She Was Sent by God

Chapter 5: 5


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“Why are you here?”

Zoltan came walking with a bottle of liquor in one hand.

Lazlo, who was leaning against the watchtower, looked back at the sound of Zoltan’s voice.

“I wanted to get some fresh evening air.”

“What about the bride?”


With a face that was difficult to describe, he shut his mouth.

Zoltan assumedly interpreted the silence and patted him on the shoulder.

“Did she say she’d bite off her tongue if you laid a finger on her?”


Rather, it was the opposite.

He burst into laughter, thinking of how the princess touched his chest first, or how her hands were moving to take her clothes off and were leading him to the bed.

“If not, why is the bridegroom hanging around like this?”

“She got placed into an unfamiliar place one morning and married a man she’d never seen before, I’m giving her some time to adapt.”

“Isn’t that what royal marriages are all about?”

Zoltan took a gulp out of the bottle he was carrying.

Lazlo just laughed at his brother’s question.

“Sir Beller is back. Hyung-nim(1)”

“What did he say?”

“I heard that the king’s health has deteriorated dramatically and that he’s barely breathing.They say it was Prince Sebastian who pushed for his sister’s marriage, not the king.”

He added stealthily.

“I see”

Not counting Sebastian, only Chavolti and Agnes have the right to succeed the king. However, a few years ago, Prince Chavolti fell and crippled his leg badly.

Agnes, the youngest princess, had left the palace by marriage, and so it seems almost confirmed that the one who will inherit the throne is Prince Sebastian.

“I guess the atmosphere at the palace is turning unusual.”

No one was around, but Zoltan continued keeping his voice low.

“The prince is poisoning the king. I’m afraid there’s a rumor like that going around.”

“Well, it can’t be helped.”

Laslo recalled the face of Prince Sebastian. Although he seemed bright outwards, one couldn’t tell what was going on the inside, he was a sly and obnoxious fellow.

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In fact, he thought Princess Agnes would be similar to the prince because of that.


Everyone who calls him by that name is now dead. So when Agnes called his name, his heart got shaken up.

The princess had black hair reminiscent of the night and striking sky-blue eyes. She looked so small and fragile, that when he first saw her, he thought she was a fairy. But then he abruptly remembered wrestling with her who was about to take off her clothes not long ago.

“What are you laughing at?”

Zoltan asked, handing over the bottle.

Laslo answered “It’s nothing.”

*   *   *

“It really isn’t a dream.”

Several days had already passed since the wedding ceremony. In other words, it means that it has been several days since she had returned to the past.

A familiar maid came in and wiped her feet.

“Hm? Have I made any mistakes?”

“No. I didn’t say it to you.”

The name of the maid was Anita, who had been serving Agnes for the past three years. She was one of the people Agnes had kept close to her because of her good personality and affinity. Anita had yet to introduce herself, but Agnes could recall her name and face at once as soon as she entered the room.

It’s already been four days since the first night of their honeymoon.

She feel strange looking around the room.

’Is this really real?’

She couldn’t believe it.

The three years she went through can’t be just a dream. If it were a dream, she wouldn’t have been so familiar and used to everything.

Agnes was able to guess which jewelry was at the top when she opened the dressing table next to her. From the lace pattern on the curtains hanging at the windows to the names of the maids.

There was no one showing or teaching her this stuff. Even though nobody had given her this information, she knew everything,

It’s really the past.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t explain everything she knew.

Agnes was still puzzled by this miracle that had happened to her.

In fact, for the past few days she went to bed, she suspected that everything was a dream and pure fantasy.

’The last thing she remembered was obviously being hit by an arrow while being a chased in the forest …’


“What’s wrong, mistress?”

“It’s just that my head hurts a little.”

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“Should I call a doctor?”

“It’s fine. It’s no big deal, so you don’t have to call a doctor.”

After that, everything is foggy and it’s hard to remember anything.

Her head ached as she thought about it.

– Don’t forget.

The only thing that came to mind was a strange voice. It wasn’t human, but rather more like some kind of echo.

What happened after that?

Had she been taken to the palace and seen Sebastian? Or did she escape halfway to the palace?

Her mind gradually became jumbled, and was filled with many thoughts.


A maid had approached her with soundless steps.

“What is it?”

“Master had asked if you would like to have breakfast together.”

She felt a sense of deja vu. This moment felt very familiar.

“Alright. Tell His Grace that I’ll be there when I’m done here.”

Of course, back then, Agnes had rejected the offer. Was it just rejection?

She didn’t like the maid who delivered the message, so she didn’t even leave with her by her side(2).


The maid left as silent as she did when she came.

If this truly is a second chance given by God, I will not let it go in vain.

Agnes stared at her reflection in the mirror for a long time.

Everything has changed, but in retrospect nothing has changed.

’This time I will not let it happen, never.’

The rotting arm, still pierced on the pole.

The last expression he made as he, with calm eyes addressed her as his wife. She’d never forget.

Agnes was determined.

She will definitely protect him from Sebastian this time.

* * *

“You seem to get up early.”

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Laslo, who already was at the dining hall, stood up and pulled out a chair as Agnes approached the table.

“I tend to. Oh, thank you.”

Agnes sat down with a gentle smile.

“Did you sleep well?”


The Duke had asked for courtesy’s sake, but became embarrassed when he got a firm answer from her.

“The duke’s bed was very big for me alone.”

“……you’ll get used to it, Princess.”

Agnes said nothing more.

But the look on her face clearly stated: “we’ll see about that”, which made Laszlo feel a bit feeble.

When both were seated, the servants brought out food.

There weren’t many dishes: duck marinated in wine, a light salad and bread.

Even though it was morning, it was very ordinary and too meagre for it to be seen as a fancy meal.

Agnes, who had been accustomed to having a luxurious diet her whole life, felt faint when she first encountered it three years ago.

“Is the food to your taste?”

Laslo asked, as he quietly cut the duck and put it in his mouth

“It’s all right.”

It wasn’t anything new because she’d been eating like this for the past three years.

In the past, she’d never had a meal with Laslo, so she’d thought the people in the castle despised her and therefore brought her food like this. So she went on a rampage and pressed the servants to make her a new meal.

“I’m glad. It’s terrible compared to the palace, but this is the best we can do. I haven’t been able to afford to pay attention to my meal because of the recent bad harvest.”

“In addition, the frequency of the invasions is getting more and more frequent.”

Agnes picked at the salad as she casually added.

The small amount of money earned from the land is spent on the defense of Masu(3), so there is no money left.

Naturally, the quality of the housekeeping, such as meals and internal management of the castle, had gradually decreased.

“You knew?”

Laslo had a mixture of wonder and surprise in his eyes.

“Ehem. This is the land of where I got married, how can I not even know that much.”

Actually, she had no idea back then. It was a year after marriage that she found out.

After spitting out the words, Agnes replied rather brazenly(4).

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“Oh, I brought some stuff from the palace with me. If we sell them, we can buy some grains for this winter.”

“You don’t have to do that, Princess.”

He put down his fork and shook his head slowly.



“Why not?”

“Those are the princess’s belongings…”

“I am the mistress of the castle now, and half of the responsibilities and rights you bear are mine as well.”

Laslo was at a loss for words and stared at Agnes.

He had thought that she was just a kid, but more than anyone else, the look in her eyes…

They were resolute.

“When I got married here, I wasn’t able to bring any gold, so please accept this.”

“I don’t need a dowry. It’s not for that reason that I married the princess.”

“Please accept. It would honour me.”

“The circumstances of the castle are not destitute enough to have to sell it to buy grains.”

When he refused again and again, Agnes hit the final wedge.

“But if we sell it and buy grains, we’ll have enough to get through the winter.”

As she was right, Laszlo was silent for a moment.

Due to the recent hardships, it was difficult to refuse even a coin because it would a waste .

Agnes, who noticed his inner conflict, spoke calmly.

“I’ll notice the butler, so you know.”

“I’m sorry for having you sell the goods you brought as soon as you arrived, Princess.”

He looked genuinely sorry.

“Don’t worry. I don’t really enjoy meeting people, so it doesn’t even mean much to me.”

It was not an excuse deliberately made to console him.


1. (^) I’m not translating “Hyung-nim” to brother, because I don’t know if Laslo and Zoltan are biologically brothers, or if it’s just how Zoltan addresses him. If you don’t know what “hyung-nim” is, google it. Although I did translate dongsaeng to brother, oh well. Anyways I don’t think they are real brothers, but more like “bros”.

2. (^) Not sure if correct 이 말을 전한 시녀 를 보는 것도 싫어서 곁에 두지도않았다.

3. (^) Dunno what Masu is, maybe the name of the city.

4. (^) Once again, not sure 말을 뱉고 나서 아차 싶었지만 아그네스는 다소 뻔뻔하게 대답했다.

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