She Was Sent by God

Chapter 58

“I’ll do that.”

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“How is Sutmar these days?”

“It’s getting better little by little.”

“That’s good news.”

Sebastian squinted and laughed.

“When I heard that my dear sister was suffering from a barren land, I couldn’t sleep because my heart ached.”

“I’m sorry about that.”

Laslo replied bluntly.

“As for Agnes.”

Sebastian looked far away and continued his words with nostalgic eyes.

“She looks brave on the outside, but she’s very vulnerable on the inside. She cried a lot when she was young, so I teased her for being a crybaby.”

Surprisingly, Sebastian looked like an older brother who sincerely cares for his sister.

“But I can’t believe she’s already grown up to be the wife of a family. Time is amazing.”

“Is that so?”

“I remember like it was just yesterday that I was hanging out with Vivian and roaming around the palace.”

The lips referring to Vivian look natural.

Wherever I looked, he didn’t seem like a person who poisoned his sister five times.

Laslo clicked his tongue in disgust.

“Oh, memories are rushing back. Duke. Let Agnes come tomorrow. There are so many things I want to say.”

“She’s not feeling well….”

“Duke Arpad.”

Sebastian gave him a benevolent smile.

“This is an order. It’s not a favor or a suggestion.”

The king leaned back and buried himself in a chair.

Laslo grabbed his fist on his lap.

When an assassin was sent in the Arpad Townhouse, I thought it was just a simple warning.

When I met the assassin in the hunting ground, it took me a lot of effort to remain calm.

However, I couldn’t think of anything when I saw Agnes, who returned home strangled by someone.

That moment paralyzed me, and a rush of emotions rushed up my chest.

I had to bite my tongue in order to stop myself from tearing the man who touched her neck.

“Your Highness.”

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“I have nothing to do with you, so bring my little sister.”

Sebastian was determined. It was a tone that even mixed with a bit of annoyance.

“What are you going to do?”

Laslo asked somewhat straightforwardly.

“I just told you. How many times do I have to tell the duke to understand?”

“I didn’t learn anything about politics.”

He said only what he had to say, like a deaf person.

“It’s a pity that you don’t have enough knowledge about noble people.”

“What should I do for you to stop calling Agnes to the palace anymore?”

Sebastian smirked. He put his elbow on the armrest of the chair and put his chin on it.

“You seem to care about Agnes a lot.”

Laslo did not answer. However, he only looked silently under the table.

“That’s great. It’s great to see the harmony between the couple.”

He continued to give meaningful praise. Nothing went in his ear.

“Well. What can the duke do for me?”

Sebastian tapped his armrest with his finger. The time has passed enough for the tea to cool down.

Laslo was a virtue of patience, so it wasn’t difficult to resist.

“Okay. How about this?”

Perhaps something interesting came to mind, he suddenly looked up at Laslo.

“Show your loyalty to the king.”


“There will be a war in the fall.”

“War? What do you mean?”

Laslo frowned at the sudden words.

“I found that the King of Devon intentionally omitted the tribute he had made to Nirseg for many years. How much did he think of Nirseg as a fool? Who would have done such a shameless act?”

Sebastian raised his hand exaggeratedly.

“As the king of Nirseg, I can’t leave it alone. Don’t you think so?”

Only then did Laslo realize that the war he was talking about is the war that he would start.

“Stand in front and show how deep and wide the loyalty of the duke is. So that I can understand.”

I understand for the first time that the word loyalty is disgusting.

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“Then I think I can leave Agnes with the duke with confidence.”

Only then did Laslo raise his head and make eye contact with the king.

Blue eyes like the summer sky. Surprisingly, it was like Agnes.

Looking at it, I calmed down. The complicated mind resulted in a single conclusion.

In the end, the last thing left on his mind is Agnes’ face.

“I’ll do that.”

“That’s a good choice.”

Sebastian laughed.

* * *Read only on Mesmerizing Memoirs* * *

When Agnes got out of bed, it was long after the sun had already risen.


Usually, waking up late is not a problem, but right now her appointment with Sebastian was early in the morning.

“Madam, are you up?”

Ney came to the side of the bed.

“What time is it now? Didn’t I tell you that I have to go to the palace this morning?”

“The Lord told me not to wake you up.”

“What? Why?”

“Because you’re going to the palace yourself.”

“Hang on. Does that mean the Duke went to the palace?”

Ney nodded.

“Oh no! Hurry up and bring my clothes. I should go to the palace right away.”

Agnes hurriedly got out of bed and wore slippers.

“Oh, no. Madam.”

“What do you mean no?”

“The owner asked me to tell you, ‘Don’t think about coming to the palace and rest well.’”

“Take a rest? My body is fine!”

Agnes poked out her chest and said boldly.

“You have a black bruise on my neck. Madam.”

Ney brought a mirror, sighing deeply.


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When I saw it yesterday, it was just a red handprint, but when I woke up from sleep, I looked like someone who had strangled her throat.

“Please rest today. Should I bring you your meal?”

“No. Let’s get dressed first.”

“A dress covering your neck?”

“Not that, but summer dress. I have to endure the heat. I’d rather wear a scarf.”

I just changed my clothes, and the butler informed me that a guest came with an awkward face.

“Who’s here?”

“It’s Baron Leslin.”

“I don’t remember him requesting a visit”.

“Yes, that’s right. Nevertheless, Baron Leslin insisted that he should meet the duchess immediately.….”


“I don’t know.”


Agnes agonized for a moment.

The tiredness did not completely go away, so I was feeling lazy, but I couldn’t ignore him at all.

“Take me to the drawing room.”

“Yes madam.”

After a while, Baron Leslin jumped up from his seat when she arrived at the drawing room.


“Baron Leslin. What’s going on? Coming here without a request.”

“This is a clear breach of contract.”

He suddenly said what he had to say without saying hello.

It was a great disrespect, but Agnes just let it pass.

“What do you mean, breach of contract?”

“All I handed over is the mining rights of the sapphire mine. Isn’t it right that I should have the relics from there?”

The story that relics from the Ethron mine makes mana stone is already openly spread.

Hearing the story, the baron seems to have rushed in coming here.

“What does that mean? Did I read the contract incorrectly?”

“Of course!”

He took the contract out of his arms with a confident attitude.

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“Look carefully.”

Agnes pointed out one clause with a relaxed attitude.

<Possession of everything excavated in the mine in the Ethron Territory is handed over.>

“The contract definitely did not specify minerals.”


Later, the baron understood the meaning of the sentence and crumpled the contract on the table.

“This is invalid! In the first place, there is no word that includes relics, right?”

The baron stood up, losing his cool.

“Don’t be stubborn. Don’t you know what ‘everything’ means?”

Agnes continued to talk coldly.

“Tell me the truth. If the relics hadn’t come out of the mine, you wouldn’t come to me like this to protest the fairness of the contract. Don’t you think so?”

Baron Leslin couldn’t bring up a rebuttal, just staring at Agnes with a huff.

“This was a legitimate contract no matter who looked at it. You have to admit what you have to admit.”

“I can’t do that!”

He punched the table. When the sound of punching came out, the servant standing on the wall flinched.

“You can’t do it?”

But Agnes was not scared.

“I’m sorry to hear that you can’t.”

She called the servant in the back coldly.

“The baron is leaving now, take him outside the mansion.”

“Yes madam.”

The servant quickly approached the baron and grabbed him by the arm.

“Argh! I can’t go like this?”

He jumped like a crazy beast.

Even though the three servants clung together, they could not easily pull him out.

“Let me go!”


In a blink of an eye.

While one of the servants holding the baron looked away, Baron Leslin shook off their hands and rushed straight to Agnes.

He snatched the scarf around Agnes’ neck.

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