She Was Sent by God

Chapter 59

Because of that, Agnes shook her body every time he moved his arm.

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“T, this is invalid! The relics from there are mine!”


Baron Leslin screamed with a wretched face. Agnes eardrums hurt because he was right next to her.

The servants were at a loss and continued to hover around them.


“Write the contract again!”

“Can’t you just let it go?”


The longer he pulled the scarf with force, the more she was strangled.

Agnes tried hard to push the Baron, but he didn’t budge.

Her face turned red as she was running out of breath.


“If you don’t rewrite the contract right away……ughhh!”

A crackling sound was heard. At the same time, the strangling disappeared.



Laslo twisted Baron Leslin’s wrist, which was holding the scarf to the other side.


“Oh, my hand!”

Baron Leslin howled in pain. He shouted like a real beast, not a person.



“Are you okay?”

Laslo ignored him and looked down. Agnes managed to nod.

Still, the baron who collapsed on the floor and was screaming for a long time.

“What were you doing until Agnes was caught and troubled by this guy?”

He yelled at the servants around him. The escort, who belatedly opened the door and learned of the situation, became flustered.


“I’m sorry, master.”

“What has the escort been doing all this time?”


The knight hesitated and couldn’t speak. Laslo’s hot face cooled down in a flash.

“We will discuss your disposition later.”

The voice was so low that it sounded like a growl.

“Take Agnes to her room right away and call a doctor.”

“Yes, yes!”

A servant jumped up and supported Agnes, who was in Laslo’s arms, and went out of the drawing room.


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Baron Leslin grabbed his broken wrist and crunched on the floor.

“What should I do with Baron? Master. Should I kick him out of the mansion right away?”


Another servant approached and asked.


Laslo never took his eyes off the Baron.

“Bring him to a private military base.”

“Gasp, no way, sir! Okay, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. My mind went blank for a moment!”

He trampled on the Baron’s foot with a merciless face.

“I’ll listen to your excuse, later.”


* * *



Ney was surprised and ran when Agnes came in with support from her servants.

“What’s going on?”

The servant, who was next to her, sighed and briefly explained the situation.


“How dare he!”

Ney shivered when she heard the situation.

“What about the doctor?”

“He’s coming now.”

“Hurry up and lay her on the bed.”

Ney moved the people in perfect order.

Agnes lay in bed and breathed deeply. Her throat, which had been forcibly swept away, was very painful.

“This, this first.”

“Yes, Madam.”


Her maid carefully released her scarf. Another red mark appeared over the blue bruise.

Ney looked at it and turned on the light to see it properly.

“How dare you, baron……”

The doctor, who had been contacted soon, rushed in and examined Agnes’ neck wound.

“You need to rest for a while.”

The doctor gave her a lot of medicine to apply and take.

“The inside of your neck may be damaged, so please speak less until you get better.”

“Yes, I’ll do that.”

Ney thanked the doctor. As soon as the doctor left, she helped Agnes to drink the medicine.

“Uh, I’ll drink it.”

“Should I bring some sweet snacks?”

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Agnes nodded with a frown. Ney rushed out after saying she would be back soon.

As soon as she left, the door reopened.


Laslo walked up to the side of Agnes’ bed.


“How are you feeling?”

“Hmm. It hurts a little, but I’m okay.”

“Look at me.”


Agnes lifted her chin at his words.

Her white and thin neck was a mess with bruised marks from the scarf.

Seeing it, His heart that barely calmed down was pounding.

Laslo didn’t even notice his fingernails digging into his palms.

“What did the doctor say?”

“They told me to just rest. It will get better if I take the medicine con…*coughs*… consistently.”

The inside of her neck was aching, so she kept coughing in vain.

Seeing it, Laslo looked at Agnes with worried eyes.


“Tell me if you’re in pain.”

“What about him?”

“I’m going to ask for a duel.”

“A duel?”

“I want to cut both his wrists…”


He muttered in a low, gloomy voice.




Agnes was surprised and looked at Laslo.


“I’m going to end this by asking for a duel.”

“You’re suffering because of me.”

“You did the hard work. I should have paid more attention.”


Laslo swept his face roughly. His face was full of worries and guilt.


“It’s going to be annoying, but as long as you’re in the capital, please let Sir Matron accompany you even inside the mansion. It’s because I don’t feel at ease.”

“Okay. Let’s do that.”


Agnes nodded gently.

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“Then rest.”


After finishing his speech, Laslo covered Agnes’ chest with a blanket and went out.

‘Oh, by the way. I should have asked him what happened in the palace.’


Her thoughts did not last long.

The medicine she drank earlier seems to have a sleep-inducing effect.

Agnes fell into a deep sleep not long after lying in bed.


* * *


As soon as Laslo left her room, he called Beller. The knight who was called, quietly opened the door of the office and came in.

“Did you call me?”

“The king is about to start a war.”

“What? A war?”

“Yeah. I had a solo meeting with the king at the palace today, and I think we’re going to war with Devon.”

“It’s only been a season since the new king ascended to the throne. The country is still in turmoil inside and out, but a war…”


Beller ended his speech with a complicated face.

“Even if we have the army of the king, it’s not even a lot in total. It’s not like the number of standing forces has increased in particular in recent years, so I can’t understand how the war will go.”

“He seemed to be thinking of forcibly recruiting soldiers from the noble family.”

“Will the lords quietly put out their soldiers?”


Laslo’s face turned cold. Beller sighed feverishly.

“We need to prepare for it.”

“Yeah. I think I’m going to be in this war.”


Beller jumped in surprise.

“You’re going to war? What does that mean?”

Of course, there are cases where the lord goes directly to war.

However, Arpad is different.

It is a place where there are several invasions of beasts every month.

Although the line of defense was strengthened due to magic on the wall, the number of beasts crossing the line did not decrease.

Because of that, there has never been a case in which Duke Arpad went to war himself.

“The king told me to prove my loyalty.”

“….is it because of the princess?”

Beller, who has a quick head, quickly inferred the situation.

“It turned out better.”

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Laslo put his hands together on his chin.

Unlike usual, his face was as cold as the winter sea. The dark green eyes sank deeply and looked black.


“Because our side will also be under the pretext of preparing for war.”


Perhaps he understood the meaning of his words, Beller stood up.

“War is a law in which new powers arise and sometimes disappear.”

“What you’re saying is…”

“Sir Beller. The king said it is going to be in fall, but only when the harvest is over will the war begin in earnest.”


“Let’s get ready before then. So that Agnes can be safe even if the king manipulates Sutmar while I’m away.”

Beller’s face was distorted.

He opened his mouth for a while to say something, but eventually he couldn’t say anything.

“I understand, master.”

* * *


News of the duel between the Duke of Arpad and Baron Leslin quickly spread to society.

“Isn’t Baron Leslin a person who can’t even pick a sword properly?”

“I know. What the hell is going on?”

The nobles gathered in twos and threes and talked about the duel.


“This is unfair!”


Baron Leslin grabbed and complained to everyone he met.

The Duke misunderstood everything, I did nothing wrong.

He gave such a long story.

However, when rumors spread that Baron Leslin had stormed into the duchess’ townhouse without an appointment and raised his hand to the duchess, everyone turned against him.

“Oh, my. Such a terrible thing.”

“Hmph, it’s not worth the trouble.”


For that reason, not many people appeared at the place where the duel was promised and watched the duel.
This is because the results were obvious to anyone.


[How did it go?]

As soon as Agnes heard that Laslo had returned to the mansion, she ran and held out the paper.

This is because the doctor recommended, she refrain from speaking at all for a few days due to her poor throat condition.

“It went well.”

[What does that mean?]

“It means that he reflects and repents on his mistakes.”

Laslo smiled.

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