She Was Sent by God

Chapter 81

A new daily routine has been added to Agnes’ monotonous routine.

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When she wakes up, she washes her face, changes her clothes, and makes the maids bring out a box of jewelry.


“Do you like it that much?”


“Hmm. I’m just checking to see if they are in good condition.”


“Does it have feet on its own? Of course, it’s fine.”


Ney laughed as if it was ridiculous.


Agnes did not care, carefully took the time to look at the necklaces, bracelets, and earrings that Laslo gave him, and then closed the lid.


“If you like it that much, just wear it.”


“I’m going to wear it later.”


Ney put the box back in the drawer.


Growing up, Agnes did not know what ‘lacking’ is.


Nirseg is a powerful country, and she is the youngest daughter of the king and grew up loved by the king and queen.


So, she has never saved anything.


If she wants something, she can have it, and if it breaks, she can replace it with a new one.


That was her natural flow of thinking.


‘But I can’t do that now.’


The next day, while she was trying to wear the necklace that Laslo gave her, she suddenly realized that it was a waste.


So instead of wearing the necklace, she put it in a box and looked at it every morning.


Ney shook her head when she saw it, but it was good.


“I think spring is coming to madam too.”


“Spring? What spring are you talking about we’re in the middle of summer?”


“There’s something like that. The spring that comes when you become an adult.”


“I’m already an adult. I’m all grown up.”




Ney responded somewhat cheekily and braided Agnes’ hair beautifully.


“Okay, it’s done. What do you think?”




Agnes looked in front of the mirror, turning her head around.


A satisfied smile appeared on her lips.


“You didn’t even care about your hairstyle before.”


Ney muttered in a low voice. Agnes didn’t hear it because she was checking her makeup and clothes.


“What about Laslo?”

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“He went to the eastern defense line earlier. He said he’ll be back in the afternoon.”




Agnes jumped out of the chair with a big smile.


As she went through the hallway to the restaurant, she saw a familiar face.


“Oh my, how long has it been? How have you been? I was planning to greet you when you came to the capital city last time, but they said you weren’t feeling well, so I couldn’t. Are you okay now?”


“I’m all better now. Sir Beller. Long time no see.”


He is still a talkative man. Agnes smiled and looked at him.


“Yeah. Where have you been?”


“Well, wandering around here and there because of work. Recently I was in the Eastern part of the country.”


“It’s hard to see your face.”


“Haha. I’m going to stay in Sutmar for a while. My wife said she’d forget my face.”


Beller had a friendly smile the whole time, and he always talked about frivolous things.


“Have you met Laslo?”


“I’m on my way to see him but…… You seem to have gotten a lot closer.”




Beller continued to talk with a grin.


“You know, the title.”


“Oh. Hmm. Ahm. we’re a married couple, we are building trust by calling each other’s names, so…….”


“Yeah. of course. That’s true.”


Agnes coughed for no reason and made excuses. Beller smiled with his mouth up.


“Then I’ll say hello again later.”


“Okay. I’ll be on my way.”


Beller left first. Agnes muttered Lazlo’s name to herself once.


* * *


The restoration of the collapsed defense line has come to the final stage.


Laslo was discussing the wall repair with a careful face with the wizards.




Beller approached and bowed to him.


“You’re here?”


“I have something to report to you.”


The two moved to a quiet place. Beller opened his mouth only after confirming that no one was around.


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“The king stoned an envoy from Devon to death.”


“He’s crazy.”


The words popped out of his mouth without going through his head.


“Then they cut off the head of the envoy, put it in a box and send it back.”


“What’s the reaction of the Devon royal family?”


“Sigh. Don’t even ask. It was a riot.”


Of course, although Nirseg is a powerful country to the point where neighboring countries have difficulty in competing for power, Devon is also a formidable opponent.


“It seems that the envoy whose neck was cut off was the youngest son of the Duke Epsilon.”


“Epsilon? The Devon royal family’s maternal family?”


“Yes, it is said that the Duke of Epsilon passed out in the conference hall when he saw his son’s neck.”


Beller’s voice became darker.


“I don’t know what the hell the king was thinking.”


“It seems that Duke Epsilon went crazy and wanted to cross the border first.”


Laslo murmured in a low voice.


He could see that the king was getting impatient due to a lack of justification to start a war.


However, for no particular reason, the head of a nobleman who came as an envoy was beheaded.


It is a provocation that cannot be done without being very crazy.


“The problem there is the East. Their movements are extraordinary.”


“Do you mean the Eastern?”


“Both. Joint training between the territories is good, and the number of horsemen is quite large.”


“Did the king give you an order?”


Then a rustling sound was heard outside. They both bit their mouths at the same time.


“Brother, here, huh? Isn’t it Sir Beller? When did you come?”


“Just a while ago. Zoltan. You come here, too”


“What’s going on, your faces are so serious?”


Instead of answering, Laslo pointed to the Beller with his chin. Beller briefly explained the conversation he had with Laslo.


“Is he crazy?”


Zoltan’s reaction was the same as Lazlo’s.


“He killed Duke Epsilon’s youngest son?”


“It is said that the head was cut off and sent in a box.”




At the additional words, Zoltan laughed in vain.

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“It seems that the king has made a firm decision. Brother.”


“Looks like it. I’ll probably have to move things up.”


“What? You’re going to move things up? Even now, the three of us are lacking!”


Zoltan grumbled loudly.


“Looking at what the king is doing, we don’t know when a war will break out, but we have to finish the defense as soon as possible.”


“What defense are you talking about?”


Beller, unable to follow the brother’s conversation, asked, rolling his eyes.


“Preparing for war. I’ll die at this rate because I have to train the soldiers day and night, and I have to pay attention to the repair of the defense line and preparing supplies. Sir Beller.”


“Oh, I see.”


Zoltan cried. Beller smiled awkwardly and nodded. Of course, Laslo didn’t blink an eye.


“By the way, how’s the Elesh training going?”


“Oh yeah. there’s that too. It’s because I’m in charge of the Elesh training!”




Laslo looked intently at his younger brother. Zoltan scratched the back of his head and spoke.


“Two people who are training right now can be put in right away. I’m training five more people. It may take some time.”


“Good. As soon as the training is over, put them all on Agnes.”


“All 5 of them?”






Zoltan was surprised and asked back. Beller also didn’t say anything, but he seemed surprised.


“You can put two in right away.”


“Brother, Elesh is the guardian of the head of the house.”


“I know.”


“You know…….”


Zoltan let out a short sigh.


“Anyway, the Senate was overturned because you said you’re going to war yourself, so if they find out that more than half of Elesh has been given to the duchess, it will be a mess.”


“They’re meaningless to me anyway.”


“Why is it meaningless? It is their job to protect the head.”


“As long as Agnes is alive, I will live too.”


Laslo declared with a serious face. Zoltan was speechless.



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“Then deliver it straight to Elesh. Treat her as if you were, no, treat her more preciously than your life and protect her.”


“Okay, I got it. But seven…….”




Laslo cut off his words.


“I am your older brother, but at the same time I am your master. It is your duty to obey my words.”


Laslo said firmly. Zoltan frowned, and soon bowed his head.


“I’ll do that.”


“You may go now and Sir Beller come with me to the office”


“Yes, master.”




“I’m Max Rohan.”


He was a completely different man from what Agnes expected.


When she heard it from Lisa, she thought he was an ordinary knight, but when she saw him in person, his face was so beautiful that she thought an actor from a troupe would suit him better than being a knight.


“Nice to meet you. Sir Rohan.”


“I heard about the story roughly.”


He said somewhat bluntly. The maid put the teacup in front of him and secretly glanced at him.


“How do you feel?”


“I’ve recovered a lot.”


In fact, Max was not like a human when he arrived in Sutmar.


His body was covered with bruises, as if he had been beaten by someone.


So, it was the first time they talked face to face after arriving and receiving treatment from the doctor.


“Thank you, Duchess. How should I repay the favor I received?”


“That’s enough. I didn’t bring you here to be thanked.”


Agnes waved her hand lightly.


“What do you want to do?”




“You know, A place to live. Do you have a separate place in mind?”


“I don’t have any. I was about to die anyway, so would I have not thought of a place to live?”


Max said sarcastically. Agnes took a sip of the tea in front of her.


“Did you hear that Miss Lisa is getting married soon?”




He replied a beat late. His handsome forehead twitched a little.

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