She Was Sent by God

Chapter 86

That’s understandable.

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As the war continued forcibly, food was also forcibly taken out from the people, and many were dragged to the battlefield and failed to return.

Someone must be responsible for the war, even if they may have won.

– Who started the war?

– Who made my son die?

People’s resentment only grew.

The fact that the king had deliberately started a war with Devon was something that could be known just by wandering around in the streets.

The reason why the civil war did not occur was because people were dying every day due to a serious epidemic.

‘If it wasn’t for that, there would have been a riot.’

Ney approached cautiously.


“The butler is here.”

“Oh, yes. It just worked out. Tell him to come in.”

After Ney said yes, she went out. The door opened and Niall strode in.

“Madam, I brought a summary of last month’s expenses. Please check.”

“Okay. Put it there.”

Niall continued to report on the usual work. Agnes listened moderately and then stopped talking.

“But how much wheat is currently stockpiled in the castle?”

“If we give it all to residents of the territory, we can survive for a year.”

“Including autumn harvest?”

“No, the autumn harvest hasn’t started yet, so it’s not included.”

The state of the food supply is not bad because of steady purchases.

“How are the soldiers’ weapons? something like a sword or a spear. Has everything been paid?”

“We oil it once a month and manage it periodically, and each person has one or more weapons ready.”

“What about military training?”

“In addition to regular training, Zoltan has been conducting additional training these days.”

Niall answered without hesitation as if he had expected.

“Is that so? That’s a relief.”

“Don’t worry too much. Madam. We are preparing step by step.”


“Yeah. Because of the war, right? We’re preparing without any shortcomings.”

“You were already preparing for war?”

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Agnes’ face was distorted as usual.

Then, realizing that something was wrong, Niall hurriedly gave excuses.

“Oh, yeah. I mean……. I meant I was preparing in advance because there could be a war someday.”

“Since when have you been doing this?”



As she stared into his eyes, Niall hesitated and finally confessed.

“……I thought you had already talked to the master.”

“Answer the question. When did Laslo give such an order?”

“It’s right after you come down from the capital city at the end of spring.”

“That early?”

If so, then he must have known that fact while he was in the capital.

Although they had been together all the time, even Agnes, who knew in advance that war was going to happen, did not sense any special warfare.

Her mind became more complicated. Niall looked at her slowly and asked.

“Shall I go out now?”

“No. I have more to ask. So, who knows about this fact?”

“As far as I know, Sir Zoltan and Lord Beller know everything.”

“Yeah? There were four other people I knew, including you, Niall, but you did not even bother telling me anything.”

“Hmm… I think, it’s… Of course, I thought the owner told you in advance.….”

Niall made vague excuses. Agnes rubbed her temples and blinked slowly.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you in advance. Madam.”

“Is there another important story that you didn’t tell me?”

“Absolutely not!”

Niall jumped in denial.

“Your work has been very meticulous and sincere so far, so I have never been disappointed, but this one is below my expectations.”

“I’m sorry. It’s my ignorance that I rushed to assume that you already knew. I will make sure that nothing like this happens later.”

He apologized again and again. Agnes waved her hand and drove Niall out.

“That’s good. Get out now.”

To be honest, She was a little shocked. Of course, married couples do not have to share everything.

However, she felt disappointed

‘Why didn’t you tell me?’

She tried to guess the reason, but she couldn’t come up with a reasonable reason.

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“Where is Laslo right now?”

“He went to the defense line with Count Dentarike in the afternoon and hasn’t returned yet.”


Laslo returned to the castle only after the sun had completely set. The servant announced his return and asked.

“Shall I tell him that the Madam is looking for him?”

“No. You don’t have to do that.”

Agnes cleared up her troubled mind and went to bed early.

Laslo knocked on the bedroom door as she was about to go to bed.

“Agnes, were you about to go to bed?”

“What happened?”

She greeted him with a rather clerical and hard voice.

“The bed, hmmm. You said it’s too big.”

Then, he slowly came closer to the bed.

If it were usual, she would have welcomed him by popping the seat next to her, but Agnes remained expressionless.

As he sat down on the bed without saying a word, Laslo looked into Agnes’ eyes and said:

“You don’t look good. Did something happen?”

“There was.”

“Hmm? What’s going on?”

“I found out that Niall was not reporting something very important to me.”

“What? Niall?”

He asked in surprise.

“What is it that didn’t he report?”

“He didn’t tell me at all that he had been preparing for the war since the duke came down from the capital.”


“This is too much; don’t you think so?”


“Why aren’t you talking?”

Laslo kept his mouth open for a moment with a troubled expression. Agnes looked at him with arms crossed. He opened his mouth after a moment of silence.

“I didn’t mean to hide it on purpose, I was going to tell you about it when the time comes.”

“When is that?”

Agnes’ face hardened coldly.

Laslo did not open his mouth for a long time, but finally spoke at Agnes’ urging.

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“So, soon. I was going to tell you right after the harvest.”

“Harvest? HA! You mean you were trying to hide it right before the war?”


“The Duke said I was the owner of Sutmar but made me a fool who actually knew nothing. Do you know how absurd it was to hear that story from the people below?”

“I’m sorry. I thought you’d be worried openly if you knew I was going to war.”


Agnes doubted what she heard for a moment. Laslo did not see her puzzled face.

“My thoughts were short. You are also the owner of Sutmar. From now on, for sure.”

“Wait a minute.


“Where are you going? War? Why are you going to war?”

“Oh… haven’t heard about that yet.”

Laslo’s face looked completely frustrated. Agnes snatched his wrist.

“What does that mean? Please explain it properly.”

Agnes exclaimed frantically.

Half of her face was hard to see because of the shadows. Laslo sighed briefly.

“It’s literally the same. I’m going to war.”


In the past, Zoltan went to war. That’s the right case.

It is rather rare for the head of state to go directly to war.

Marquis Kiske had already grown-up children, so it was acceptable.

So, it doesn’t make sense for Laslo, who doesn’t even have a proper successor, to go to war.

“How about Lord Zoltan? Isn’t it natural for him to go to war?”

“It should be.”

“Then why are you going to war?”


“Are you worried about sending Sir Zoltan away? Of course, it can be worrisome. But don’t worry too much. He will surely come back safely.”

In fact, Zoltan returned healthy without any injuries other than minor bruises.

“It’s not because of that.”

“Then why does the Duke of Arpad go to war himself?”

Laslo shut his mouth with an ambiguous expression on his face. Agnes beat his chest in frustration.

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“It’s not like you need to achieve something from the war or you don’t have anyone to send, right?”


“There must be someone who forces you to go to war…….”

Agnes stopped talking.

There’s only one person.

There is someone in this country who can force the Duke of Arpad.

“It’s Sebastian.”

Otherwise, it doesn’t make sense. There is no reason for Laslo to go to war unless the king puts pressure on him.

Her face turned cold in an instant.

“Did the king black mailed you? Is he going to kill me if you don’t go to war?”



“I’m not going to war out of fear, I just made a deal with the king.”

“You made a deal?”

“Yeah. It was an important deal.”

“What is it? What kind of deal did you make to risk your life on the battlefield?”

Laslo laughed out of context at her serious question. Seeing that, she felt frustrated as if her throat was clogged.

“Why are you laughing?”

“Because I’m glad you’re worrying about me.”

“If you’re so happy, feel free to tell me. What kind of deal did you make with the king?”

“Do you trust me?”

He said it out of the blue. Agnes stared at him to gauge the intention of the question.

She said abruptly.

“I trust you, of course.”

“Then please don’t ask what the deal was.”


Agnes pursed his lips. Laslo just laughed.

“You were going to go to sleep earlier, right? Lay down first. I’ll just change my clothes and come.”


There were a lot of things she wanted to say, but nothing came out of her mouth.

She also remembered forcing her to trust him in the early days of their marriage, so she couldn’t ask for more.

Shortly after lying down, Laslo turned off the light and lay down next to her.

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