She Was Sent by God

Chapter 89

‘What kind of deal did you make with the king?’

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She was so caught up in that thought that she didn’t even notice that her makeup was finished.

“It’s done. Madam.”

Ney brought a mirror, making a fuss. Agnes glanced at her face and turned her head right away.

“Let’s go.”

Agnes went to the garden expressionless. Francis was waiting with a big smile to the point where his teeth were visible.

“You are so beautiful! You can sit on this chair. Yes. That’s right. turn your head towards me A little more to the right, yes, that’s right. You are really great.”

Agnes looked around with a bored look on his face and accidentally found a Zoltan passing by in the distance.

“Sir Zoltan!”

Agnes raised her voice, fearing that he might just pass by.

Instead of walking down the street, Zoltan walked towards Agnes.

“The training has just ended. I’m on my way to meet you right now. I heard that you’ve called me.”

“Yes. I have something to tell you, so please sit here.”

“D, Duchess. Excuse me, could you please look this way?”

At the painter’s request, Agnes spoke to Zoltan, sitting next to him with her face and body facing forward.

“You knew Laslo was going to war, right?”

“Yes. My brother told me.”

“Did the vassals stay still?”

I’m sure the vassals consisting of stubborn and conservative elderly people wouldn’t have stayed still.

As expected, Zoltan frowned and sighed.

“Don’t even talk. The vassals was turned upside down.”

“What about you?”


“What did you do when you heard that the Lord is going to war?”

“Princess. Do you think I did not stop him?”

Zoltan immediately refuted with his eyes wide open. Agnes turned her head to look at Zoltan.

“No, but you still need to try. Does it make sense that the Head of the house who doesn’t even have a successor would go to war?”

“Do you think I didn’t say that? I said it dozens of times. I’m going to war. Please let me go instead. But what can I do if he doesn’t even listen to me?”

Zoltan complained as if he had waited. Agnes turned his body completely toward Zoltan.

“Do you have any idea why Laslo is so stubborn?”

“I don’t know either.”

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“Duchess, I’m sorry, but can you turn your head this way?”

“Really? Sir Zoltan. Look straight into my eyes, are you really telling the truth?”

“It’s true. Why would I lie to the princess? I’m frustrated, too. Come on, please believe me.”

“Duchess, please turn this way. Yes, this way. This way.”

The painter was restless and called for Agnes. She let out a short sigh and turned to face her.

“Four days later, Laslo is going to the capital.”

“I heard. A messenger came from the royal palace this morning, right?”

“Once the aristocratic association is held, 10 days is a given. Moreover, this time, the issue could be longer as it is.”

“It takes a while to get to and from the capital from here, it will take a month.”

“It means that the war will happen in no time.”

Agnes tapped the table with her fingertips.

“Can’t we change Laslo’s mind in three days?”


He called her in a rather serious voice.

“I’ve known my brother my whole life, he rarely changes a decision he made once. Rather,”


“Please send him off to have a safe trip.”


There were so many things she wanted to say that she couldn’t say anything.

In an instant, a lot of emotions came up but gradually faded.

Zoltan, unaware of the change within her, continued.

“It seems that my brother has already decided to go to war, so what can I say to change his mind? Even if our dead father comes back alive, he will go to war.”

“Is it that bad?”

“That’s about it. Brother is stubborn. You’ve been married for a year, didn’t you know?”

Agnes looked back on the past. He used to let Agnes off easily, so she thought he was stubborn.

“Once my brother insisted, even our parents would raise both hands and feet. He’s not a person to bend his opinion just because I say a few more words.”

Zoltan shook his head and got up from his seat.

“Then please give up on stopping him, Princess. That will make him feel at ease.”

“Wait, where are you going?”

“I have a lot of work to do because of the war.”

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He grunted a little. Zoltan left without looking back.

After Zoltan left, Agnes was lost in thought for a while.

She was impatient. Fear easily crept into her heart and shook her.

“That’s all for today. Thank you for your hard work. Duchess.”

The painter excitedly poured out praises about her beautiful and noble figure.

However, none of the pleasant words entered Agnes’ ears.

She left the garden with an expressionless face and walked to the castle.

“Madam, the dining room is over here…….”

“I need to get some air.”

“All right.”

As she walked, she arrived at the watchtower. The dense forest and sky were the only scenery.

She stared ahead blankly. The sun was setting before she knew it.

Every time she took a breath, clean, cold air filled her lungs, but her chest felt stuffy as if it was covered with stones.

After only a few blinks, darkness came.


Max, who was quietly escorting her, opened his mouth. Agnes slowly turned her head.

There Laslo was standing there like a lie.



She didn’t answer. She just stared at him with silent eyes. Laslo came a step closer.

“I’ve been looking for you for a while.”


“It’s getting late, so let’s go back to the castle.”

“Are you sure you want to go?”

Laslo quickly realized what Agnes was talking about.


He spoke calmly and firmly.


Agnes managed to open her mouth.

“I can’t watch it twice.”


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“You, dying.”


Laslo looked a little perplexed. He took a step towards her.

“What do you mean twice? Have I ever died leaving you behind?”


“I know what you are concerned about. A battlefield is a place where nothing is safe. But I promise. I will do my best to come back safely.”

He said in a soothing voice. She then realized.

Laslo will never understand the fear and anxiety Agnes feels.

You will never know how great the pain is or how deep it is.

“Then do this.”


“Let’s make a ritual of oath before you go to war.”

“Agnes, but that’s…”

“So that nothing, even death, can separate our souls.”

“Are you serious? If you do the oath ceremony……”

“I know. We’re going to be completely part of each other, and we won’t be able to have children unless we have each other.”

Agnes spoke quietly. I think I can feel a little more relieved if I perform a ritual that binds even the soul.

“Agnes, by any chance… So, just in case….”


“The oath ceremony is, if you want me to……. no. Nothing.”

As Agnes looked at him without saying a word, Laslo hurriedly shook his head.

The expression on his face was subtle and difficult to read. He seemed disappointed and pleased.

When he did not readily affirm, Agnes spoke again.

“You said you have to go to war no matter what.”


“I’m not used to respecting someone’s decision. Usually, others respected and followed my decision.”

The king has never refused her youngest daughter’s wishes.

It was the same with the Queen and Chavolti. She was born and raised as a princess.

“But you are different. You don’t even explain why you’re going to war, so there’s a thousand emotions burning inside me.”


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“Still, I believe in you. I respect you because it’s you.”

Agnes did not raise her tone. All the while, she spoke calmly and quietly.

“So please respect my decision, too. Give me confidence. Swear you’ll come back alive in Sutmar.”


“The only thing I can lean on while you’re at war is this oath.”


“This is also the least amount of respect for me who has to wait in this castle while struggling to see if you are dead or alive.”

Laslo put a hand on her shoulder without a word. He lowered his face and met her eyes.

“You won’t regret it, will you?”

“I might regret it.”

Agnes calmly said.

“But it’s better than regretting letting you go like this.”

Perhaps reading the sincerity from her eyes, Laslo nodded with difficulty.

“Let’s tell the Minister to prepare for the ceremony.”

“I hope we can do it in two days.”

“That fast?”

“I don’t think it’s fast. I’ve been thinking about it since the first day I came here.”

“…I’ll do that.”

After a moment’s hesitation, Laslo agreed.

“Let’s go back now.”

He reached out his hand first. Agnes stared at the thick and big man’s hand.

She slowly reached out and placed it on her hand. It was so warm that she felt relieved.

Since when did this hand give her peace?

It feels like a long time ago when she thought he was a cold and blunt man.

She squeezed his arm and pulled it down slightly, and Laslo looked down at her.

She met his firm, unchanging eyes.

“What’s going on?”


Agnes shook her head. The stride of walking side by side and the warmth of tightly woven hands were very pleasing.

To the point where she doesn’t want to let go.

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