She Was Sent by God

Chapter 129

Every word he said was deeply embedded in Agnes’ heart. She unconsciously grabbed Laslo’s arm.

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“Listen to me first.”

“My ears are always open to you. Agnes.”

His calm words stick like a dagger. It was painful to see his disappointed face. Agnes hesitated about how to open her mouth.

Laslo asked, sweeping his hair roughly. “Why do you want to be the king?”

“No! I didn’t want to be the king, I just wanted to protect you.”


“Remember what I said before? In the past, Sebastian invaded Sutmar under the guise of plotting a rebellion.”

“So, you’re really preparing for a rebellion all this time? To kill the king and take his place?”

Laslo’s voice seemed tired. Agnes shook her head in a hurry before the misunderstanding deepened.

“I’m just trying not to repeat it. Because I don’t want to lose you to the king again.”


He gently grasped the arm of his wife, who clasped his wrist.

“I love you.”


“I mean, if you said you wanted to kill the king, I’d understand. You don’t have to make things up.”

“What? What the…….”

“I was just disappointed. I feel like I’m nothing to you yet.”

“Make things up? no. What I said was.”

Agnes was shocked as if she was struck in the back of her head with a blunt force. A sudden realization flashed through her mind.

“……you didn’t believe me at all.”

“Why didn’t you tell me beforehand when you made such an important decision? Do you really think I’m your spouse?”

Laslo grabbed Agnes by the waist and pulled her close. Agnes looked straight at him and spoke.

“How am I supposed to explain this when you don’t believe me?”

“Ha. You’re the one who doesn’t believe me.”

His voice dropped dangerously low.

“I am your husband and Duke of Arpad. Whether you believe me or not, I have the right to know everything that’s going on in Sutmar”

“If you have any questions, ask me anything. Duke Arpad. I’ll give you an honest answer.”

Agnes did not lose to him. The couple kept eye contact for a while, holding back the words boiling inside. The force that tightened her waist gradually grew stronger.

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Laslo tilted his head and licked his lips. Now, the remaining gap between the two was not even enough to fit a fist.

It was then.

“Duchess, the bath is ready.”

The maid’s voice separated the two. Agnes hurriedly cleared her voice in surprise.

“I’ll be out in a minute, so wait.”

“It’s cold in the winter, so please come in.”

A white hand popped out of the curtains. Agnes hastily grabbed the curtain and stopped it from opening.

“I told you to wait.”

“Sorry, I’m sorry. Duchess.”

The two remained motionless until the maid’s footsteps were far away.

“Leave me alone and go to Sutmar first.”

“I can never go alone.”

Their bodies were close together, so they could talk whispering at each other.

“Why did I come all the way here? It’s to get you out of the palace safely.”

“What’s the point if I’m going to leave you alone?”

“If both of us leave the palace, do you think the king will stay still?”

“What’s the problem? You said you were going to revolt anyway.”

He spoke loudly. Agnes grew anxious. She doesn’t know when the maid will come back.

“But we can’t just do things without proper preparation.”

“Oh, you’re not ready to revolt yet? You’re going to tell me when you’re done. Ack!”

Agnes bit her lips and stepped hard on the top of his foot.

“Don’t be sarcastic.”

“Don’t be stubborn. Do you think you can survive a day in this palace without an escort?”

“I have a plan, too.”

“Can you tell me what the plan is?”

“…two days later, the royal palace will be invaded by demonic beasts, and I am going to take advantage of the confusion and run away.”

“Do you want me to believe that? A beast who hasn’t appeared in the capital in more than a hundred years will invade the palace?”

Laslo laughed in vain. She felt a human movement again out of the curtain. Agnes hurried out of his arms.

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“Believe it or not, it’s up to you. I only told the truth.”

“Agnes, come on, let’s go together.”

Laslo grabbed Agnes by the arm as he tried to get inside. His hands and eyes were as hard as steel. No matter what she did, she couldn’t break Laslo’s stubbornness.

“The King won’t kill me tomorrow, since the queen will be with me.”


“First, go out of the palace with the knights. And two days later, when you hear that beast have invaded the palace, go straight to Sutmar.”

“How can you be sure that beasts will come to the palace? And when the beasts attack the palace, how can I leave you behind and go to Sutmar?”

In a way, his worries and doubts are natural. If she had enough time, she could explain everything. Agnes chose to demonstrate it instead of a hundred words.

She concentrated her energy on her fingertips. She learned it through Eugene, but her internal organs hurt very much every time she does it. Part of the terrace began to distort. White smoke flowed through it. Seeing it, Laslo quickly hid Agnes behind his back.

“It’s dangerous, Agnes.”

“No, I called it.”

“What? You?”

The back of her hand was burning hot. Agnes clenched her teeth to endure the pain and clenched her fist hard enough to leave a nail mark.

When she asked why it was so painful every time she tried it, the answer was so cold.

“The human body can’t handle the power of the dragon, so it’s bound to strain every time it’s used.”


Through the torn space, a black hound-like horseman appeared with his mouth wide open. Laslo pulled out his sword with a strained face. Agnes barely caught her breath and reached out to the beast.

“Come here.”

“Are you crazy, Agnes.”

A surprising thing happened. A dog-like horseman approached innocently, licking the back of Agnes’ hand, and even turning over to show his belly.

“Flying horseman is a very violent beast…….”

“This will not harm me, for I call and rule it.”

“What? I don’t understand what you’re talking about at all.”

Laslo looked alternately at Agnes and the beast with a face of great confusion. The sound of footsteps drew nearer again. Agnes pushed him away in a hurry.

“Go now. Come on.”


“I will leave the capital completely within two days. I’ll be right behind you, so please wait a little longer.”

Perhaps he read the truth from her earnest voice, soon Laslo closed his eyes and opened them.

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“See you at Sutmar.”

His lips touched his cheek and disappeared. While blinking a few times, Laslo went down to the first floor and hid herself behind the pillar.

“Duchess, Ahh!”

The maid, who was inadvertently pulling back the curtain, screamed in surprise when she saw the beast.

“Why, what dog is that …….”

“That’s what I used to raise when I lived in the palace. Leave it as it is.”


Agnes left the bewildered maid and headed for the bath. It was only Laslo’s safety that occupied her head while soaking in hot water.

She decided to stay instead, so if Laslo doesn’t get caught in the middle, there won’t be much trouble. Still, she can’t trust Sebastian completely.

“As long as he’s completely out of the capital.”

That’s what Agnes is looking forward to. If he’s not in the capital, she’s free to do things.

“Is the water temperature okay?”

“It’s nice.”

Agnes smiled mercifully at the maid.

* * *

It was none other than Chavolti who came running first at the news that she was going to stay in the palace.

“You’ve finally gone mad.”


“Where are you crawling to? Do you want to die, are you crazy?”

“Why did you ignore my letter? I told you to come to Sutmar.”

The maid poured the tea. Chavolti stopped Agnes when she tried to pick up the steaming cup.

“You try it first.”

He spoke emphatically to the maid. The lady-in-law blinked in dismay.

“Chavolti. Don’t make a fuss.”

“Did you already forget how Vivian died? Try it first.”

The maid who brought the tea looked at Chavolti and immediately took a sip of tea. Of course, nothing happened.

“Are you satisfied now?”

“Your great husband abandoned you at the palace. Is the tea going down your throat, good?”

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“Be careful of your tongue.”

Agnes said with a colder-than-usual face. Chavolti was expressing his anger to the point where his neck turned red.

“What a coward. How can he just leave his wife behind?”


“Does he know what it means to have you back in the palace?”

“Chavolti. Shut your mouth.”

Agnes glared fiercely at Chavolti with her blue eyes.

“I force him to leave like that. If you don’t know anything, don’t talk recklessly.”

“……No matter what happens, I can never do that to my wife. I will never…….”

Chavolti clasped his hands. There was an indelible deep pain on his face. Agnes’ expression changed dramatically.

“What are you talking about? What happened to Sofia?”



“……Sophia has an infectious disease.”

He bowed his head and grabbed his forehead in both hands. It was not possible to estimate the weight of Chavolti’s pain because she knew better than anyone how close the two were.


“The doctor says we should not go to Sofia’s bedroom anymore. Two days ago, her maid who was attending her quit.”

Chavolti muttered in a low voice. Agnes was shocked by the sudden news.

This was not the end of Chavolti and Sophia she remembered.

At least none of the news Agnes heard while running away said Sophia was dead.

“When I leave this palace, I will enter Sofia’s room. I came to see you because it might be the last time. Agnes.”


“Don’t try to persuade me. She’s the one who was willing to stand by me when I became a crippled. I can never give up my wife.”

“You, what are you….”

Agnes was speechless and didn’t know what to say. He looked around and whispered in a very low voice.

“I’ve contacted grandfather.”


“Last night. He wants to see you.”

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