She Was Sent by God

Chapter 57

“W… why all of a sudden?”

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“You should know the reason better.”

Rather, Laslo asked back.

“I, um, don’t know what the duke is saying.”

Agnes deliberately looked elsewhere.

“You don’t know? Then I’ll take it off myself.”

Only then did Agnes realize that Laslo was serious.

She grabbed his sleeve and shouted.

“I hurt my arm a little when I fell off the horse yesterday.”

“How much did you get hurt?”

“I just got a little bruise. I didn’t say it because it wasn’t important and it would heal in a day or two.”

“Show me.”

“It’s in my arm, to show you that I need to….”

“Why does it matter? You and I are a couple.”

Laslo, who gets red with just a hug, is gone and only a determined man remains.

“Can I show you later?”

If I take off my dress, my neck will inevitably show. Agnes wanted to hide it as much as possible.


Laslo smiled crookedly for the first time since they came into the room.

“I’m holding back but I want to tear up your clothes right now.”


“I’ll call a maid.”

* * *Read only on Mesmerizing Memoirs***


Agnes peeked behind the partition.

“Are you there?”

Laslo, who was sitting on the sofa from afar, stood up.

“Did you call me?”

“Come here.”

The small white back of her hand fluttered like a butterfly.

Where did Agnes, who was boldly trying to take off her clothes on their first night, go?

She hid behind the partition, saying she was ashamed to show her naked body.

“Can you see this?”

A thin arm with nothing on it popped out of his eyes.

“There’s nothing to worry about.”

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“How is this not a big deal?”

She acted like nothing, but her body was stained with wounds and bruises.

Perhaps because of her fair skin, the spotty bruise was particularly noticeable.

Laslo swept her bruised arm out of regret.

He felt regretful. I should have asked the princess yesterday.

“Did the doctor see it?”

“Yes. He gave me some medicine.”

“Where else?”


“You fell on your back. What about other places besides your arms?”

When Laslo asked, her fair arm flinched.

“There aren’t that many.”

“You mean there’s not much.”

“Oh, there’s really not much.”

Agnes shook her arm away from him. Laslo could not erase the suspicion.

“Then show me the other arm.”

“You’re very persistent.”

“Did you know now?”

“Oh, my.”

Agnes grumbled. There was a rustling sound behind the partition.

“Why do you not believe people when they say they’re okay?”

The partition rattled. It looks like she stepped on the hem of her clothes while changing.

Laslo was surprised and went inside the partition to catch her from falling and help her.

“Oh my god. I almost fell down. Thank you for holding me.”


“Duke? What’s wrong with your face?”

Laslo’s face was seriously stiff when she looked up.

Agnes immediately noticed where his gaze stayed.

“This is, you know. When I fall from the hunting ground….”

“Did the king do this?”

Agnes had clear handprints on her neck. It’s obviously a sign of strangling.

Obviously, it was a wound that didn’t exist until I saw her off this morning, so I could immediately notice who did it.

At that moment, my mind went blank.

I felt like the string of reason I was holding was breaking.

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“Duke, it hurts.”

The hand holding her waist seems to have excessive force. Laslo immediately let go of his hand.

“Oh, my. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

Agnes took a few steps back.

Laslo managed to calm his anger through deep breathing.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I’m afraid the duke will worry like this.”

She let out a small sigh. I was wearing only a thin slip, so I looked naked.

Contrary to Agnes’ saying that it was okay, the arm was not the only part with bruises.

There were also big blue bruises on her knees, forearms, and thighs.

In addition, blood was formed on her back and the scratches were clear, so just looking at them hurt my heart.

Laslo regretted not spending the night with her for the first time.

‘If we shared the bed together, I could have noticed all the wounds on her body.’

“You don’t have to deal with Sebastian’s acting like that.”

“Don’t have to?”

“It’s just because he’s curious how I react. You don’t have to worry……”

“Don’t worry about it, how?”

Laslo was amazed by what she said.

“My wife came back from being strangled by someone; how can I not care?”


“What do you see me as?”

Agnes closed her mouth while trying to bring up an excuse.

Laslo’s face facing her was so distorted that it was painful.

“I am……”

There was a strange silence in the room. Agnes closed her lips.

“I’m in love with you.”

Laslo looked straight into her blue eyes and spoke.

“Do you know what that means?”

He confessed his love to his wife, but he didn’t look happy at all.

Rather, he was having difficulty in breathing because his lungs were pressed by the pain of digging into his chest.

“It means that if you get hurt even at the tip of your hair, I won’t be able to sleep because I would be bothered.”

“If you come home with this kind of wound,”

Laslo raised his hand very slowly and lightly swept her neck with a hand mark.

“It means that I want to find the one who hurt you and make him pay back many times.”

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He couldn’t straighten his frown. He managed to endure the soaring emotions.

Laslo picked up the clothes on the chair and put it around her shoulder.


Agnes reached out and tried to grab the hem of his clothes, but Laslo was faster.

“Take a rest. I’ll call a doctor.”

He spoke in a low voice and left the bedroom. Agnes watched where he left for a long time.


* * *Read only on Mesmerizing Memoirs***


“Yes, madam.”

“What is love?”

Ney, who was diligently applying medicine over Agnes’ wound, raised her head.

“What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“The duke likes me.”

“Oh my!”

Ney put down the medicine and glinted.

“Are you going to sleep now?”

“Can you sleep when you love someone?”

At the question, the maid mumbled something.

“It’s not necessarily like that, but…”


“When you love someone, you want to be with them every time, Because you’re happy when you’re together.”

“Is that love?”

Agnes opened her eyes wide and asked. Ney smiled awkwardly as if it was difficult to explain.


“That’s love for me”

She couldn’t fully understand what Ney said, but she just nodded.

Love. Love.

Laslo’s face comes to mind.

The lips, facial expressions, and fists that I said he liked are vivid.

But Laslo didn’t look happy. He looked distressed and sad somewhere.

“Go to sleep, madam.”

Ney turned off the light. Agnes couldn’t sleep and barely closed her eyes.


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* * * Read only on Mesmerizing Memoirs***

“There is no movement in the territory yet.”

Count Barania politely said. Sebastian raised his tilted head.

“How many soldiers do they have?”

“It is difficult to count the exact number, but the number of knights has increased compared to last spring. They also bought quite a few horses.”

“That’s right….”

He tapped his finger on the handle of the chair.

When I deliberately got her married to a falling Duke’s family, but that family has been reviving day by day since the princess went.

Irritation preceded anxiety.

I thought I didn’t have to pay attention, but she kept getting on my nerves.

Count Barania stood by him silently for a while.


“Your Highness.”


At that time, a servant walked silently and whispered in the king’s ear.

“What about Agnes?”

“Your Majesty, he seemed to come alone.”



The corners of Sebastian’s mouth went up and up.

“Bring him here. And the Count, you should get going now.”

After the servant and the Count bowed, they left.

Soon after, Duke Arpad opened the door and came in.

“I don’t remember calling the Duke Arpad. What’s going on here? Where’s my cute sister? Are you here alone?”

“Agnes is not feeling well, so I came instead. Your Highness.”

“She looked fine yesterday.”

“After returning to the mansion, she had a fever and she had a hard time moving around.”

“Is that so?”


Sebastian called the servant, who was standing behind him.


“Yes, your highness.”

“Pick up some medicinal herbs that are good for fever and send it to Arpad Townhouse. How weak is her body to fall down overnight?”


He clicked his tongue openly. The servant bowed his head.

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