She Was Sent by God

Chapter 87

It was so quiet that they could hear each other’s breathing.

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She can’t fall asleep. As Agnes kept tossing and turning, he spoke in a small voice.

“If it’s uncomfortable, shall I go to the next room?”


Her voice was higher than usual because she spoke urgently. He laughed, then the room became quiet again.

Agnes wandered for a while, then moved to the side where Laslo was lying.



“Can you not go?”


“I don’t know what the deal was with Sebastian, but tell me a little bit. I’ll solve everything for you.”

She said with a very reassuring and trustworthy face. Laslo tried not to laugh, but to no avail.

“Stop laughing and tell me. I’ll settle with him right away and make sure there is no deal.”

“I can get what I want only when I go to war.”

“Can’t I get it for you?”

Laslo blinked slowly. He reached out and took off the hair on Agnes’ cheeks.

“I think it will be difficult.”

“How important is it?”

“It’s very important.”

At that moment, the word “better than me?” almost popped out, but she bit her tongue.

“Laslo, I know that you are an excellent general.”

Agnes calmly talked to persuade him.

“But isn’t war a dangerous place where no one can predict when, where, or what will happen?”


“You still have to go? Whatever happens?”


“Say it.”

Laslo looked into Agnes’ eyes for a long time without saying a word.

The room was dark, but not so much that she couldn’t tell the expression on his face.

He bowed his face. It was so close that the tip of their nose touched in an instant.

Agnes swallowed his breath.

“I have to go.”

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“No matter what.”

Agnes suddenly became annoyed to see his dark green eyes.

Her chest was stuffy as if she had been stabbed deep in the depths of her chest.

Agnes was about to say something, but she just closed her eyes and shut her mouth.

“Don’t worry too much. I’m going to take care of everything and go.


“The defense line is also in the process of being repaired, so there shouldn’t be a problem to worry about. The intrusion of the demonic beasts is also gradually decreasing, and the number of knights has increased generously…….”



Laslo’s finger touched her cheek. Tears streamed down the tip of his chin.

“What if you get hurt?”

Her voice trembled terribly.

The tears that had been attached to her eyelashes were dripping down.

“What if you die again?”

Lord Beller, the eldest daughter of Count Barania, was also an excellent knight.

However, countless thousands of well-known armed forces were killed by enemy swords or succumbed to infectious diseases.

“Then what should I do?”

The mere thought of him returning to the coffin instead of Sir Beller felt suffocating.

His right arm, rotting on a pole, which she will never forget, comes to mind again.

She was so terrified that her neck felt numb.

Agnes gasped involuntarily. Laslo down at her with curious eyes.

“I can’t promise you that it won’t happen.”

He stretched out his palm and covered her cheek.

“I will definitely come back.”


“Don’t cry.”

His hand stroking her cheek was as sweet as ever.

Agnes bit her lip hard as she shed hot tears. Laslo’s fingers patted his lips.

“It will hurt.”


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‘Did you know that my chest hurts several times more than my lips?’

Agnes quietly wiped away her tears.

“It’s late at night. Go to sleep.”

Laslo patted her back and shoulders still.

He never said that he would not go until the end.

It had been several hours since Agnes fell asleep.

He wiped the tears from her cheeks with his thumb.

A lot of thoughts crossed his mind.

What is more painful than seeing her weeping is the fear that he may not be able to protect her.

When the dawn broke out, Laslo quietly got up and left the room.

* * *

“Oh my.”

One of the maids who had brought washing water saw Agnes getting up from the bed and let out a short moan.

“Your eyes are very swollen, Madam.”


Agnes answered half-heartedly and looked around. The warmth of a person had already disappeared next to her.

“What about Laslo?”

“He went to the training field early in the morning.”

The maid answered politely. At the same time, after immersing the towel in cold water, she carefully pressed it on Agnes’ eyes.

“I think you should apply ice packs.”

Agnes just shook her head without energy. Her heart was heavy and her mind was complicated.

“By the way, I got a letter from your mother this morning.”

The maid standing behind brought a silver tray prepared in advance.

“It’s a black ribbon.”

It is a sign indicating the death of someone. Upon closer inspection, the seal on the envelope belongs to the Sandor family.

<The Marquis of Sandor died. Succession to Roland Sandor in the near future.>

That was all that was written.

The hand holding the letter gained strength. This is not because the death of Marquis Sandor is surprising.

Not long after the death of Marquis Sandor, Roland was hanged by the castle gate.

“Get some stationery and a pen right now.”

“Yes Madam.”

Perhaps realizing that Agnes’ expression was unusual, the maid quickly brought the paper.

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She scribbled a letter, put it in an envelope, and sealed it with wax.

“Send this letter to the mansion of the Marquis of Sandor. as soon as possible.”

“I’ll tell the butler right away.”

“What about Erica?”

“Oh, I heard she’s going to leave this morning.”


Agnes lightly finished dressing up and went to Erica’s room.

Seeing Agnes coming, Erica covered her mouth and smiled.

“You don’t have to greet me.”

“The Marquis of Sandor is dead. Sir Roland will inherit the title.”

Surprisingly quickly, Erica’s mouth hardened. Agnes continued to speak.

“A letter came in the morning.”

“Things got complicated. I can’t believe the king’s strongest and most enthusiastic follower died at a time when the war was just around the corner.”


“Isn’t the successor, Lord Roland, a supporter of the king anyway?”

Agnes glanced at Erica.

Erica doesn’t know yet that Roland is secretly communicating with Agnes

“Roland is a little different from Marquis Sandor. It’s complicated, so to speak, he is not enthusiastically loyal to the king.”

Agnes, who was listening to Erica, suddenly had a thought.

‘What if Roland had opposed war in the past?’

“If… What would happen if Roland didn’t approve of the war?”

“That would be very disadvantageous to the king. Not only the aristocrats but also the royalists are dissatisfied with the war.”

At first, I thought that the reason why Sebastian killed Roland was simply because he knew Roland’s identity.

But if you think about it, the Sandor family were the king’s strongest supporters.

Even if they secretly have power, it would be a waste of their flesh to attack the Sandor family.

‘What if the dissatisfaction of other nobles was put to rest by killing Roland, who opposed the war?’

Agnes had goosebumps all over her body for a moment.

Now it feels like the scattered pieces have been put together.

“……he killed him and set him as an example.”


If it’s Sebastian, it’s a thought that can be done enough.

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At that moment, Agnes thought about the letter he had sent to Roland.

“Oh, my!”


Erica, who didn’t know what was going on, tilted her head. Agnes urgently called the servant next to him.

“You! Go to Niall right away and get the letter I gave you this morning again. If the messenger has departed, you must follow and bring back the letter.”


The servant rushed out. Agnes only then gave Erica a look, who was standing still.

“What about Kiske?”

“If you are asking about the pros and cons of war, as always, I intend to deal with it neutrally.”

“Okay, I see. The king seems to have decided to start a war anyway, but there is no need to step up and oppose it.”

Agnes nodded several times.

“By the way, I’ve been holding on to the person who’s leaving for too long.”

“No. Thanks to you, I knew that Roland would sit in the nobility.”

Erica bowed with her knees bent.

“I think I should get going now. I won’t forget your warm hospitality, Duchess.”


Erica, wearing a hat with flowers, left the room with the maids she had brought.

Shortly after she left, the servant rushed in with a letter.

“It has not been shipped yet, so I got it in a hurry.”

“Good work.”

Agnes burned the letter down and wrote a new letter to Roland.

<Never oppose the war>

That was all the content of the letter. There is not enough time to write down the detailed circumstances.

She handed the letter back to the servant.

“Now, send it back with this.”

“Yes, Madam.”

When the servant left, she felt relieved.

Everything went by so quickly. Without a break.

It’s hard to believe it’s only been a year since she returned to the past.

Many things have changed.

Although she hoped for the future to change, she was anxious about the changed future.

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