She Was Sent by God

Chapter 88

Agnes stood by the window for a while, watching Erica leave.

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The maid next to her suggested eating breakfast, but she shook her head.

Her mind was complicated and confused, she had no appetite at all.

“Rather than that, did you say that Laslo went to the training ground?”

“Yes madam.”

“Let’s go there.”

Agnes headed towards the training ground with the maid leading her. It was farther than she thought, they had to walk for quite a while.

“Where is he?”

When they arrived at the entrance of the training ground, the maid continued to look around, unable to find Laslo.

“Isn’t he over there?”


Agnes raised her hand and pointed to where he was standing. The maid pulled out her head and looked.

“Oh, that’s true. You have good eyesight, Madam.”

“It’s not that I have good eyes, it’s Laslo…”

She stopped talking and felt weird. When they arrived at the gymnasium, Agnes was able to find Laslo in an instant.

It’s not because he’s much bigger than others or because he has a unique hair color.

It’s like her eyes can only see Laslo.

Even though the place was full of hundreds of knights and soldiers, only that man had color.

It’s strange.

Agnes forgot to approach him and stood tall.

Everyone in the world is faint, but Laslo was as clear as if someone had painted him.


Noticing that she was coming, Laslo came closer to Agnes.

Agnes came senses and told the reason why she had come to see him.

“A messenger came this morning.”

“Messenger? Where?”

“The Marquis of Sandor died and his son will take over his title.”


He let out a light breath.

“Is the son Roland Sandor? We met at the party then?”

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“That’s right.”

“Things are getting more and more complicated. No, it could be a good thing for the king.”

Laslo muttered to himself. Agnes grabbed his hand with concern.

“Don’t go to the noble council and disagree with the king.”

“Is he even going to listen to my opinion?”

He replied cynically.

“You’re right. Since the king has made all the decisions anyway, there is no need to offend him.”

“I’ll do that.”

She nodded with a serious look.

“Oh, did you hear about the armor from Andrassy?”

“I heard about it last night. When did you prepare the armor?”

“Before making yours, I asked them to make it as a trial. The performance is a little lower than what I gave you, but it’s useful.”

“How much stock do you have?”

“I’ll be able to make 5,000 before the harvest season. Would that be enough?”

At her words, Laslo’s expression changed strangely.

“Why? Is it not enough?”

“No, I just thought what would I do without you.”

“What’s the big deal? I’m sure you’d do a good job even without me.”

“I’m not sure.”

He smiled suspiciously and then suddenly hugged Agnes.

“Hmm? What’s wrong with you?”

“Just. Because I like you.”

“How much?”

“How much?”

“How great is it?”

She frowned to the fullest. Laslo was a little flustered. He tried to find the right word.

“That, well. very much? a lot?”

“Then don’t go to war.”

Agnes lifted her head up and looked up at Laslo, and said firmly.

“How can you go to war without me, whom you like very, very much? Wouldn’t it be difficult to go to war because you’d miss me every day?”

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Instead of answering, Laslo laughed out loud at the words. Agnes’s face was absurdly serious from earlier.

“Think carefully. It’s not a territorial inspection of Laslo, but a war. I, We don’t know how long the war will last, but for that long period of time! “What about me?””

Agnes continued to speak, emphasizing the latter words exceptionally loudly. The voice was so loud that the soldiers around him looked back.

“Isn’t it impossible to leave me here at the estate alone?”

“That’s true.”

“Right? That’s true, right?”

Laslo has been smiling since earlier. The arm surrounding her waist became tighter.

“I think I should draw a portrait of you and take it with me.”

“No! Are you satisfied with that?”

“But I can’t take you to war.”

“As long as you don’t go to war. Then you can see me every day.”

Agnes said exaggeratedly as if it was a huge benefit.

He just chuckled. Agnes didn’t even budge when he added a few more words.

A knight sneaked up to the side of the lord and his wife and stood there. He looks like he has a lot to say.

Seeing this, Laslo released his strength from his arm that was holding her waist.

“I think I have to go back. If you have time in the evening, would you like to have dinner together?”


“I’ll see you later.”

He left after leaving a familiar light kiss on her forehead.

Agnes watched Laslo’s back, which was moving away, and swept down her forehead he had kissed.

Her heart was pounding strangely.

It was hard to see Laslo moving away even though she knew he was not leaving for the battlefield tomorrow.

Agnes placed her hand over her beating heart. The maid who was watching over her asked, examining her complexion.

“Are you feeling unwell? Should I call the doctor?”


She shook her head slowly.

“Let’s go back now.”

Not knowing the source of the pain in her chest, she returned to the castle.

* * *

Laslo kept what he said thoroughly.

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“Who came?”

“A portrait painter.”

“Painter? Why all of a sudden? I don’t remember calling for it. Did Laslo call him?”

“Yes. The Master called for the most famous painter in the area and instructed him to paint a portrait of the Duchess.”

She wondered why it was a portrait, but she remembered the conversation they had at the training ground yesterday.

She thought it was a joke, but she guessed he really meant to draw a portrait of her and take it to the battlefield.

“……Let him in.”

She was happy Laslo was thinking of her but knowing where he would take it makes her feel sad.

Soon after, a skinny man with a silver beard came in and bowed.

“My name is Francis Revene. Duchess. I will do my best to capture the beautiful and noble appearance of the Duchess on the canvas. Where should I proceed with the work? Do you like indoors or outdoors? I usually work indoors, but lately it has become very fashionable among ladies to paint portraits with flowers in the garden.”

The painter didn’t even breathe as he said what he needed to say. Agnes got a little tired of the endless talk.

“Do what you feel comfortable with.”

“Ah, then how about working in the garden on a sunny and nice day? I looked around the garden for a while before coming to the drawing room, and I was amazed.”

“Do it like that. How long does it take to draw?”

“It only takes a fortnight to draw a draft. During the coloring stage my assistants……..”


Agnes cut off Francis’ words without mercy.

“Does it take 15 days to draw a draft?”

“Because I have to be careful to capture the beauty of the Duchess on the canvas.”

He replied quickly as if he had prepared. Agnes snorted inwardly.

Painting a portrait is like a royal annual event. In other words, it means that they know how long it takes from the draft to coloring.

“Careful? 15 days in the draft?”

“Yes? that is……”

“Are you an incompetent painter or Laslo instructed you to do so.”

Unlike before, the painter kept his mouth shut.

“Are you trying to show me your incompetence?”


“Laslo ordered you to waste my time by painting a portrait as an excuse.”

The painter, who missed the time to deny, put on a pitiful expression on his face.

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“I am only here by the order of the Duke.”

Agnes raised her head stiffly and folded her arms.

“I’ll give you three days.”


“The situation is chaotic; I don’t have time to draw portraits leisurely. Finish the draft in three days.”

“But three days is too…….”

“If you can’t do it, I’ll have to call someone else.”

“I’ll do it!”

He answered quickly. Painting a portrait of the Duchess is a task that is hard to miss.

“I’m busy, so let’s start working at noon today.”

“Yes. I will prepare right now.”

After the painter had finished speaking, he bowed down and went outside.

Ney, who was standing far away, crept up and spoke to her.

“What kind of dress should I prepare?”

“It doesn’t matter, so look at it and choose appropriately.”

“But it’s your first portrait in Sutmar, so wouldn’t it be nice if it came out beautifully? It would hang in the hallway….”

“It is the duty of a painter to erase my external flaws and paint beautifully.”

Ney grumbled alone at her sour reaction.

Regardless, Agnes’ mind is completely somewhere.

“What about Sir Zoltan? Did you call him? He still hasn’t come?”

“Should I send the maid again?”


Agnes nodded dissatisfied.

This morning, a message came from the capital to attend the noble council.

Laslo must leave for the capital within four days to meet the date.

Agnes tried to persuade Laslo with all sorts of cowardice, but was unsuccessful.

“I wish I knew what the terms of the deal were…”


“I didn’t say that to you.”

Agnes shook her hand. Ney brought a fancy dress and helped her change.

Contrary to his increasingly glamorous appearance, her mind was just complicated.

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