She Was Sent by God

Chapter 130

“It’s not a big deal. What are you worrying about?”

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“Ha, it’s not a big deal? Rumors of a rebellion or something have already spread in the capital. When do you think the news will go into our grandfather’s ears?”

“Did it spread already?” Agnes asked, sipping the tea nonchalantly. Chavolti couldn’t overcome the frustration and hit his chest hard.

“If it weren’t for the war now, your neck would have been hanging on a pole.”

“Your Highness just misunderstood it.”

“Of course, it’s a misunderstanding! Rebellion. It’s a terrible thing to say.”

He shuddered. Agnes smiled still.

The nobles who had heard the rumors would never imagine Agnes starting a rebellion. They will just think that the king framed her to kill her.



“What’s Sofia’s condition? Is it impossible for her to move at all?”

Chavolti’s face turned dark in an instant when his wife’s story came out.

“It’s not that bad because she is still just in the early stages of the disease. However, she can’t stand for a long time or walk for a long time, so she spends more time lying down.”

“Is it hard for her to travel far away in a carriage?”

He shook his head. Agnes tapped her finger on the sofa handle. She could feel at ease if Chavolti and Sofia are in Sutmar, but with Sofia’s condition it would be hard to move.

Perhaps noticing her worries, Chavolti spoke without much thought.

“I’ll take care of Sofia, so you take care of yourself. Lie down at the king’s feet and cry, or stick to the Queen.”

“I’ll take care of it. Don’t die until the next time I see you.”

“If I can.”

The siblings had a short conversation with their eyes. They’ve been together for a long time, so that was enough. Chavolti called the servant who was standing far away. The servant approached and tried to push Chavolti’s chair from behind.

“I’ll do it.”


“You’ve never held anything heavier than a spoon? It’s all right. I’ll do it.”

Chavolti waved his hand, but Agnes insisted and stood behind him. As she passed the long royal corridor with him, she felt new.

It was the hallway where she used to run around in all directions when she was young. There was certainly a day when peace existed and no one was killed or saved.


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However, the reality is that Vivian who drank poison and eventually died, her father who died after a long illness in his bed, her mother who is barely breathing, and Chavolti who cannot stand up again.


“Tell me. Don’t hesitate.”

Agnes bowed and whispered close to Chavolti’s ear.

“Don’t come out of the house tomorrow. And no matter what happens here at the palace, I’m safe, so don’t worry too much. I’ll send you a letter when I’m done. Tell grandfather that, too.”

“What? What does that mean? What are you up to?”

“Let’s live and see each other again.”

After saying those words, Agnes called in the servant to push Chavolti’s chair. On the way, Chavolti kept looking back with anxious eyes. Agnes smiled and saw him off on the back.

* * *

“You had breakfast with Agnes again today?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Didn’t you say you were with her yesterday?”

“It’s nice to see her face after a long time.”

Ilona tried to force a smile at her husband but failed. Sebastian walked to the queen.

“You love Agnes so much that it’s making me feel jealous.”

“I’ll have breakfast with you tomorrow.”

Ilona raised her head and spoke in a rather hasty manner. Sebastian made a faint smile.

“No, I understand it’s because you’re happy to see each other again. You two originally have a special relationship.”

“……Yes, she’s been a great comfort to me whenever I’m having a hard time at the palace.”

“Did you have a hard time? Who dared to make my Queen have a hard time?”

Immeasurable emotions stormed. There was so much she wanted to say.

Is this guy really asking her who it is? He doesn’t know why made her life like hell and stole her reason for living and threw it in the gutter?

It was horrible. Sometimes even breathing and talking in front of him felt terrible.

“Ilona. My Queen. Don’t worry, just tell me who it is.”

“Your Highness…”

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But when she met Sebastian’s blue eyes, she had no choice but to swallow them all.

“No one.”

“Is it true? The queen is gentle and kind, so she seems to overlook the rudeness of her subordinates too easily.”

“I’ll be careful. Your Highness.”

There was nothing she could do but smile. She forced the corners of her mouth up.


They heard a dreary, grotesque cry somewhere. It was very strange to say it was the usual cry of a bird. Sebastian called a nearby knight to see if they felt the same way.

“Try to find out what the fuss is about.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Two knights went outside under his direction. Not long after, one of the knights who went to find out the situation rushed to open the door.

“It’s a beast, your majesty!”


Sebastian frowned.

“Hurry up and get out of here. It is said that the north gate has already become a muddy field.”

“What do you mean, a beast? What nonsense is that? Why would a beast appear in the palace? Are you sure you saw it right?”

“I, I’m not sure, but it certainly wasn’t a common form of beast.”

“You must have seen it wrong.”

He shook his head and showed signs of discomfort.

“Isn’t a beast only appearing in the North and the West? What kind of beast comes out in the middle of the capital?

“But obviously what I saw was no ordinary beast.”

“Ha. At best, it’s a wild animal from the mountains. Why don’t you go out now? Don’t make a fuss by saying something nonsense.”

“B, but.”

The knight hesitated and remained motionless on the spot. It was only after Sebastian irritably told him to get out of the drawing-room that it was quiet again.

“What if what the servant says is true?”

“No way, don’t worry. There have been no cases of beasts appearing in the capital in the last hundred years. The servant must have been surprised.”

Sebastian flatly affirmed. But somehow, she felt uneasy. In addition, the prince’s palace was close to the north gate.

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“I have to go to the prince now.”


“Prince Dietrich still has a high fever.”

“Tss, he’s so weak…….”

His voice contained both contempt and displeasure. Ilona noticed it, but she held it back.

“Wait till the knights come. If a real beast appeared, it’s dangerous until it is killed.”

“Your Highness said it was nothing…….”



This time, a tremendous vibration that cannot be ignored shook the ground. The teacup on the table fell into pieces. Everyone in the room’s face hardened.

“What the hell is going on? Is there anyone out there?”

“Y, Your Highness,”

The knight returned with a pale face.

“The beasts. They passed the north gate and came into the palace.”

“Beast? Are you sure you saw it with your own eyes?”

“Yes, Your Highness, it’s hard to count their number. You must get out!”

As soon as the words were finished, another violent vibration rang throughout the palace. The servants lay down on their stomachs, trembling. Realizing the seriousness of the situation belatedly, Sebastian distorted his face.

“What’s the damage?”

“The princess’ palace was completely destroyed and became a muddy field starting with the north gate.”

“The princess’ palace collapsed? W, what about Princess Agnes? And the prince! What happened to the princes?”

“We will take responsibility and move the princes to a safe place. First of all, your majesty, you must leave.”

“Yes, come here. Ilona.”

Sebastian gripped her arm tightly. The knights surrounded the king and queen in a circle and escorted them.

“Wait! Your Highness! Dietrich and Robert first!”

“Someone else will be in charge of the princes.”

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The situation was worse than they thought when they went outside. There was a big crack in the outer wall of the building and it seemed to collapse at any moment.


There was even a pile of rare flying beasts. The beasts who ran wild while stirring the air without hesitation destroyed buildings and mercilessly attacked horses and pigs. Some even took people away.

Soldiers and knights struggled, but they were helpless due to the lack of numbers and lack of experience in fighting with the flying beast.

“Is this all the knights left in the palace?”

“Some went to the princes.”

“Even so, it doesn’t make sense that you’re not even thirty!”

Sebastian was furious. The head of the knights replied in a low voice to his words.

“You sent most of the knights to the southern front and left only a few.”

There was a tone of indisputable criticism intertwined in it. At that time, the head of the knights was the most opposed to the king’s decision. Sebastian glared at him and spoke.

“Don’t use your tongue and try to make a way.”

“……I’ll try.”

However, only a faint spirit remained in the knight’s words. When he saw the beasts approaching like a swarm of bees. He lost his spirit.

* * *

[A bit lower]

At Agnes’ words, the beast attempted to descend. As the altitude went down, the situation became clear at a glance.

People and beasts were entangled and fighting fiercely.

[Shall we go down?]

[This is enough]

Surprisingly, he was able to talk to some intelligent beast. It was still painful to use the force, but it was less difficult because it was adjusted by Eugene.

[I did not touch the silver roof and the yellow roof of the boulevard, as you said.]

[Okay, good job]

[And the blue roof was completely destroyed]

The Blue Palace was a place where she had lived for many years, and now it was completely collapsed and unrecognizable.

[What about the golden roof?]

Agnes’ eyes turned to the golden palace in the center.

[Don’t break it down too much because it’s where I’ll stay]

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