She Was Sent by God

Chapter 82

“Hmm. You can settle down here if you want.”

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“This place?”


“Now that you have been knighted, you should know how to use a sword.”


“Yeah, but.”


Max hesitated with a somewhat vague look on his face.


“Yeah, what are you good at?”


She expected answers such as swordsmanship, archery, or magic, but an unusual answer came back.


“Looking after the child.”




“I’ve been taking care of Lady Lisa since she was 10 years old. I specialized in taking care of a child who likes running around like a wild foal.”


Agnes looked at his face, wondering if it was a joke, but there was no smile at all.


“There are no children in Estar Castle.”


“I can take care of grown-up adults running around, too.”


“……That’s very reliable.”


For this reason, Max Lohan became Agnes’ escort for the time being.


At first, Laslo looked unhappy when he saw Max’s face, but after he had a deep conversation with him.


“He’s a trustworthy person.”


He himself appointed him as Agnes’ escort knight.


“Sir Max’s swordsmanship seems to be pretty good, right?”


“He was a very strong-minded person.”


“Strong minded?”


I wondered what was important about the escort knight.


Around that time, the construction of the room where Agnes will stay was finally completed.


It was so wide and complicated that Ney even clicked her tongue.


“Isn’t this almost the same as the Queen’s Palace?”


“That’s right. How many rooms did you break?”


There were even more than seven doors that Agnes had to go through to get to the bedroom.


“I’m going to spend all my time opening and closing doors.”


Agnes grumbled as she passed through the fifth door.


The princess palace where she lived was not this much.


At this point, it felt like a one-story mansion rather than a room.


It was built like a maze so much that even the workers who did the construction tilted their heads.


“Oh, here, no. If you open this door. Ah! No. This is it.”


“Why did you make it so complicated?”


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“It’s for safety.”


Niall, who was next to her, added a little bit


“Safety? I’m in Estar, and Laslo is right next door. Do I need to worry about my safety?”


“There could be an unexpected situation. Your safety is always important.”


At her grumbling, Niall spoke awkwardly.


Finally, she opened the last door and entered the bedroom.


It is not enough to say that it is wide. Ney, who lived in the palace for a long time, opened her mouth wide.


“Wow, that’s amazing.”


Ney muttered.


She thought that only the room was enlarged, but it seems that all the furniture and wallpaper inside were changed.


The castle of Count Cellon, whom she had seen before, was as splendid as the royal palace, but it was nothing compared to this bedroom.


“What is…”


Agnes looked at the bed and opened her mouth in surprise.


The bed pillars were decorated with gold and jewels, making her blind.


Plus, it’s so big that five people can lie on it.


“The master must be determined.”


“What kind of bedroom is this? Even the queen would not have decorated her room so luxuriously.”


“I know.”


In addition to that, there was no end to the list of paintings and sculptures that were sparsely hung.


“Do you like it?”


Niall asked, secretly looking at Agnes’ eyes.


“I like it.”


“If you need anything else, please feel free to let me know.”


“There isn’t.”


Agnes shook her head nervously.


Since then, many have visited her bedroom. Everyone sighed with their mouths wide open.


Even Bushke, who never expressed her feelings for anything, was amazed to see the bedroom.


“It’s the most magnificent bedroom I’ve ever seen.”


“…Thank you.”


It was awkward to hear the words “bedroom” and “magnificence” at the same time, but she was able to get over it.


“Oh yeah. the data you mentioned.”




Agnes looked slowly through the pile of papers that Bushke had brought.


“But may I ask why you suddenly asked me to investigate infectious diseases that were prevalent in the past?”

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“The population in Sutmar is increasing, so we need to be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.”


“Hmm. I see.”


“By the way, did you find the disease with the symptoms I was talking about?”


“Ah, I did find similar symptoms in several books.”


Bushke pulled a piece of paper from the pile of documents and pointed to it.


“Chicks, rash, swelling in the groin and armpits. Right?”




“Although some of the symptoms are slightly different, the plague that is most similar to the symptoms described by the duchess is Deorgo disease.”




“It is a disease that was prevalent in the East about four hundred years ago, that is, where the Ditium Empire was.”


“How deadly is this disease?”


“According to the books, there was no more land to bury the dead, so they dumped it into a river, and later even that river was covered with corpses, which caused the river to deodorize.”


The plague that circulated in Nirseg was not that bad, but it took the lives of countless people.


“Is there any cure for this?”


Agnes asked with hope. But Bushke shook his head somewhat coldly.


“After the plague of Deorgo, the Ditium Empire was on the verge of destruction. No one has found a cure.”


“…I see.”


Agnes’ shoulders drooped down. Bushke hesitated for a moment but opened his mouth.


“Is the duchess looking for a cure for the plague?”


“Yes. I don’t know if it’s the exact disease I’m looking for though.”


“Then how about doing this?”




“First of all, you know the symptoms, so you have to track the disease in reverse.”


“You’re tracking it down in reverse?”


“There will be one or two overlapping diseases for each symptom.”


Bushke calmly continued the explanation.


“Then, if we study the cures for these diseases, won’t we be able to respond more quickly when the plagues we worry about later come around?”




Agnes’ eyes sparkled.


Even if it’s not a perfect solution, you may find a cure early when the epidemic spreads later.


“That’s a good idea.”


“Anyway, there are a lot of doctors and herbalists gathered because of the hospital, so how about entrusting them with research?”


“Good. That’s a great idea.”


Agnes smiled then called Adrienne.

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Soon Adrienne sat in the seat where Bushke sat.


“Research on the plague?”


“Yeah. It’s an area I’m particularly interested in.”


“There are many types of plagues, but what exactly…….”


Even before Adrienne finished talking, Agnes presented the data she received from Bushke.


“Deorgo, I am very interested in this disease.”


“If it’s Deorgo’s disease, it’s the plague that destroyed the Ditium Empire.”


Adrienne looked at the material with a rather careful eye.


“Exactly what direction do you want your research to go?”




Agnes said firmly.


“What I want is a cure for this plague.”


“But Madam. Deorgo’s disease has been gone for over four hundred years. It’s impossible to find a cure without a patient with symptoms.”


“I know. That’s why.”


Agnes outlines the method he had heard from Bushke. Adrienne thought for a moment, then shook her head.


“It makes sense.”


“Is it possible?”


“We may not be able to find a cure for the plague, but we can mimic it.”


“That’s a relief.”


“But in the case of plague, the most important thing is to maintain cleanliness and isolate patients with symptoms well.”


Adrien quickly added.




“Yes. Wash your hands and feet often.”


“Oh? Can you prevent the disease that way?”


“Of course. Just staying clean can be of great help. In fact, cleanliness is good not only for plague but also for preventing other diseases.”


Agnes listened attentively to the explanation. She took down notes with a serious look.


“I’m surprised. Where did you learn all that?”


“At school.”


“School? What’s that?”




Adrienne hesitated for a moment.


“What school is……. It’s an organization that brings children together in one place and teaches them basic knowledge such as writing and arithmetic.”


“Who tells you that?”


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“Teacher? Well, is it like a tutor who teaches common people?”


“Oh, well. It’s similar.”


She replied with an awkward smile.


“Is school in the Arahan archipelago like a hospital?”


“No, they don’t have it in Arahan. Uh, it was where I lived.”


“Where, you live? Where did you live?”


“Umm. It’s very far from Nirseg. I lived very far away.”


As the question deepened, Adrienne glossed over the background.


Agnes put down the documents without further inquiring.


“Okay. Can you start researching on how to cure it?”


“Of course, Madam.”


“Please do me a favor.”


“Okay. I’ll discuss it with the doctors today.”


Adrienne left the room. Looking around, the sun has already set.


‘If Adrienne can find a cure to the plaque,


I could prevent the two princes from dying in a row.


If so, it may prevent the terrible future.


I know the possibility is weak, but I can’t just let it pass.’






“What are you thinking so deeply?”


Laslo was in front of her when she came into her senses.


“It’s nothing.”


Agnes smiled and shook her head.


“The room, hmmm. How was it?”


“Oh, I like it.”


“How much?”




“How much do you like it?”


Laslo asked persistently, unlike usual. Agnes glanced up at him and smiled.


“It’s gorgeous as if I’m back at the palace.”


“I told the construction workers to make it as close to the royal palace as possible.”


Laslo said with a face full of excitement.

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