She Was Sent by God

Chapter 4: 4


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On the other hand, Laslo who was struck surprised from Agnes’s action took a small step back.

“It’s warm, isn’t it?”

He did not disappear or get distorted when touched. He stood upright and looked down at her.

“It’s the temperature of a living human being.”

Laslo answered bluntly.

“You’re alive?”

Mumbling to the air with her hands still on the man’s chest, Agnes did not look normal.

“So did you think you’re married to a dead man?”

He did not meant it to be sarcastic. But when he was done saying it, suddenly she began to weep.

Laslo who was facing Agnes right in front of him got very embarrassed.

“Princess? Why are you crying all of a sudden?”

“Obviously, he’s dead. His limbs, his arms were stab to the pole. Heueuk. The arms….”

The man who had never consoled a crying woman in his life did not know how to comfort her whose crystal-clear tears were flowing down.

Hastily as he could Laslo took a handkerchief out of his pocket and awkwardly wiped her cheeks.

“Don’t cry.”

“Why did you do that? Why did it for me? Why?”

Agnes cried ceaselessly as she said something he could hardly guess.

My tears were hot enough to burn my chest.

“What did I do?”

The marriage was decided overnight by the King’s order. When Laslo received a letter forcing him to marry the Princess, he could not resist his anger and tore it to pieces. It did not matter even if his partner was a princess of the royal family however he could not feel good to just go ahead and ignore his king will.The words in the letter was a coercive marriage order. Moreover the bride who arrived at Sutmar was too short and small. He was angry at the King for sending away such a small woman.

Laslo was at loss as how to treat her.

If not for her thin body, the look of her shedding tears could be confused as drooling.

“Are you alright?”

After a while, Agnes stopped crying as she had calmed down.

“I’m sorry for the ugly look. Duke Arpad.”

“It’s the first night of my marriage so I’m sorry for being nervous.”

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He spoke politely.

“Wedding night?”

She asked with her wet eyes.

“That’s right. It’s our first night since we got married today. Don’t worry. I had no intention to spend the night with the Princess anyway.”


Laslo was embarrassed by her question. Naturally he thought the Princess would be pleased to hear that. But unlike his expectation, Agnes spoke with her eyes wide open.

“Am I not your wife now? We’ve done the wedding ceremony.”

“That’s true. But….”

He hesitated to keep talking. Agnes frowned and questioned the man.

“What is it?”

“……’re too small.”


Laslo sighed out the answer.

“It’s obviously because you’re not grown up yet. Don’t worry Princess. You’ll grow up soon.”

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He instead comforted the Princess. Upon hearing that, Agnes’s cheek flushed red.

She knew that her body was not as voluminous as the other ladies. But it was not so skinny or small enough to be mistaken as a child.

“I’m, I…..”

At least Agnes was average enough both in size and height among the royal family.

“It’s still too early to tell you about what occur between man and woman.”

He nodded his head with a kind face. Agnes trembled with shame and anger.

When Laslo saw it, “What’s wrong?” he naively asked.

“I’m all grown up. Everything has matured!”

She shouted out angrily.

“No. Is that true?”

It was hard to believe.

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Laslo looked all over Agnes with disbelief.

Agnes sighed with annoyance.

“Duke Arpad. How old do you think I am?”

“Hmm.. Sixteen?”


Agnes’s face crumpled.

“Is it seventeen?”

Laslo glanced at her and called up to her.

I still do not think to straighten up my face.

“I’m past adulthood. I’m only six years younger than you.”

She strained her neck and emphasized the small difference in age. She deliberately lowered her voice to show that she was a matured adult.


Laslo’s eyes shook violently than before.

“No way? Looking this small. What the hell did you eat in the palace…. Princess, I think you know something is wrong.”

He questioned Agnes with incredibly serious look.

“Don’t I know my own age?”

“No. I think you’re younger than that.”

“It’s all grown up!” (T/L: I think she especially meant her physical body lol)

At that moment Agnes burst into a roar.

“That can’t be true!”

Laslo shouted with me without realizing it.

He approached Agnes and spoke seriously while clutching her shoulders lightly.

“Don’t give up yet. Princess, maybe if you eat more meat or vegetables you’ll get bigger than now…..”

“Duke, I’m an adult. Everything’s matured! It’s all grown up! You’re the one who should give up!”

The two quarreled in front of the bed.

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Unable to hide her rough breath Agnes glared at Laslo .

‘Is that why you left on our first night of marriage?’

She just thought Laslo left the bridal’s room because he did not like her.

I never expected to think so.

“You said today is our first night right?”

She looked at Laslo straight in the eyes with firm determination.

“I’m your bride and the wedding ceremony is already over. I’m ready to accept Duke as my husband.”

The first wedding night of my honeymoon was 3 years ago.

The time when he walked out leaving nothing but his cold words had always lingered on her mind which gave her a hard time.

Agnes did not want it to repeat again.


“Now, let’s take off our clothes and go to bed.”

We have already spent the night together. There was no need to be ashamed of our naked bodies.

Agnes pulled hard on his arm. Laslo was caught surprised and widened his eyes.


Of course he did not budge any inch. As Laslo turned to statue and did not move, she put down her arms and groped his waist.

“Oh right. I can take off this dress myself.”

The dress was made for our first night so if I touched just a few things it would unlatched and fell apart quickly.

Agnes fiddled with the loose knot.

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“Crazy Princess”

As she reached out to loosen the knot, immediately Laslo went up to her like a flying beast and took hold of her hands firmly.

“You don’t have to overdo it.”

His voice was so low it sounded like a growl.

“No, I don’t think this is too much.”

Agnes shook away her caught hand and looked straight at Laslo.

“Please release this.”

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“Is this your true nature?”

Of course her first night did not go like this. There was contempt, shame and resentment towards her husband that lasted for three years.

Agnes refused to call him by name remained silent for several months in shame after being ignored by him. Even when she was asked something, she answered only with a short answer. The conversation naturally stopped. In addition, Laslo’s blunt attitude also played a part in causing emotional rift between the couple since then.

“What’s wrong with you? Don’t you have to take off your clothes to spend the night?”

“Do we have to spend the night together tonight?”

Asked Laslo.

“What does joining together mean? As you know, it’s a written duty to spend the night together between husband and wife.”

“I know that. But…”

He only moistened his lip and did not opened his mouth. The sight of it made Agnes frustrated.

“Why are you hesitating? Do you still believe I’m not a grown up? Even though I’m not good enough in your eyes I’m a decent adult and your wife who had given my marriage vow to you.”

“No, not because you’re young….you’re not lacking. Rather it’s me who’s not good enough.”

I was just about to ask what are you talking about. But suddenly my body fell off the floor.

Laslo grabbed Agnes by the waist and lifted her up.

When I tried to tell him to put me down, I realized he was going to the bed and I promptly kept my mouth shut.

“I think we still need time.”

I was laid on the bed in no time. Unfortunately what I was looking forward too did not happen.

He quickly wrapped her up using the bedspread. Soon Agnes, who had turned into a quilt caterpillar realized the situation and started to struggle.

“What is this?!”

“You must have had a hard time for our wedding today so rest up.”

“I’m not tired. I’m more energetic than ever. Let go of me!”

It was hard to find trace of royal family dignity with her body except for her head was rolled up in a blanket.

With no more trouble Laslo spoke.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Princess.”

“Wait. Duke Arpad! Duke Arpad!”

“Sleep well.”

Laslo closed the door behind his bride who anxiously called for him. The bride was left with a red flush on her face.

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