are there not already close to twenty wizards in the manor?”


Andrassy opened his eyes and leaned forward.

“Madam, you should take in at least 50 wizards.”

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“50? No, what are you going to do with them?”

Agnes couldn’t hide her feelings and said. Then, as she waited, Andrassy pulled the thick papers from his arms.

“Here. Please look at page 25.”

“A mode of transportation that doesn’t use an animal to move?”

“Isn’t it amazing?”

Andrassy’s voice rose sharply due to excitement.

“As you can see, unlike horses, you don’t have to rest in the middle and the speed is much faster than horses.”


Agnes’s eyes changed slightly as she glanced at the material.

‘You don’t have to rest in the middle and much faster than horses.’

Needless to say, it’s a huge object.

“However, you need at least 30 wizards to make this incredible thing.”


“I need wizards to create a light sphere, so I want to have a lot. In addition, it would be better if you had an outstanding person like Reika.”


Andrassy looked at Agnes fervently with eager eyes as she spat out a long moan.

“…… Instead, you’re in charge of persuading the Archwizard.”

“Leave it to me!”

Andrassy, who was feeling excited, rushed out of the room. Agnes became rapidly tired thinking that she had to deal with the pink-haired wizard in the future.

‘Let’s write a letter.’

Finally, yesterday, a letter came from Laslo. So far, the front seems not to be in a very fierce battle. Agnes joyfully lifted her pen and began to write a reply.

* * *

“That will wear out, Sir.”

A not-so-pleasant voice was heard behind his back. Laslo quickly put what he was holding in his hand into his pocket.

“Then, don’t look at it alone, and show it to me too.”

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“Why do you want to see my wife’s portrait? Count Cellon.”

Laslo’s voice turned low and hard in an instant. Emmerich spoke and laughed helplessly.

“There’s something unusual about Western customs. You came all the way to the battlefield and brought your wife’s portrait.”

“Those who don’t have a portrait of their wife to bring are pitiful.”

Emmerich’s mouth was distorted. Laslo smiled like a winner, straightened his chest, and looked down at him.

“Wow, everyone is here!”

The war of nerves between the two men was not long. From afar, a blonde handsome man loudly announced his existence.

Laslo and Emmerich’s faces crumpled at the same time as they saw him.

“Lord Milan.”

“I have something to tell you. Sir. I’ll be at the forefront of the right wing when we rotate tomorrow.”

“The right wing is a very difficult place to lead. It might be too much for you.”

Laslo shook his head. Then Milan immediately refuted.

“I can. Leave it to me. You can let me stand on the right wing and put Lord Dorina as my assistant instead.”

“Do you think that makes sense? Sir Dorina is the winner of the tournament. If someone is going to be an assistant, that should be you.” 

Not only Laslo but also Emmerich, who was next to him, looked at Milan with pathetic eyes. However, Milan ignored that atmosphere and only said what he had to say.

“I don’t mind doing that.”

Dorina Barania, who had accidentally passed by the three, heard her name and approached. 

“You heard that, right? Wow, you have a unique distribution. Thank you, Sir Dorina”

“Sir Dorina. Are you serious?”

Emmerich was surprised and asked. Dorina nodded calmly.

“I heard Sir Milan is also an outstanding knight.”

“Haha. You heard it right. Trust me. Sir Dorina.”

Laslo expressed concern at the end, over the fact that inexperienced Milan is going to the forefront.

However, there was nothing he could do when even Barania, the commander-in-chief, allowed it.


“It’s because of the succession fight.”

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“Succession? Isn’t Lord Milan the eldest son of Kiske?”

That evening, Emmerich came to Laslo’s barracks and said.

“Sir Milan has a sister Erika Kiske and she seems to be fiercely fighting for the successor position.”

“Oh, that’s why he came to war because he wants to be good in the eyes of the Marquis Kiske.”

“Yes. He must have lost a lot of family wealth while gambling.”

Laslo frowned at the following words. He is a man who doesn’t have any good points aside from his face.

“But what’s the reason for kindly coming here and letting me know?”

“I just came because I thought you might be curious.”

Laslo looked suspiciously at Emmerich.

“If you’re so grateful, please show me the portrait once”

“Absolutely not.”

He jumped up from his seat, glaring at him.

Emmerich shrugged his shoulders as if he expected his reaction and left the camp.

Only after confirming that Emmerich had moved away did Laslo take out the hidden portrait.

When he saw Agnes’s face in the picture, the longing that he hid poured out like a flood. He can’t even touch it properly because he’s afraid it’ll get cloudy if he keeps touching it with his finger.

“I miss you…”. He muttered alone in the middle of the military camp where no one was there. Every day passes, longing grows.

Whenever he sleeps the portrait comes out of his dreams.

He wants to hug her warm body. He wants to whisper that he loves her more than anyone else’s.

Oh, I want to kiss and share the bed together with her.

Unfulfilled desires have been piled up one by one, and the end is now unknown.


Then he heard a voice of the knight outside.

“He woke up.”

Laslo’s eyes quickly cooled down. After taking the sword, he left the military camp.

The place he went with the knight was a barracks built in the most remote part of the camp. The soldiers of Sutmar were blocking the area. When Laslo came inside, the knight standing next to him shook the man tied to the chair again.

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“Do you want to talk now?”

“You, kuhuk, think I’m going to talk, whoosh, are you?”

Matron was smiling faintly even though his body was in a state of exhaustion.

“Who’s behind you? Is it Count Barania Or  the king?”

At the question, Matron laughed through his broken teeth.

“She’s the one who raised me, huep. He rescued me from the gutter.”


“But how can I betray her? ha?”

“Matron Hershko, are you not ashamed of Bushke who gave you your last name?”

Laslo spoke in a stern voice as if scolding him. Matron laughed, spitting out the blood in his mouth.

“I’m not ashamed, that is, I’m not ashamed. I’m proud of myself. I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen.”

“Even animals know grace. You, shameless man who doesn’t even know the grace you received, Bushke cared for you like a real grandson.”

There were a few conversations that followed, but they were all meaningless. Laslo left his seat, telling the knights around him to somehow make him confess. 

* * *

When the morning passed and the sun reached the middle of the sky, the king’s cavalry received a signal and charged first.

It was followed by Kiske and Barania’s troops, Arpad and Cellon remained firm in the mid-to-late half.

Their troops were similar to Devon, so it was not easy to make a decision. The boring battle tilted sharply in the late afternoon.

“Duke! The right wing completely collapsed!”

The knight who went out to scout returned contemplating. The name of Milan came out of his mouth. The right wing collapsed and was so disorganized that it was visible to his eyes.

In between, Devon’s spearmen lifted their spears with their horses and began to stab the horsemen. The horses impaled on the spears leaped in amazement.

“Argh! Run away!”

“Save me! Please save me!”

The soldiers’ bodies stiffened at the screams of their allies being slaughtered in the distance.

“Cut the heat! Step back slowly!”

Although the order to retreat from the Commander had not yet been issued, Laslo noticed that today’s rotation is already a defeat. 

He walked around comforting the frightened soldiers. Soon a flag came up that signified retreat. After confirming it, Laslo calmly led the soldiers back to the main camp.

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